Merge "Move logic to resolve global code owners into CodeOwnerResolver"
diff --git a/java/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/ b/java/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6222b7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
+import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
+import java.util.Optional;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCache;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheEditor;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheEditor.PathEdit;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheEntry;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.CommitBuilder;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.FileMode;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectInserter;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.PersonIdent;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RefUpdate;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk;
+ * Class to scan a branch for code owner config files and update them.
+ *
+ * <p>Doesn't parse the code owner config files but provides the raw content to the callback.
+ *
+ * <p>All updates to the code owner config files are done atomically with a single commit.
+ */
+public class CodeOwnerConfigFileUpdateScanner {
+  private static final FluentLogger logger = FluentLogger.forEnclosingClass();
+  private final GitRepositoryManager repoManager;
+  private final CodeOwnersPluginConfiguration codeOwnersPluginConfiguration;
+  private final Provider<PersonIdent> serverIdentProvider;
+  private final Provider<IdentifiedUser> identifiedUser;
+  @Inject
+  CodeOwnerConfigFileUpdateScanner(
+      GitRepositoryManager repoManager,
+      CodeOwnersPluginConfiguration codeOwnersPluginConfiguration,
+      @GerritPersonIdent Provider<PersonIdent> serverIdentProvider,
+      Provider<IdentifiedUser> identifiedUser) {
+    this.repoManager = repoManager;
+    this.codeOwnersPluginConfiguration = codeOwnersPluginConfiguration;
+    this.serverIdentProvider = serverIdentProvider;
+    this.identifiedUser = identifiedUser;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Visits and updates all code owner config files in the given project and branch.
+   *
+   * <p>All updates are done in a single commit. If none of the code owner config files is updated,
+   * no new commit is created.
+   *
+   * @param branchNameKey the project and branch for which the code owner config files should be
+   *     updated
+   * @param commitMessage commit message for the new commit if an update is performed
+   * @param codeOwnerConfigFileUpdater the callback that is invoked for each code owner config file
+   * @return the commit that renamed the email if any update was performed
+   */
+  public Optional<RevCommit> update(
+      BranchNameKey branchNameKey,
+      String commitMessage,
+      CodeOwnerConfigFileUpdater codeOwnerConfigFileUpdater) {
+    requireNonNull(branchNameKey, "branchNameKey");
+    requireNonNull(commitMessage, "commitMessage");
+    requireNonNull(codeOwnerConfigFileUpdater, "codeOwnerConfigFileUpdater");
+    CodeOwnerBackend codeOwnerBackend = codeOwnersPluginConfiguration.getBackend(branchNameKey);
+    logger.atFine().log(
+        "updating code owner files in branch %s of project %s",
+        branchNameKey.branch(), branchNameKey.project());
+    try (Repository repository = repoManager.openRepository(branchNameKey.project());
+        RevWalk rw = new RevWalk(repository);
+        ObjectInserter oi = repository.newObjectInserter();
+        CodeOwnerConfigTreeWalk treeWalk =
+            new CodeOwnerConfigTreeWalk(
+                codeOwnerBackend,
+                branchNameKey,
+                repository,
+                rw,
+                /** pathGlob */
+                null)) {
+      RevCommit revision = treeWalk.getRevision();
+      DirCache newTree = DirCache.newInCore();
+      DirCacheEditor editor = newTree.editor();
+      boolean dirty = false;
+      while ( {
+        Optional<String> updatedContent =
+            codeOwnerConfigFileUpdater.update(treeWalk.getFilePath(), treeWalk.getFileContent());
+        if (updatedContent.isPresent()) {
+          dirty = true;
+          // insert blob with new file content
+          ObjectId blobId = oi.insert(Constants.OBJ_BLOB, updatedContent.get().getBytes(UTF_8));
+          // append edit command to set the new blob for the code owner config file
+          editor.add(createEditCommand(treeWalk.getPathString(), blobId));
+        }
+      }
+      if (!dirty) {
+        return Optional.empty();
+      }
+      editor.finish();
+      ObjectId treeId = newTree.writeTree(oi);
+      ObjectId commitId = createCommit(oi, commitMessage, revision, treeId);
+      updateBranch(branchNameKey.branch(), repository, revision, commitId);
+      return Optional.of(rw.parseCommit(commitId));
+    } catch (IOException e) {
+      throw new StorageException(
+          String.format(
+              "Failed to scan for code owner configs in branch %s of project %s",
+              branchNameKey.branch(), branchNameKey.project()),
+          e);
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Creates an edit command that sets the given blob for the given path
+   *
+   * @param jgitFilePath path of the file for which the blob should be set, as jgit path (not
+   *     starting with '/')
+   * @param blobId the ID of the blob that should be set for the file path
+   * @return the edit command
+   */
+  private PathEdit createEditCommand(String jgitFilePath, ObjectId blobId) {
+    return new PathEdit(jgitFilePath) {
+      @Override
+      public void apply(DirCacheEntry entry) {
+        entry.setFileMode(FileMode.REGULAR_FILE);
+        entry.setObjectId(blobId);
+      }
+    };
+  }
+  /**
+   * Creates a new commit.
