ReplicationIT: Retry/timeout on assertion of replication tasks count

When running the tests repeatedly [1], flakiness is observed in the
assertion about the expected count of replication tasks. Intermittently
it fails due to the actual value being less than expected [2, 3].

Wrapping the assertion in a retry with timeout fixes this flakiness.

[1] bazel test --runs_per_test=24 plugins/replication:replication_tests
[2] value of    : listReplicationTasks(...).size()
    expected    : 4
    but was     : 2
[3] value of    : listReplicationTasks(...).size()
    expected    : 4
    but was     : 3

Bug: Issue 11843
Change-Id: I13b05f0dcc0ec95af9e84522231a291f1a785f90
1 file changed
tree: a68b4e00dfac14952892a046a5b1dd8e612c9b2d
  1. .settings/
  2. src/
  3. .gitignore
  4. .mailmap
  5. BUILD