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  1. 1735207 Use pluginName variable to read from config by Daniele Sassoli · 2 weeks ago master
  2. 897681f Specify that update via ref-update is only for primaries by Daniele Sassoli · 2 weeks ago
  3. c377b98 Add the ability to access different SCM repositories by Daniele Sassoli · 3 weeks ago
  4. 22f105f Enable build validation with Jenkins by Luca Milanesio · 2 weeks ago
  5. 4d2e0a1 Close Repository objects in GitRepoMetricsCacheIT by Luca Milanesio · 2 weeks ago

Plugin to collect Git repository metrics

This plugin allows a systematic collection of repository metrics. It‘s primary use-case is with Gerrit, however it’s possible for it to work with multiple Git SCM systems, including bare Git repositories.

Metrics are updated either upon a ref-update receive or on a time based refresh interval. ref-update events are received only on primary nodes, so on replicas gracePeriod will need to be set.

How to build

Clone or link this plugin to the plugins directory of Gerrit‘s source tree, and then run bazel build on the plugin’s directory.


git clone --recursive
git clone
pushd gerrit/plugins && ln -s ../../git-repo-metrics . && popd
cd gerrit && bazel build plugins/git-repo-metrics

The output plugin jar is created in:


How to install with Gerrit

Copy the git-repo-metrics.jar into the Gerrit's /plugins directory and wait for the plugin to be automatically loaded.

How to install with a different SCM

This plugin can also work with Git repositories hosted by other Git based SCM tools, however the metrics are still expose via Gerrit, so a dedicated Gerrit instance running alongside the current SCM tool is still required. So to make this plugin work with other Git SCM tools, a Gerrit installation needs to be set-up and the basePath needs to be set to the git data directory of the tool of choice. You will also need to set gracePeriod and forceCollection, as when using a different SCM tool than Gerrit the usual hooks aren't triggered. Finally, a configuration option will need to be specified to indicate which Backend is being used. Currently supported backend, other than GERRIT are:


Find more in the configuration section below.


More information about the plugin configuration can be found in the file.