+   *
+   * @param objectInserter object inserter that should be used to insert the new commit
+   * @param commitMessage the commit message that should be used for the new commit
+   * @param parentCommit the commit that should be set as parent commit of the new commit
+   * @param treeId the tree of the new commit
+   * @return the commit ID
+   */
+  private ObjectId createCommit(
+      ObjectInserter objectInserter, String commitMessage, ObjectId parentCommit, ObjectId treeId)
+      throws IOException {
+    PersonIdent serverIdent = serverIdentProvider.get();
+    CommitBuilder cb = new CommitBuilder();
+    cb.setParentId(parentCommit);
+    cb.setTreeId(treeId);
+    cb.setCommitter(serverIdent);
+    cb.setAuthor(
+        identifiedUser.get().newCommitterIdent(serverIdent.getWhen(), serverIdent.getTimeZone()));
+    cb.setMessage(commitMessage);
+    ObjectId id = objectInserter.insert(cb);
+    objectInserter.flush();
+    return id;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Update the given branch.
+   *
+   * @param branchName the name of the branch that should be updated
+   * @param repository the repository in which the branch should be updated
+   * @param oldObjectId the expected old object ID of the branch
+   * @param newObjectId the new object ID that should be set for the branch
+   */
+  private void updateBranch(
+      String branchName, Repository repository, ObjectId oldObjectId, ObjectId newObjectId)
+      throws IOException {
+    RefUpdate ru = repository.updateRef(branchName);
+    ru.setExpectedOldObjectId(oldObjectId);
+    ru.setNewObjectId(newObjectId);
+    ru.update();
+    RefUpdateUtil.checkResult(ru);
+  }
diff --git a/java/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/ b/java/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c38737
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+import java.nio.file.Path;
+import java.util.Optional;
+/** Callback interface to update a code owner config file. */
+public interface CodeOwnerConfigFileUpdater {
+  /**
+   * Callback for a code owner config file.
