README: Include links to properly rendered plugin documentation

Explain that the plugin documentation only renders correctly when the
plugin is installed in Gerrit and the documentation is accessed via

This is because Gerrit generates html files out of the Markdown files
and those are referenced as target for links. If the documentation is
viewed in Gitiles the html files are not present and the links cannot be
resolved. In addition the plugin documentation contains relative links
to the Gerrit core documentation that can also not be resolved in
Gitiles. Finally Gerrit also takes care to replace macros, which also
doesn't happen when the documentation is viewed in Gitiles.

To allow users read the documentation without installing the plugin, we
include links to the code-owners plugin documentation that is hosted on
the android host, where it is properly rendered.

Signed-off-by: Edwin Kempin <>
Change-Id: I7a51ea20a171e43fff5c140c5933aea64a7ba4cd
1 file changed
tree: 123f262bab0a1dadfac340a9c276eeae3abc7d39
  1. java/
  2. javatests/
  3. proto/
  4. resources/
  5. test/
  6. ui/
  7. .eslintrc.json
  8. .gitignore
  9. .gitreview
  10. bower.json
  11. BUILD
  13. package-lock.json
  14. package.json

Gerrit Code Review code-owners plugin

This plugin provides support for defining code owners for files in a repository.

If the code-owners plugin is enabled, changes can only be submitted if all touched files are covered by approvals from code owners.

For a detailed description of the plugin functionality please refer to the plugin documentation.

IMPORTANT: Before installing/enabling the plugin follow the instructions from the setup guide.

NOTE: The plugin documentation only renders correctly when the plugin is installed in Gerrit and the documentation is accessed via https:///plugins/code-owners/Documentation/index.html. If you want to read the documentation before installing the plugin, you can find it properly rendered here.

JavaScript Plugin

For testing the plugin with Gerrit FE Dev Helper build the JavaScript bundle and copy it to the plugins/ folder:

bazel build //plugins/code-owners/ui:code-owners
cp -f bazel-bin/plugins/code-owners/ui/code-owners.js plugins/

and let the Dev Helper redirect from .+/plugins/code-owners/static/code-owners.js to http://localhost:8081/plugins_/code-owners.js.