[RFC] Jira hooks redesigned on Gerrit 2.6 commit validation.
Completely new redesigned version of Jira hooks with
a common reusable infrastructure to build the issue-tracking
association logic to other Issue-Trackers (i.e. BugZilla).
Depends on the generic issue-tracker association
maven module "hooks-its" which provides the logic for:
> Insertion of comment links using regex patterns
> Enforcement of issue-ids in git commits using
Gerrit 2.6 commit validation listeners
> Automation of issue-tracker status transition
based on Gerrit code-review status
The hooks-jira layer provides the implementation of
the ItsFacade and the init-step to configure and
check connectivity with Atlassian Jira.
Change-Id: I897bc98648ed24c723514f1701eb42c22acbb198
12 files changed