+   *
+   * @param codeOwnerConfigFilePath absolute path of the code owner config file
+   * @param codeOwnerConfigFileContent the content of the code owner config, can be also the content
+   *     of a non-parseable code owner config
+   * @return the updated content of the code owner config file, {@link Optional#empty()} if no
+   *     update should be performed
+   */
+  Optional<String> update(Path codeOwnerConfigFilePath, String codeOwnerConfigFileContent);
diff --git a/java/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/ b/java/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/
index 06bd4ef..f1e8a3b 100644
--- a/java/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/
+++ b/java/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/
@@ -14,33 +14,23 @@
-import static;
 import static;
 import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
-import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
-import java.nio.file.Path;
-import java.nio.file.Paths;
 import java.util.Optional;
 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
 import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.ConfigInvalidException;
-import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref;
 import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
-import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit;
 import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk;
-import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.TreeWalk;
-import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.filter.TreeFilter;
 /** Class to scan a branch for code owner config files. */
@@ -120,33 +110,13 @@
     try (Repository repository = repoManager.openRepository(branchNameKey.project());
         RevWalk rw = new RevWalk(repository);
-        TreeWalk treeWalk = new TreeWalk(repository)) {
-      Ref ref = repository.exactRef(branchNameKey.branch());
-      checkState(
-          ref != null,
-          "branch %s of project %s not found",
-          branchNameKey.branch(),
-          branchNameKey.project());
-      RevCommit revision = rw.parseCommit(ref.getObjectId());
-      treeWalk.addTree(revision.getTree());
-      treeWalk.setRecursive(true);
-      treeWalk.setFilter(
-          createCodeOwnerConfigFilter(codeOwnerBackend, branchNameKey.project(), pathGlob));
+        CodeOwnerConfigTreeWalk treeWalk =
+            new CodeOwnerConfigTreeWalk(
+                codeOwnerBackend, branchNameKey, repository, rw, pathGlob)) {
       while ( {
-        Path filePath = Paths.get(treeWalk.getPathString());
-        Path folderPath =
-            filePath.getParent() != null
-                ? JgitPath.of(filePath.getParent()).getAsAbsolutePath()
-                : Paths.get("/");
-        String fileName = filePath.getFileName().toString();
-        CodeOwnerConfig.Key codeOwnerConfigKey =
-            CodeOwnerConfig.Key.create(branchNameKey, folderPath, fileName);
-        Optional<CodeOwnerConfig> codeOwnerConfig;
+        CodeOwnerConfig codeOwnerConfig;
         try {
-          codeOwnerConfig = codeOwnerBackend.getCodeOwnerConfig(codeOwnerConfigKey, revision);
+          codeOwnerConfig = treeWalk.getCodeOwnerConfig();
         } catch (StorageException storageException) {
           Optional<ConfigInvalidException> configInvalidException =
@@ -157,13 +127,11 @@
           // The code owner config is invalid and cannot be parsed.
-              folderPath.resolve(fileName), configInvalidException.get());
+              treeWalk.getFilePath(), configInvalidException.get());
-        checkState(codeOwnerConfig.isPresent(), "code owner config %s not found", codeOwnerConfig);
-        boolean visitFurtherCodeOwnerConfigFiles =
-            codeOwnerConfigVisitor.visit(codeOwnerConfig.get());
+        boolean visitFurtherCodeOwnerConfigFiles = codeOwnerConfigVisitor.visit(codeOwnerConfig);
         if (!visitFurtherCodeOwnerConfigFiles) {
@@ -178,47 +146,6 @@
-   * Creates a {@link TreeFilter} that matches code owner config files in the given project.
-   *
-   * @param codeOwnerBackend the code owner backend that is being used
-   * @param project the name of the project in which code owner config files should be matched
-   * @param pathGlob optional Java NIO glob that the paths of code owner config files must match
-   * @return the created {@link TreeFilter}
-   */
-  private static TreeFilter createCodeOwnerConfigFilter(
-      CodeOwnerBackend codeOwnerBackend, Project.NameKey project, @Nullable String pathGlob) {
-    return new TreeFilter() {
-      @Override
-      public boolean shouldBeRecursive() {
-        return true;
-      }
-      @Override
-      public boolean include(TreeWalk walker) throws IOException {
-        if (walker.isSubtree()) {
-          walker.enterSubtree();
-          return false;
-        }
-        if (pathGlob != null
-            && !FileSystems.getDefault()
-                .getPathMatcher("glob:" + pathGlob)
-                .matches(JgitPath.of(walker.getPathString()).getAsAbsolutePath())) {
-          logger.atFine().log(
-              "%s filtered out because it doesn't match the path glob", walker.getPathString());
-          return false;
-        }
-        String fileName = Paths.get(walker.getPathString()).getFileName().toString();
-        return codeOwnerBackend.isCodeOwnerConfigFile(project, fileName);
-      }
-      @Override
-      public TreeFilter clone() {
-        return this;
-      }
-    };
-  }
-  /**
    * Returns an {@link InvalidCodeOwnerConfigCallback} instance that ignores invalid code owner
    * config files.
