Add tests for IssueExtractor
Change-Id: Ie62cba8382880e4b7aad4de38a21d6acea7dcdbe
diff --git a/hooks-its/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/hooks/util/ b/hooks-its/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/hooks/util/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1290ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks-its/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/hooks/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package com.googlesource.gerrit.plugins.hooks.util;
+import static org.easymock.EasyMock.expect;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Config;
+import com.googlesource.gerrit.plugins.hooks.its.ItsName;
+import com.googlesource.gerrit.plugins.hooks.testutil.LoggingMockingTestCase;
+public class IssueExtractorTest extends LoggingMockingTestCase {
+ private Injector injector;
+ private Config serverConfig;
+ public void testPatternNullMatch() {
+ IssueExtractor issueExtractor = injector.getInstance(IssueExtractor.class);
+ expect(serverConfig.getString("commentLink", "ItsTestName", "match"))
+ .andReturn(null).atLeastOnce();
+ replayMocks();
+ assertNull("Pattern for null match is not null",
+ issueExtractor.getPattern());
+ }
+ public void testPattern() {
+ IssueExtractor issueExtractor = injector.getInstance(IssueExtractor.class);
+ expect(serverConfig.getString("commentLink", "ItsTestName", "match"))
+ .andReturn("TestPattern").atLeastOnce();
+ replayMocks();
+ assertEquals("Expected and generated pattern are not equal",
+ "TestPattern", issueExtractor.getPattern().pattern());
+ }
+ public void testIssueIdsNullPattern() {
+ IssueExtractor issueExtractor = injector.getInstance(IssueExtractor.class);
+ expect(serverConfig.getString("commentLink", "ItsTestName", "match"))
+ .andReturn(null).atLeastOnce();
+ replayMocks();
+ String ret[] = issueExtractor.getIssueIds("Test");
+ assertEquals("Number of found ids do not match", 0, ret.length);
+ }
+ public void testIssueIdsNoMatch() {
+ IssueExtractor issueExtractor = injector.getInstance(IssueExtractor.class);
+ expect(serverConfig.getString("commentLink", "ItsTestName", "match"))
+ .andReturn("bug#(\\d+)").atLeastOnce();
+ replayMocks();
+ String ret[] = issueExtractor.getIssueIds("Test");
+ assertEquals("Number of found ids do not match", 0, ret.length);
+ assertLogMessageContains("Matching");
+ }
+ public void testIssueIdsFullMatch() {
+ IssueExtractor issueExtractor = injector.getInstance(IssueExtractor.class);
+ expect(serverConfig.getString("commentLink", "ItsTestName", "match"))
+ .andReturn("bug#(\\d+)").atLeastOnce();
+ replayMocks();
+ String ret[] = issueExtractor.getIssueIds("bug#4711");
+ assertEquals("Number of found ids do not match", 1, ret.length);
+ assertEquals("First found issue id do not match", "4711", ret[0]);
+ assertLogMessageContains("Matching");
+ }
+ public void testIssueIdsMatch() {
+ IssueExtractor issueExtractor = injector.getInstance(IssueExtractor.class);
+ expect(serverConfig.getString("commentLink", "ItsTestName", "match"))
+ .andReturn("bug#(\\d+)").atLeastOnce();
+ replayMocks();
+ String ret[] = issueExtractor.getIssueIds("Foo bug#4711 bar");
+ assertEquals("Number of found ids do not match", 1, ret.length);
+ assertEquals("Found issue id does not match", "4711", ret[0]);
+ assertLogMessageContains("Matching");
+ }
+ public void testIssueIdsGrouplessMatch() {
+ IssueExtractor issueExtractor = injector.getInstance(IssueExtractor.class);
+ expect(serverConfig.getString("commentLink", "ItsTestName", "match"))
+ .andReturn("bug#\\d+").atLeastOnce();
+ replayMocks();
+ String ret[] = issueExtractor.getIssueIds("Foo bug#4711 bar");
+ assertEquals("Number of found ids do not match", 1, ret.length);
+ assertEquals("Found issue id does not match", "bug#4711", ret[0]);
+ assertLogMessageContains("Matching");
+ }
+ public void testIssueIdsMultiGroupMatch() {
+ IssueExtractor issueExtractor = injector.getInstance(IssueExtractor.class);
+ expect(serverConfig.getString("commentLink", "ItsTestName", "match"))
+ .andReturn("bug#(\\d)(\\d+)").atLeastOnce();
+ replayMocks();
+ String ret[] = issueExtractor.getIssueIds("Foo bug#4711 bar");
+ assertEquals("Number of found ids do not match", 1, ret.length);
+ assertEquals("Found issue id does not match", "4", ret[0]);
+ assertLogMessageContains("Matching");
+ }
+ public void testIssueIdsMulipleMatches() {
+ IssueExtractor issueExtractor = injector.getInstance(IssueExtractor.class);
+ expect(serverConfig.getString("commentLink", "ItsTestName", "match"))
+ .andReturn("bug#(\\d+)").atLeastOnce();
+ replayMocks();
+ String ret[] = issueExtractor.getIssueIds("Foo bug#4711 bug#42 bar bug#123");
+ assertEquals("Number of found ids do not match", 3, ret.length);
+ List<String> retList = Arrays.asList(ret);
+ assertTrue("4711 not among the extracted ids", retList.contains("4711"));
+ assertTrue("42 not among the extracted ids", retList.contains("42"));
+ assertTrue("123 not among the extracted ids", retList.contains("123"));
+ assertLogMessageContains("Matching");
+ }
+ public void testIssueIdsMulipleMatchesWithDuplicates() {
+ IssueExtractor issueExtractor = injector.getInstance(IssueExtractor.class);
+ expect(serverConfig.getString("commentLink", "ItsTestName", "match"))
+ .andReturn("bug#(\\d+)").atLeastOnce();
+ replayMocks();
+ String ret[] = issueExtractor.getIssueIds("Foo bug#4711 bug#42 bar\n" +
+ "bug#123 baz bug#42");
+ assertEquals("Number of found ids do not match", 3, ret.length);
+ List<String> retList = Arrays.asList(ret);
+ assertTrue("4711 not among the extracted ids", retList.contains("4711"));
+ assertTrue("42 not among the extracted ids", retList.contains("42"));
+ assertTrue("123 not among the extracted ids", retList.contains("123"));
+ assertLogMessageContains("Matching");
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setUp() throws Exception {
+ super.setUp();
+ injector = Guice.createInjector(new TestModule());
+ }
+ private class TestModule extends FactoryModule {
+ @Override
+ protected void configure() {
+ bind(String.class).annotatedWith(ItsName.class)
+ .toInstance("ItsTestName");
+ serverConfig = createMock(Config.class);
+ bind(Config.class).annotatedWith(GerritServerConfig.class)
+ .toInstance(serverConfig);
+ }
+ }
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