blob: f345660b9295149e23659fd475d5d297a8bac1b8 [file] [log] [blame] [view]
# Feature Set
The `@PLUGIN@` plugin supports the following features:
* Support for defining code owners:
* Code owners can be specified in `OWNERS` files that can appear in any
directory in the source branch.
* Default code owners can be specified on repository level by an `OWNERS`
file in the `refs/meta/config` branch.
* Global code owners across repositories can be configured.
* A fallback code owners policy controls who owns files that are not covered
by `OWNERS` files.
* Code owners can be specified by email (groups are not supported).
* Inheritance from parent directories is supported and can be disabled.
* Including an `OWNERS` file from other directories / branches / projects is
possible (only on the same host).
* File globs can be used.
* see [code owners documentation](config-guide.html#codeOwners) and
[OWNERS syntax](backend-find-owners.html#syntax)
* Prevents submitting changes without code owner approvals:
* Which votes count as code owner approvals is
* Implemented as Java submit rule (no Prolog).
* Configuring [exemptions](user-guide.html#codeOwnerExemptions) is possible.
* Support for overrides:
* Privileged users can be allowed to override the code owner submit check.
* Overriding is done by voting on a [configured override
* see [override setup](config-faqs.html#setupOverrides)
* UI extensions on change screen:
* [Code owner suggestion](how-to-use.html#howDoesItWork)
* [Display of the code owners submit requirement](how-to-use.html#codeOwnersSubmitRequirement)
* [Display of code owner statuses in the file list](how-to-use.html#perFilCodeOwnerStatuses)
* Change messages that list the owned paths.
* see [UI walkthrough](how-to-use.html) and [user guide](user-guide.html)
* Extensible:
* Supports multiple [backends](backends.html) which can implement different
syntaxes for `OWNERS` files.
* Validation:
* updates to `OWNERS` files are [validated](validation.html) on commit
received and submit
* `OWNERS` files in a [project](rest-api.html#check-code-owner-config-files)
or [revision](rest-api.html#check-code-owner-config-files-in-revision) can
be validated on demand to detect consistency issues
* Rich REST API:
* see [REST API documentation](rest-api.html)
* Highly configurable:
* see [setup guide](setup-guide.html), [config-guide](config-guide.html),
[config FAQs](config-faqs.html) and [config documentation](config.html)
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