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  1. 556736f First version of the scripting rules by Maxime Guerreiro · 7 years ago master
  2. 97fdb7b Initial empty repository by Patrick Hiesel · 7 years ago

Scripting Rules


This plugin is an experimentation, and as such, no guarantees are offered regarding its future.

The objective of this plugin is to simplify the step of defining custom submit rules for project owners who don't have administrative privileges. This repository contains a framework making it easier to write scripting engines, but the exact definition of an engine is still blurry. Ideally, writing a Prolog engine from scratch should be easier thanks to this plugin.

The first engine provided will allow rules to be written in JavaScript. Communication between the rules and the users relies on submit requirements.

Developer's toolbox

This project relies on the Bazel build system, just like the rest of the Gerrit project.

In order to use the code of this plugin, clone the project in your local clone of Gerrit, inside of the plugins/scripting-rules directory. You then need to copy the external_plugin_deps.bzl file from this repository inside the plugins/ directory.

~/gerrit# cd plugins
# Clone the project
~/gerrit/plugins# git clone
~/gerrit/plugins# cd scripting-rules
# Copy the external_plugin_deps.bzl file
~/gerrit/plugins/scripting-rules# cp external_plugin_deps.bzl ../
# Setup the Change-Id git hook.
~/gerrit/plugins/scripting-rules# f=`git rev-parse --git-dir`/hooks/commit-msg
~/gerrit/plugins/scripting-rules# curl -Lo $f
~/gerrit/plugins/scripting-rules# chmod +x $f


To build this projecy, use the bazel build //plugins/scripting-rules command.

~/gerrit # bazel build //plugins/scripting-rules
Starting local Bazel server and connecting to it...
INFO: Analysed target //plugins/scripting-rules:scripting-rules (169 packages loaded).
INFO: Found 1 target...
Target //plugins/scripting-rules:scripting-rules up-to-date:
INFO: Elapsed time: 11.823s, Critical Path: 3.97s
INFO: 82 processes: 77 remote cache hit, 3 linux-sandbox, 2 worker.
INFO: Build completed successfully, 90 total actions

The target is the plugin's jar file, in this case it is stored in bazel-genfiles/plugins/scripting-rules/scripting-rules.jar.


To run all the tests, use the bazel test //plugins/scripting-rules/... command.

~/gerrit # bazel test //plugins/scripting-rules/...
INFO: Analysed 2 targets (76 packages loaded).
INFO: Found 2 test targets...
INFO: Elapsed time: 2.823s, Critical Path: 1.43s
INFO: 40 processes: 35 remote cache hit, 3 linux-sandbox, 2 worker.
INFO: Build completed successfully, 43 total actions
//plugins/scripting-rules/javatests/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/scripting/rules/engines:engines PASSED in 0.2s
//plugins/scripting-rules/javatests/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/scripting/rules/utils:utils PASSED in 0.5s

Executed 2 out of 2 tests: 2 tests pass.
INFO: Build completed successfully, 43 total actions

Adding an engine

Engines are defined in the plugins/scripting-rules/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/scripting/rules/engines/ directory, and must implement the com.googlesource.gerrit.plugins.scripting.rules.engines.RuleEngine class.

The engine name (which is the directory name) should also be enabled in the plugin.bzl file. This extra step makes it easier to enable or completely disable engines on the fly.

In order to be used, the Engine must be declared in the EnginesModule file, either by installing a module or by adding the engine to the DynamicSet: DynamicSet.bind(binder(), RuleEngine.class).to(MyEngineName.class);