diff --git a/java/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/ b/java/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ba8f74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+import static;
+import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
+import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
+import java.nio.file.Path;
+import java.nio.file.Paths;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectLoader;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.TreeWalk;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.filter.TreeFilter;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.util.RawParseUtils;
+/** {@link TreeWalk} that filters for code owner config files in the tree. */
+public class CodeOwnerConfigTreeWalk extends TreeWalk {
+  private static final FluentLogger logger = FluentLogger.forEnclosingClass();
+  private final CodeOwnerBackend codeOwnerBackend;
+  private final BranchNameKey branchNameKey;
+  private final RevCommit revision;
+  public CodeOwnerConfigTreeWalk(
+      CodeOwnerBackend codeOwnerBackend,
+      BranchNameKey branchNameKey,
+      Repository repository,
+      RevWalk revWalk,
+      @Nullable String pathGlob)
+      throws IOException {
+    super(repository);
+    this.codeOwnerBackend = requireNonNull(codeOwnerBackend, "codeOwnerBackend");
+    this.branchNameKey = requireNonNull(branchNameKey, "branchNameKey");
+    this.revision =
+        getRevision(
+            branchNameKey,
+            requireNonNull(repository, "repository"),
+            requireNonNull(revWalk, "revWalk"));
+    addTree(revision.getTree());
+    setRecursive(true);
+    setFilter(createCodeOwnerConfigFilter(codeOwnerBackend, branchNameKey.project(), pathGlob));
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns the revision from which the tree was loaded.
+   *
+   * @return the revision ID
+   */
+  public RevCommit getRevision() {
+    return revision;
+  }
+  /** Returns the absolute file path of the current entry. */
+  public Path getFilePath() {
+    return JgitPath.of(getPathString()).getAsAbsolutePath();
+  }
+  /** Returns the file content of the current entry. */
+  public String getFileContent() throws IOException {
+    ObjectLoader obj = getObjectReader().open(getObjectId(0), Constants.OBJ_BLOB);
+    byte[] raw = obj.getCachedBytes(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+    return raw.length != 0 ? RawParseUtils.decode(raw) : "";
+  }
+  /** Returns the code owner config key of the current entry. */
+  public CodeOwnerConfig.Key getCodeOwnerConfigKey() {
+    Path filePath = getFilePath();
+    Path folderPath =
+        filePath.getParent() != null
+            ? JgitPath.of(filePath.getParent()).getAsAbsolutePath()
+            : Paths.get("/");
+    String fileName = Paths.get(getPathString()).getFileName().toString();
+    return CodeOwnerConfig.Key.create(branchNameKey, folderPath, fileName);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Loads the code owner config file at the current entry's path.
+   *
+   * @return the loaded code owner config
+   */
+  public CodeOwnerConfig getCodeOwnerConfig() {
+    CodeOwnerConfig.Key codeOwnerConfigKey = getCodeOwnerConfigKey();
+    return codeOwnerBackend
+        .getCodeOwnerConfig(codeOwnerConfigKey, revision)
+        .orElseThrow(
+            () ->
+                new IllegalStateException(
+                    String.format("code owner config %s not found", codeOwnerConfigKey)));
+  }
+  /**
+   * Looks up the current revision of the branch.
+   *
+   * @param branchNameKey the project and branch for which the current revision should be loaded
+   * @param repository the repository from which the branch revision should be loaded
+   * @return the current revision of the branch
+   */
+  private static RevCommit getRevision(
+      BranchNameKey branchNameKey, Repository repository, RevWalk revWalk) throws IOException {
+    Ref ref = repository.exactRef(branchNameKey.branch());
+    checkState(
+        ref != null,
+        "branch %s of project %s not found",
+        branchNameKey.branch(),
+        branchNameKey.project());
+    return revWalk.parseCommit(ref.getObjectId());
+  }
+  /**
+   * Creates a {@link TreeFilter} that matches code owner config files in the given project.
