Extract disclaimer from about page into an own page

This information is not that important that it needs to be on the about
page which is used to generate the index page, which is the entry point
into the plugin documentation.

Signed-off-by: Edwin Kempin <ekempin@google.com>
Change-Id: I22915dced4f3a6d3e6935e484ca08cb87cacc2d0
3 files changed
tree: 75c7b94246e3a69643de22685fa7bfed31408866
  1. java/
  2. javatests/
  3. proto/
  4. resources/
  5. test/
  6. ui/
  7. .eslintrc.json
  8. .gitignore
  9. .gitreview
  10. bower.json
  11. BUILD
  13. package-lock.json
  14. package.json
  15. README.md

Gerrit Code Review code-owners plugin

This plugin provides support for defining code owners for files in a repository.

If the code-owners plugin is enabled, changes can only be submitted if all touched files are covered by approvals from code owners.

Also see resources/Documentation/about.md.

IMPORTANT: Before installing/enabling the plugin follow the instructions from the setup guide, see resources/Documentation/setup-guide.md.