Fix double grant_type bug

The grant_type=authorization_code param is specified twice: in the URL
and in the request body. For some reason this was fine until yesterday,
but the OAuth endpoint policies must have become stricter, and now it
may be counting the param twice and therefore failing to complete the
auth process.

Change-Id: I0de0f57ae0ce80417795352ea9419297c296c414
Contributed-By: Anthony Weems <>
Bug: Issue 4661
1 file changed
tree: adedc274cde0932835c871d0889dae89a689b057
  1. lib/
  2. src/
  3. .buckconfig
  4. .gitignore
  5. .gitmodules
  6. .travis.yml
  7. BUCK
  9. LICENSE-scribe

Gerrit OAuth2 authentication provider

Build Status

With this plugin Gerrit can use OAuth2 protocol for authentication. Supported OAuth providers:

  • Bitbucket
  • GitHub
  • Google

See the Wiki what it can do for you.

Prebuilt artifacts

Prebuilt binary artifacts are available on release page. Make sure to pick the right JAR for your Gerrit version.


To build the plugin, install Buck and run the following:

  git clone --recursive
  cd gerrit-oauth-provider && buck build plugin


Copy the buck-out/gen/gerrit-oauth-provider.jar to $gerit_site/plugins and re-run init to configure it:

  java -jar gerrit.war init -d <site>
  *** OAuth Authentication Provider
  Use Bitbucket OAuth provider for Gerrit login ? [Y/n]? n
  Use Google OAuth provider for Gerrit login ? [Y/n]?
  Application client id          : <client-id>
  Application client secret      : 
                confirm password : 
  Link to OpenID accounts? [true]: 
  Use GitHub OAuth provider for Gerrit login ? [Y/n]? n

Reporting bugs

Make sure to read the FAQ before reporting issues.


Apache License 2.0