+   *
+   * @param codeOwnerBackend the code owner backend that is being used
+   * @param project the name of the project in which code owner config files should be matched
+   * @param pathGlob optional Java NIO glob that the paths of code owner config files must match
+   * @return the created {@link TreeFilter}
+   */
+  private static TreeFilter createCodeOwnerConfigFilter(
+      CodeOwnerBackend codeOwnerBackend, Project.NameKey project, @Nullable String pathGlob) {
+    return new TreeFilter() {
+      @Override
+      public boolean shouldBeRecursive() {
+        return true;
+      }
+      @Override
+      public boolean include(TreeWalk walker) throws IOException {
+        if (walker.isSubtree()) {
+          walker.enterSubtree();
+          return false;
+        }
+        if (pathGlob != null
+            && !FileSystems.getDefault()
+                .getPathMatcher("glob:" + pathGlob)
+                .matches(JgitPath.of(walker.getPathString()).getAsAbsolutePath())) {
+          logger.atFine().log(
+              "%s filtered out because it doesn't match the path glob", walker.getPathString());
+          return false;
+        }
+        String fileName = Paths.get(walker.getPathString()).getFileName().toString();
+        return codeOwnerBackend.isCodeOwnerConfigFile(project, fileName);
+      }
+      @Override
+      public TreeFilter clone() {
+        return this;
+      }
+    };
+  }
diff --git a/javatests/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/acceptance/api/ b/javatests/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/acceptance/api/
index 41658e2..d7b1985 100644
--- a/javatests/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/acceptance/api/
+++ b/javatests/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/acceptance/api/
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
                 "Failed to submit 1 change due to the following problems:\n"
-                    + "Change %d: Code Owners",
+                    + "Change %d: Submit requirement not fulfilled: Code Owners",
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
                 "Failed to submit 1 change due to the following problems:\n"
-                    + "Change %d: Code Owners",
+                    + "Change %d: Submit requirement not fulfilled: Code Owners",
diff --git a/javatests/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/ b/javatests/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b00b8b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javatests/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.verifyNoMoreInteractions;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.verifyZeroInteractions;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
+import java.nio.file.Path;
+import java.nio.file.Paths;
+import java.util.Optional;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.junit.TestRepository;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Rule;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.mockito.Mock;
+import org.mockito.Mockito;
+import org.mockito.junit.MockitoJUnit;
+import org.mockito.junit.MockitoRule;
+import org.mockito.quality.Strictness;
+/** Tests for {@link CodeOwnerConfigFileUpdateScanner}. */
+public class CodeOwnerConfigFileUpdateScannerTest extends AbstractCodeOwnersTest {
+  @Rule public final MockitoRule mockito = MockitoJUnit.rule().strictness(Strictness.STRICT_STUBS);
+  @Mock private CodeOwnerConfigFileUpdater updater;
+  @Inject private ProjectOperations projectOperations;
+  private CodeOwnerConfigOperations codeOwnerConfigOperations;
+  private CodeOwnerConfigFileUpdateScanner codeOwnerConfigFileUpdateScanner;
+  @Before
+  public void setUpCodeOwnersPlugin() throws Exception {
+    codeOwnerConfigOperations =
+        plugin.getSysInjector().getInstance(CodeOwnerConfigOperations.class);
+    codeOwnerConfigFileUpdateScanner =
+        plugin.getSysInjector().getInstance(CodeOwnerConfigFileUpdateScanner.class);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void cannotUpdateCodeOwnerConfigsForNullBranch() throws Exception {
+    NullPointerException npe =
+        assertThrows(
+            NullPointerException.class,
+            () ->
+                codeOwnerConfigFileUpdateScanner.update(
+                    null,
+                    "Update code owner configs",
+                    (codeOwnerConfigFilePath, codeOwnerConfigFileContent) -> Optional.empty()));
+    assertThat(npe).hasMessageThat().isEqualTo("branchNameKey");
