Update bazlets to the latest revision on master

- Add optional dir_name argument to gerrit_plugin
- gerrit_plugin: Improve stamping error message
- Fix the error in project properties generation file
- Fix deletion of Sonar Scanner folder
- Automate SonarQube analysis for plugins built with bazel
- Use bazel-cache instead of buck-cache
- project.py: Python 3 compatibility

Change-Id: I8a37c9ee1987f1ef198554f54d243555cf51676f
1 file changed
tree: 4704462e63d7589b3cadbcd8e33e603ab9b4b44c
  1. src/
  2. tools/
  3. .gitignore
  4. bazlets.bzl
  5. BUILD
  6. external_plugin_deps.bzl