Fix: ssh delete-project command is inconsistent with WebUI

When deleting a project with children projects or a project subscribed
by other projects using ssh commands, the deletion failed but no error
message showed up. This was different from WebUI which returned the
error message in the same situation.

This bug was fixed by throwing the unloggedFailure object returned by
the die method. The error messages now appear on the command line when
using ssh commands to delete parent projects or projects with
submodules subscribed to them.

Change-Id: I6418ecb94391448e55c0e11c59d402fcc198381a
1 file changed
tree: 38d87d7a40bff386f571e6e782d201cd23dee2ea
  1. .settings/
  2. src/
  3. tools/
  4. .gitignore
  5. bazlets.bzl
  6. BUILD

Delete project plugin for Gerrit Code Review

A plugin which allows projects to be deleted from Gerrit via an SSH command, REST API or the Project settings screen.

[Build Status