RepoUpdater: allow to set recordRemoteBranch via config

The RepoCommand has a recordRemoteBranch option, but it is not read
from the configuration (it is always set to true). The "branch"
attribute controls also the autoupdate of submodules and in some
branches we want to disable that.

Read the value from the conf and pass it to the RepoUpdater. Default
to true to keep the current behavior.

Change-Id: I728853f69bf3c21c882b3eae17e4eeb7b2cc3621
3 files changed
tree: f68992586ca58fd6eee4ccfc75606b13effac0c0
  1. java/
  2. javatests/
  3. BUILD
  4. external_plugin_deps.bzl

The plugin will update a superproject to contain the submodules defined in the manifest XML file whenever the manifest repo is changed.

For more information see the documentation or the build instructions