Add metric for sum of SHA1s

It is not possible to have a metric with a non-numeric value, so we
calculate the numeric representation of the SHA1. However, SHA1s are
too big to fit with a numeric data type, so a truncated version of the
numeric value is calculated.

The numerical calculation was taken from [1].


Change-Id: I09bb9bda8f6e5dc655aa5b9db9bee120cc47ce51
1 file changed
tree: 8071bd583e4e423192dc034c6e9eec481a43a86a
  1. admin/
  2. multi-primary/

Gerrit scripting plugins collection


This repository contains a collection of Gerrit scripting plugins that are intended to provide simple and useful extensions.

How to run the scripting plugins

Gerrit needs to be able to recognise the scripts syntax and being able to load them as plugins.

In order to be able to run Groovy scripts, you need to install first the Groovy scripting provider and then copy the Groovy scripts under your Gerrit /plugins directory.

Similarly for Scala scripts, you need to install the Scala scripting provider and then copy the Scala scripts under your Gerrit /plugins directory.

Administration Scripts

Gerrit multi-primary Scripts