Remove events from beforeStartupEventsQueue in-memory queue

Before pull-replication plugin is fully loaded it can receive
events. These events are stored in an in-memory queue called
`beforeStartupEventsQueue`. After plugin is fully loaded those
events are processed but never removed from the queue. This can
cause issue processing the same event multiple times.

Replication done with apply-object may not be idempotent if
the event generated at a point in time is processed later.

To avoid that remove event from the queue and then process it.

Bug: Issue 307592553
Change-Id: I946deebe15b92bad00e1127e738ef2540ee78983
1 file changed
tree: d2db5af2c884f70ac8d3cec7746cb4085d7b10ad
  1. example-setup/
  2. src/
  3. .gitignore
  4. BUILD
  5. Jenkinsfile