Merge "CodeOwnerApprovalCheck: Allow to check for an account which paths it owns"
diff --git a/java/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/ b/java/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/
index 26d67f0..7b83265 100644
--- a/java/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/
+++ b/java/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
@@ -230,12 +231,99 @@
+  /**
+   * Gets the code owner status for all files/paths that were changed in the current revision of the
+   * given change assuming that there is only an approval from the given account.
+   *
+   * <p>This method doesn't take approvals from other users and global code owners into account.
+   *
+   * <p>The purpose of this method is to find the files/paths in a change that are owned by the
+   * given account.
+   *
+   * @param changeNotes the notes of the change for which the current code owner statuses should be
+   *     returned
+   * @param accountId the ID of the account for which an approval should be assumed
+   */
+  public Stream<FileCodeOwnerStatus> getFileStatusesForAccount(
+      ChangeNotes changeNotes, Account.Id accountId)
+      throws ResourceConflictException, IOException, PatchListNotAvailableException {
+    requireNonNull(changeNotes, "changeNotes");
+    requireNonNull(accountId, "accountId");
+    try (TraceTimer traceTimer =
+        TraceContext.newTimer(
+            "Compute file statuses for account",
+            Metadata.builder()
+                .projectName(changeNotes.getProjectName().get())
+                .changeId(changeNotes.getChangeId().get())
+                .build())) {
+      RequiredApproval requiredApproval =
+          codeOwnersPluginConfiguration.getRequiredApproval(changeNotes.getProjectName());
+      logger.atFine().log("requiredApproval = %s", requiredApproval);
+      BranchNameKey branch = changeNotes.getChange().getDest();
+      ObjectId revision = getDestBranchRevision(changeNotes.getChange());
+      logger.atFine().log("dest branch %s has revision %s", branch.branch(),;
+      // If the branch doesn't contain any code owner config file yet, we apply special logic
+      // (project owners count as code owners) to allow bootstrapping the code owner configuration
+      // in the branch.
+      boolean isBootstrapping =
+          !codeOwnerConfigScannerFactory.create().containsAnyCodeOwnerConfigFile(branch);
+      boolean isProjectOwner = isProjectOwner(changeNotes.getProjectName(), accountId);
+      logger.atFine().log(
+          "isBootstrapping = %s (isProjectOwner = %s)", isBootstrapping, isProjectOwner);
+      if (isBootstrapping && isProjectOwner) {
+        // Return all paths as approved.
+        return changedFiles
+            .compute(changeNotes.getProjectName(), changeNotes.getCurrentPatchSet().commitId())
+            .stream()
+            .map(
+                changedFile ->
+                    FileCodeOwnerStatus.create(
+                        changedFile,
+                        changedFile
+                            .newPath()
+                            .map(
+                                newPath ->
+                                    PathCodeOwnerStatus.create(newPath, CodeOwnerStatus.APPROVED)),
+                        changedFile
+                            .oldPath()
+                            .map(
+                                oldPath ->
+                                    PathCodeOwnerStatus.create(
+                                        oldPath, CodeOwnerStatus.APPROVED))));
+      }
+      return changedFiles
+          .compute(changeNotes.getProjectName(), changeNotes.getCurrentPatchSet().commitId())
+          .stream()
+          .map(
+              changedFile ->
+                  getFileStatus(
+                      branch,
+                      revision,
+                      /* globalCodeOwners= */ CodeOwnerResolverResult.createEmpty(),
+                      // Do not check for implicit approvals since implicit approvals of other users
+                      // should be ignored. For the given account we do not need to check for
+                      // implicit approvals since all owned files are already covered by the
+                      // explicit approval.
+                      /* enableImplicitApprovalFromUploader= */ false,
+                      /* patchSetUploader= */ null,
+                      /* reviewerAccountIds= */ ImmutableSet.of(),
+                      // Assume an explicit approval of the given account.
+                      /* approverAccountIds= */ ImmutableSet.of(accountId),
+                      /* hasOverride= */ false,
+                      /* isBootstrapping= */ false,
+                      changedFile));
+    }
+  }
   private FileCodeOwnerStatus getFileStatus(
       BranchNameKey branch,
       ObjectId revision,
       CodeOwnerResolverResult globalCodeOwners,
       boolean enableImplicitApprovalFromUploader,
-      Account.Id patchSetUploader,
+      @Nullable Account.Id patchSetUploader,
       ImmutableSet<Account.Id> reviewerAccountIds,
       ImmutableSet<Account.Id> approverAccountIds,
       boolean hasOverride,
@@ -294,7 +382,7 @@
       ObjectId revision,
       CodeOwnerResolverResult globalCodeOwners,
       boolean enableImplicitApprovalFromUploader,
-      Account.Id patchSetUploader,
+      @Nullable Account.Id patchSetUploader,
       ImmutableSet<Account.Id> reviewerAccountIds,
       ImmutableSet<Account.Id> approverAccountIds,
       boolean hasOverride,
@@ -340,7 +428,7 @@
       BranchNameKey branch,
       CodeOwnerResolverResult globalCodeOwners,
       boolean enableImplicitApprovalFromUploader,
-      Account.Id patchSetUploader,
+      @Nullable Account.Id patchSetUploader,
       ImmutableSet<Account.Id> reviewerAccountIds,
       ImmutableSet<Account.Id> approverAccountIds,
