Using MicrosoftAzureActiveDirectory20Api from scribejava-apis

* Using MicrosoftAzureActiveDirectory20Api from scribejava-apis, this is
  intended to be used with Microsoft Azure oauth v2.

* If Google OAuth plugin is set to use a tenant other than common,
  organizations or consumers the token will be validated that they are
  originating from the same tenant that is configured in the Gerrit
  OAuth plugin.

Change-Id: Id293be463281fc8fa34af5edf61e774b207dcc21
6 files changed
tree: df2657f1da186e3fcfd39d9fc9f453f96dfc93db
  1. .settings/
  2. src/
  3. tools/
  4. .bazelignore
  5. .bazelrc
  6. .bazelversion
  7. .gitignore
  8. .travis.yml
  9. bazlets.bzl
  10. BUILD
  11. external_plugin_deps.bzl
  13. LICENSE-scribe

Gerrit OAuth2 authentication provider

Build Status

With this plugin Gerrit can use OAuth2 protocol for authentication. Supported OAuth providers:

See the Wiki what it can do for you.

Prebuilt artifacts

Prebuilt binary artifacts are available on release page. Make sure to pick the right JAR for your Gerrit version.


To build the plugin with Bazel, install Bazel and run the following:

  git clone
  cd oauth && bazel build oauth


Copy the bazel-bin/oauth.jar to $gerrit_site/plugins and re-run init to configure it:

  java -jar gerrit.war init -d <site>
  *** OAuth Authentication Provider
  Use Bitbucket OAuth provider for Gerrit login ? [Y/n]? n
  Use Google OAuth provider for Gerrit login ? [Y/n]?
  Application client id          : <client-id>
  Application client secret      : 
                confirm password : 
  Link to OpenID accounts? [true]: 
  Use GitHub OAuth provider for Gerrit login ? [Y/n]? n

Reporting bugs

Make sure to read the FAQ before reporting issues.


Apache License 2.0