Fix documentation and prepare for extension w.r.t. new rate limiter types

* improved readability of the "uploadpack" configuration options'
  description; streamlined the corresponding anchor tags
* corrected some "typos", e.g. added missing <code> quotes in,
  correcting or harmonizing the visual appearance
* in preparation for an introduction of a new rate limit type,
  a couple of general statements have been moved around in the text,
  allowing for extensibility.
* consistently fixed html syntax; disentangled html and md syntax
  that confuses some development tools for markdown documents and
  impacts readability
* added a forgotten capability in the list in

Change-Id: Ia369efad3b45a7f63513dc5fad2119316038be93
3 files changed
tree: 9df9fb048bef240b4d19301d9df6975c0e184cf4
  1. .settings/
  2. lib/
  3. src/
  4. .buckconfig
  5. .gitignore
  6. BUCK
  8. pom.xml