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void cannotUpdateCodeOwnerConfigsWithNullCommitMessage() throws Exception {
+    BranchNameKey branchNameKey = BranchNameKey.create(project, "master");
+    NullPointerException npe =
+        assertThrows(
+            NullPointerException.class,
+            () ->
+                codeOwnerConfigFileUpdateScanner.update(
+                    branchNameKey,
+                    null,
+                    (codeOwnerConfigFilePath, codeOwnerConfigFileContent) -> Optional.empty()));
+    assertThat(npe).hasMessageThat().isEqualTo("commitMessage");
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void cannotUpdateCodeOwnerConfigsWithNullUpdater() throws Exception {
+    BranchNameKey branchNameKey = BranchNameKey.create(project, "master");
+    NullPointerException npe =
+        assertThrows(
+            NullPointerException.class,
+            () ->
+                codeOwnerConfigFileUpdateScanner.update(
+                    branchNameKey, "Update code owner configs", null));
+    assertThat(npe).hasMessageThat().isEqualTo("codeOwnerConfigFileUpdater");
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void cannotUpdateCodeOwnerConfigsForNonExistingBranch() throws Exception {
+    BranchNameKey branchNameKey = BranchNameKey.create(project, "non-existing");
+    IllegalStateException exception =
+        assertThrows(
+            IllegalStateException.class,
+            () ->
+                codeOwnerConfigFileUpdateScanner.update(
+                    branchNameKey,
+                    "Update code owner configs",
+                    (codeOwnerConfigFilePath, codeOwnerConfigFileContent) -> Optional.empty()));
+    assertThat(exception)
+        .hasMessageThat()
+        .isEqualTo(
+            String.format(
+                "branch %s of project %s not found", branchNameKey.branch(), project.get()));
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void noUpdateIfNoCodeOwnerConfigFilesExists() throws Exception {
+    Optional<RevCommit> commit =
+        codeOwnerConfigFileUpdateScanner.update(
+            BranchNameKey.create(project, "master"), "Update code owner configs", updater);
+    assertThat(commit).isEmpty();
+    verifyZeroInteractions(updater);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void noUpdateForNonCodeOwnerConfigFiles() throws Exception {
+    // Create some non code owner config files.
+    try (TestRepository<Repository> testRepo =
+        new TestRepository<>(repoManager.openRepository(project))) {
+      Ref ref = testRepo.getRepository().exactRef("refs/heads/master");
+      RevCommit head = testRepo.getRevWalk().parseCommit(ref.getObjectId());
+      testRepo.update(
+          "refs/heads/master",
+          testRepo
+              .commit()
+              .parent(head)
+              .message("Add some non code owner config files")
+              .add("owners.txt", "some content")
+              .add("owners", "some content")
+              .add("foo/bar/owners.txt", "some content")
+              .add("foo/bar/owners", "some content"));
+    }
+    Optional<RevCommit> commit =
+        codeOwnerConfigFileUpdateScanner.update(
+            BranchNameKey.create(project, "master"), "Update code owner configs", updater);
+    assertThat(commit).isEmpty();
+    verifyZeroInteractions(updater);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void noUpdateIfCallbackDoesntReturnNewFileContent() throws Exception {
+    CodeOwnerConfig.Key codeOwnerConfigKey =
+        codeOwnerConfigOperations
+            .newCodeOwnerConfig()
+            .project(project)
+            .branch("master")
+            .folderPath("/")
+            .fileName("OWNERS")
+            .addCodeOwnerEmail(
+            .create();
+    Path path =
+        Paths.get(codeOwnerConfigOperations.codeOwnerConfig(codeOwnerConfigKey).getFilePath());
+    String content = codeOwnerConfigOperations.codeOwnerConfig(codeOwnerConfigKey).getContent();
+    RevCommit oldHead = projectOperations.project(project).getHead("master");
+    when(updater.update(path, content)).thenReturn(Optional.empty());
+    Optional<RevCommit> commit =
+        codeOwnerConfigFileUpdateScanner.update(
+            BranchNameKey.create(project, "master"), "Update code owner configs", updater);
+    assertThat(commit).isEmpty();
+    // Verify the code owner config file was not updated.
+    assertThat(codeOwnerConfigOperations.codeOwnerConfig(codeOwnerConfigKey).getContent())
+        .isEqualTo(content);
+    // Check that no commit was created.
