Fix bogus css rule for owner suggestions

In change 346214 the css rule was set to

`:host[(show-suggestions)] {`

The brackets have wrong order. It must be

`:host([show-suggestions]) {`

Release-Notes: skip
Google-Bug-Id: b/258331398
Change-Id: I62c8fd6d7c684df4b9c0547d78cbfc12847ff5db
1 file changed
tree: f83e0ca74d2a181e2f8c2b4d50fa146f9f974e24
  1. java/
  2. javatests/
  3. proto/
  4. resources/
  5. web/
  6. .gitignore
  7. .gitreview
  8. BUILD

Gerrit Code Review code-owners plugin

This plugin provides support for defining code owners for files in a repository.

If the code-owners plugin is enabled, changes can only be submitted if all touched files are covered by approvals from code owners.

For a detailed description of the plugin functionality please refer to the plugin documentation.

IMPORTANT: Before installing/enabling the plugin follow the instructions from the setup guide.

NOTE: The plugin documentation only renders correctly when the plugin is installed in Gerrit and the documentation is accessed via https:///plugins/code-owners/Documentation/index.html. If you want to read the documentation before installing the plugin, you can find it properly rendered here.

JavaScript Plugin

From the root of the gerrit repository.

bazel test //plugins/code-owners/web:karma_test

For testing the plugin with the Gerrit FE Dev Helper the command below builds

    bazel build //plugins/code-owners/web:code-owners
    ln -s bazel-bin/plugins/code-owners/web/code-owners.js polygerrit-ui/app/plugins/

and let the Dev Helper redirect from .+/plugins/code-owners/static/code-owners.js to http://localhost:8081/plugins/code-owners.js.