Handle kill command in replication tasks also while running

Issue description:
When replication tasks is scheduled and it gets killed with ssh kill
command further replication attempts get ignored and as a result
replication to particular mirror is no longer possible (Gerrit needs
to be restarted or plugin reloaded).

Step1: Derive PushOne from CanceledWhileRunning interface so that
it gets informed that it was canceled while operation was
in progress (which results in any resource operation failure).

Step2: check in resource failure catch if it occurred while task
was canceled. If that is the case don't reschedule.

Change-Id: I4882fe1334efedf060a5ff5fef89d9d33c88d75c
Signed-off-by: Jacek Centkowski <geminica.programs@gmail.com>
3 files changed
tree: c5a829ce9714db9d7c1f1ba67aa116d768afc787
  1. .settings/
  2. src/
  3. .gitignore
  4. BUCK