+    RevCommit newHead = projectOperations.project(project).getHead("master");
+    assertThat(newHead).isEqualTo(oldHead);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void updateCodeOwnerConfigFiles() throws Exception {
+    TestAccount user2 = accountCreator.user2();
+    CodeOwnerConfig.Key codeOwnerConfigKey1 =
+        codeOwnerConfigOperations
+            .newCodeOwnerConfig()
+            .project(project)
+            .branch("master")
+            .folderPath("/")
+            .fileName("OWNERS")
+            .addCodeOwnerEmail(
+            .create();
+    Path path1 =
+        Paths.get(codeOwnerConfigOperations.codeOwnerConfig(codeOwnerConfigKey1).getFilePath());
+    String oldContent1 =
+        codeOwnerConfigOperations.codeOwnerConfig(codeOwnerConfigKey1).getContent();
+    String newContent1 = + "\n";
+    when(updater.update(path1, oldContent1)).thenReturn(Optional.of(newContent1));
+    CodeOwnerConfig.Key codeOwnerConfigKey2 =
+        codeOwnerConfigOperations
+            .newCodeOwnerConfig()
+            .project(project)
+            .branch("master")
+            .folderPath("/foo/")
+            .fileName("OWNERS")
+            .addCodeOwnerEmail(
+            .create();
+    Path path2 =
+        Paths.get(codeOwnerConfigOperations.codeOwnerConfig(codeOwnerConfigKey2).getFilePath());
+    String oldContent2 =
+        codeOwnerConfigOperations.codeOwnerConfig(codeOwnerConfigKey2).getContent();
+    String newContent2 = + "\n";
+    when(updater.update(path2, oldContent2)).thenReturn(Optional.of(newContent2));
+    RevCommit oldHead = projectOperations.project(project).getHead("master");
+    String commitMessage = "Update code owner configs";
+    Optional<RevCommit> commit =
+        codeOwnerConfigFileUpdateScanner.update(
+            BranchNameKey.create(project, "master"), commitMessage, updater);
+    assertThat(commit).isPresent();
+    // Verify that we received the expected callbacks for the invalid code onwer config.
+    Mockito.verify(updater).update(path1, oldContent1);
+    Mockito.verify(updater).update(path2, oldContent2);
+    verifyNoMoreInteractions(updater);
+    // Verify the code owner config files were updated.
+    assertThat(codeOwnerConfigOperations.codeOwnerConfig(codeOwnerConfigKey1).getContent())
+        .isEqualTo(newContent1);
+    assertThat(codeOwnerConfigOperations.codeOwnerConfig(codeOwnerConfigKey2).getContent())
+        .isEqualTo(newContent2);
+    // Check that exactly 1 commit was created.
+    RevCommit newHead = projectOperations.project(project).getHead("master");
+    assertThat(commit.get()).isEqualTo(newHead);
+    assertThat(newHead).isNotEqualTo(oldHead);
+    assertThat(newHead.getShortMessage()).isEqualTo(commitMessage);
+    assertThat(newHead.getParent(0)).isEqualTo(oldHead);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void updateInvalidCodeOwnerConfigFile() throws Exception {
+    CodeOwnerConfig.Key codeOwnerConfigKey = createInvalidCodeOwnerConfig("/OWNERS", "INVALID");
+    when(updater.update(any(Path.class), any(String.class)))
+        .thenReturn(Optional.of("STILL INVALID"));
+    Optional<RevCommit> update =
+        codeOwnerConfigFileUpdateScanner.update(
+            BranchNameKey.create(project, "master"), "Update code owner configs", updater);
+    assertThat(update).isPresent();
+    // Verify that we received the expected callbacks for the invalid code onwer config.
+    Mockito.verify(updater).update(Paths.get("/OWNERS"), "INVALID");
+    verifyNoMoreInteractions(updater);
+    // Verify the code owner config file was updated.
