[GERRITHUB-4] Custom registration w/ SSHKey import

- Support for Velocity macro expansion on HTML
  static files.
- Support for serving static files using Velocity
  resource resolver
- Empty header / footer, CSS and JS for branding
- Account import page as registration replacement

With this change a user can sign-in with GitHub
and complete his Gerrit profile by automatically
importing his GitHub keys into Gerrit.

Change-Id: I6edd85e9a1aefede36554d62a75f1fb77b165595
41 files changed
tree: 8f81aecff677b405b7ff8ef4c694b6ba143b9a89
  1. github-oauth/
  2. github-plugin/
  3. .gitignore
  5. pom.xml
  6. README.md

GitHub plugin

Integration between Gerrit and an external repository on GitHub.

Integration points

Provides the basic integration points for working effectively with Gerrit as code-review tool for an existing repository hosted on GitHub:

  1. Authentication. (WIP)

Users can login to Gerrit using the same username and credentials in GitHub. Gerrit login points to GitHub for generating the SSO token to be used for the code-review authenticated session.

  1. Push-Pull replication. (TODO)

Existing GitHub repositories are automatically replicated to Gerrit for the purpose of performing code-review and pushing back changes once approved. Additionally to the standard Gerrit push replication, supports as well the ability to pull branches from remote GitHub repositories.

  1. Pull-request to Change. (TODO)

Hooks into the GitHub pull-request mechanism to automatically create a Change in Gerrit submitted for review.