Add acceptance IT test example for (based on) new PluginDaemonTest class

Very simple IT test using the new PluginDaemonTest base class. Referring
to amended Documentation for how to run it using either
standalone or gerrit tree mode. Does *not* run using mvn.

Remove dummy CookbookTest that is no longer needed. Make '*IT' test
class/file name suffix explicit in BUCK and pom files. Doing so until
'*' and '*Test' become necessary again, if ever adding '*Test' class(es)

Change-Id: I7a34fbbcfc13b92983b49cf169b958a9ae0ddb34
5 files changed
tree: 21f0ad542374760368d5cdfd65ba3f2782be6149
  1. lib/
  2. src/
  3. .buckconfig
  4. .gitignore
  5. BUCK
  7. pom.xml