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MOTD Configuration
Reloading Messages
To reload the current messages displayed to clients, simply reload the plugin:
ssh -p 29418 localhost gerrit plugin reload motd
File `motd.config`
The file `$site_path/etc/motd.config` is a Git-style config file that contains
the messages and subnet-based messages to be displayed to users. It contains
an optional global message, and optional sections for subnet-specific messages.
Subnet-based configurations should replace the `SUBNET` portion with the
appropriate subnet in CIDR-style notation.
Optionally, the parameter `${user}` will be substituted into any message as
the user's username. If user is unauthenticated, the substitution will not
be performed.
: Message to be displayed to all users, regardless of their IP.
: Message to be displayed to users with an IP in range of `SUBNET`.