Add config options to not reject non-resolvable code owners / imports

So far the validation of code owner config files rejects commits that
add new non-resolvable code owners or imports. However in some case
admins and project owners want to allow adding non-resolvable code
owners and imports (e.g. when code owner config files are copied between
hosts). So far to achieve this they could only disable the complete
validation, but then non-parsable code owner config files would no
longer be rejected, which would be bad. Hence we add new config options
to control whether non-resolvable code owners and imports should be
rejected. If they should not be rejected, they are reported as warnings,
rather than as errors that cause a rejection of the commit.

Change-Id: If53eb1d108b07ba11fce02400619b95868d4977f
Signed-off-by: Edwin Kempin <>
9 files changed
tree: 11ed098f7c219fd6fa33ac5483fe95a25f57ce0a
  1. java/
  2. javatests/
  3. proto/
  4. resources/
  5. test/
  6. ui/
  7. .eslintrc.json
  8. .gitignore
  9. .gitreview
  10. bower.json
  11. BUILD
  13. package-lock.json
  14. package.json

Gerrit Code Review code-owners plugin

This plugin provides support for defining code owners for files in a repository.

If the code-owners plugin is enabled, changes can only be submitted if all touched files are covered by approvals from code owners.

Also see resources/Documentation/

IMPORTANT: Before installing/enabling the plugin follow the instructions from the setup guide, see resources/Documentation/