Fix tests broken with the upgrade of Mockito framework

With the change 390986, Mockito framework was upgraded from 3.3.3
to 5.6.0 and because of that some tests started failing. This
change requires minor refactoring to fix those tests, as outlined
in the following points:

- The method `verifyZeroInteractions` is no longer supported in the
class `org.mockito.Mockito` [1]. Instead, it can be substituted with

- In Mockito version 3.3.3, the execution of real code occurred in
methods without defined expectations, and some tests were designed
accordingly. However, with Mockito 5.6.0, when methods are invoked
without specified expectations, the framework will now appropriately
return either null, a primitive/primitive wrapper value, or an empty
collection. As a result, minor refactoring was necessary.

- The handling of Mockito expectations in methods declared with
varargs has been restructured to use the format `any(MyClass[].class)`.



Change-Id: Ic3d8641c4ca6b485212bdaa55d359a4cc4bb4741
3 files changed
tree: 535590472d2cb2fbdd8d7df9cafe6ba17f40571b
  1. example-setup/
  2. src/
  3. .gitignore
  4. BUILD
  5. Jenkinsfile