+    assertThat(codeOwnerConfigOperations.codeOwnerConfig(codeOwnerConfigKey).getContent())
+        .isEqualTo("STILL INVALID");
+  }
+  private CodeOwnerConfig.Key createInvalidCodeOwnerConfig(String filePath, String content)
+      throws Exception {
+    disableCodeOwnersForProject(project);
+    String changeId =
+        createChange("Add invalid code owners file", JgitPath.of(filePath).get(), content)
+            .getChangeId();
+    approve(changeId);
+    gApi.changes().id(changeId).current().submit();
+    enableCodeOwnersForProject(project);
+    Path path = Paths.get(filePath);
+    return CodeOwnerConfig.Key.create(
+        project, "master", path.getParent().toString(), path.getFileName().toString());
+  }
diff --git a/javatests/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/config/ b/javatests/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/config/
index e8eff5f..6ad8f3b 100644
--- a/javatests/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/config/
+++ b/javatests/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/config/
@@ -192,6 +192,34 @@
+  public void isDisabledForBranch_regularExpressionWithNegativeLookahead() throws Exception {
+    Config cfg = new Config();
+    cfg.setStringList(
+        null,
+        // match all branches except refs/heads/master
+        ImmutableList.of("^refs/(?!heads/master$).*"));
+    assertThat(statusConfig.isDisabledForBranch(cfg, BranchNameKey.create(project, "master")))
+        .isFalse();
+    assertThat(
+            statusConfig.isDisabledForBranch(cfg, BranchNameKey.create(project, "master-foo-bar")))
+        .isTrue();
+    assertThat(statusConfig.isDisabledForBranch(cfg, BranchNameKey.create(project, "foo")))
+        .isTrue();
+    assertThat(statusConfig.isDisabledForBranch(cfg, BranchNameKey.create(project, "other")))
+        .isTrue();
+    assertThat(
+            statusConfig.isDisabledForBranch(
+                cfg, BranchNameKey.create(project, RefNames.REFS_CONFIG)))
+        .isTrue();
+    assertThat(
+            statusConfig.isDisabledForBranch(
+                cfg, BranchNameKey.create(project, "refs/meta/master")))
+        .isTrue();
+  }
+  @Test
   @GerritConfig(name = "plugin.code-owners.disabledBranch", value = "refs/heads/master")
   public void isDisabledForBranchIsRetrievedFromGerritConfigIfNotSpecifiedOnProjectLevel()
       throws Exception {
diff --git a/resources/Documentation/ b/resources/Documentation/
index f1f1c24..5f3724c 100644
--- a/resources/Documentation/
+++ b/resources/Documentation/
@@ -24,6 +24,10 @@
 <a id="pluginCodeOwnersDisabledBranch">plugin.@PLUGIN@.disabledBranch</a>
 :       An exact ref, a ref pattern or a regular expression to disable the code
         owners functionality for the matched branches.\
+        By using a negative lookahead, it's possible to match all but one
+        branches. E.g. to disable the code owners functionality for all branches
+        except the `refs/heads/master` branch the following regular expression
+        can be used: `^refs/(?!heads/master$).*`
         For matched branches submitting changes doesn't require code owner
         This allows branches to opt-out of the code owners functionality.\
@@ -219,6 +223,10 @@
 <a id="codeOwnersDisabledBranch">codeOwners.disabledBranch</a>
 :       An exact ref, a ref pattern or a regular expression to disable the code
         owners functionality for the matched branches.\
+        By using a negative lookahead, it's possible to match all but one
+        branches. E.g. to disable the code owners functionality for all branches
+        except the `refs/heads/master` branch the following regular expression
+        can be used: `^refs/(?!heads/master$).*`
         For matched branches submitting changes doesn't require code owner
         This allows branches to opt-out of the code owners functionality.\
diff --git a/ui/code-owners-service.js b/ui/code-owners-service.js
index bcac5cf..d690fcb 100644
--- a/ui/code-owners-service.js
+++ b/ui/code-owners-service.js
@@ -84,15 +84,13 @@
    * Returns a promise fetching the owners for a given path.
    * @doc
-   * @param {string} project
-   * @param {string} branch
+   * @param {string} changeId
    * @param {string} path
-  listOwnersForPath(project, branch, path) {
+  listOwnersForPath(changeId, path) {
     return this.restApi.get(
-        `/projects/${encodeURIComponent(project)}/` +
-        `branches/${encodeURIComponent(branch)}/` +
-        `code_owners/${encodeURIComponent(path)}?limit=5&o=DETAILS`
+        `/changes/${changeId}/revisions/current/code_owners` +
+        `/${encodeURIComponent(path)}?limit=5&o=DETAILS`
@@ -441,8 +439,7 @@
-                    this.change.project,
-                    this.change.branch,
+          ,
                 .then(owners => {