       Path absolutePath) {
@@ -386,7 +474,7 @@
       CodeOwnerResolverResult globalCodeOwners,
       ImmutableSet<Account.Id> approverAccountIds,
       boolean enableImplicitApprovalFromUploader,
-      Account.Id patchSetUploader) {
+      @Nullable Account.Id patchSetUploader) {
     return (enableImplicitApprovalFromUploader
             && isImplicitlyApprovedBootstrappingMode(
                 projectName, absolutePath, globalCodeOwners, patchSetUploader))
@@ -399,6 +487,8 @@
       Path absolutePath,
       CodeOwnerResolverResult globalCodeOwners,
       Account.Id patchSetUploader) {
+    requireNonNull(
+        patchSetUploader, "patchSetUploader must be set if implicit approvals are enabled");
     if (isProjectOwner(projectName, patchSetUploader)) {
       // The uploader of the patch set is a project owner and thus a code owner. This means there
       // is an implicit code owner approval from the patch set uploader so that the path is
@@ -473,7 +563,7 @@
       BranchNameKey branch,
       CodeOwnerResolverResult globalCodeOwners,
       boolean enableImplicitApprovalFromUploader,
-      Account.Id patchSetUploader,
+      @Nullable Account.Id patchSetUploader,
       ObjectId revision,
       ImmutableSet<Account.Id> reviewerAccountIds,
       ImmutableSet<Account.Id> approverAccountIds,
@@ -632,14 +722,17 @@
       CodeOwnerResolverResult codeOwners,
       ImmutableSet<Account.Id> approverAccountIds,
       boolean enableImplicitApprovalFromUploader,
-      Account.Id patchSetUploader) {
-    if (enableImplicitApprovalFromUploader
-        && (codeOwners.codeOwnersAccountIds().contains(patchSetUploader)
-            || codeOwners.ownedByAllUsers())) {
-      // If the uploader of the patch set owns the path, there is an implicit code owner
-      // approval from the patch set uploader so that the path is automatically approved.
-      logger.atFine().log("%s was implicitly approved by the patch set uploader", absolutePath);
-      return true;
+      @Nullable Account.Id patchSetUploader) {
+    if (enableImplicitApprovalFromUploader) {
+      requireNonNull(
+          patchSetUploader, "patchSetUploader must be set if implicit approvals are enabled");
+      if (codeOwners.codeOwnersAccountIds().contains(patchSetUploader)
+          || codeOwners.ownedByAllUsers()) {
+        // If the uploader of the patch set owns the path, there is an implicit code owner
+        // approval from the patch set uploader so that the path is automatically approved.
+        logger.atFine().log("%s was implicitly approved by the patch set uploader", absolutePath);
+        return true;
+      }
     if (!Collections.disjoint(approverAccountIds, codeOwners.codeOwnersAccountIds())
diff --git a/java/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/ b/java/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/
index a03f0e1..b5b71c0 100644
--- a/java/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/
+++ b/java/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/
@@ -79,4 +79,13 @@
     return new AutoValue_CodeOwnerResolverResult(
         codeOwners, ownedByAllUsers, hasUnresolvedCodeOwners, hasUnresolvedImports);
+  /** Creates a empty {@link CodeOwnerResolverResult} instance. */
+  public static CodeOwnerResolverResult createEmpty() {
+    return new AutoValue_CodeOwnerResolverResult(
+        /* codeOwners= */ ImmutableSet.of(),
+        /* ownedByAllUsers= */ false,
+        /* hasUnresolvedCodeOwners= */ false,
+        /* hasUnresolvedImports= */ false);
+  }
diff --git a/javatests/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/ b/javatests/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e392e47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javatests/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+import static;
+import java.nio.file.Path;
+import java.nio.file.Paths;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+/** Tests for {@link CodeOwnerApprovalCheck#getFileStatusesForAccount(ChangeNotes, Account.Id)}. */
+public class CodeOwnerApprovalCheckForAccountTest extends AbstractCodeOwnersTest {
+  @Inject private ChangeNotes.Factory changeNotesFactory;
+  @Inject private RequestScopeOperations requestScopeOperations;
+  private CodeOwnerApprovalCheck codeOwnerApprovalCheck;
+  private CodeOwnerConfigOperations codeOwnerConfigOperations;
+  @Before
+  public void setUpCodeOwnersPlugin() throws Exception {
+    codeOwnerApprovalCheck = plugin.getSysInjector().getInstance(CodeOwnerApprovalCheck.class);
+    codeOwnerConfigOperations =
+        plugin.getSysInjector().getInstance(CodeOwnerConfigOperations.class);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void notApprovedByUser() throws Exception {
+    // create arbitrary code owner config to avoid entering the bootstrapping code path in
+    // CodeOwnerApprovalCheck
+    createArbitraryCodeOwnerConfigFile();
+    Path path = Paths.get("/foo/bar.baz");
+    String changeId =
+        createChange("Change Adding A File", JgitPath.of(path).get(), "file content").getChangeId();
+    // Verify that the file would not be approved by the user.
+    Stream<FileCodeOwnerStatus> fileCodeOwnerStatuses =
+        codeOwnerApprovalCheck.getFileStatusesForAccount(getChangeNotes(changeId),;
+    FileCodeOwnerStatusSubject fileCodeOwnerStatusSubject =
+        assertThatStream(fileCodeOwnerStatuses).onlyElement();
+    fileCodeOwnerStatusSubject.hasNewPathStatus().value().hasPathThat().isEqualTo(path);
+    fileCodeOwnerStatusSubject
+        .hasNewPathStatus()
+        .value()
+        .hasStatusThat()
+        .isEqualTo(CodeOwnerStatus.INSUFFICIENT_REVIEWERS);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void approvalFromOtherCodeOwnerHasNoEffect() throws Exception {
+    TestAccount codeOwner =
+        accountCreator.create(
+            "codeOwner", "", "CodeOwner", /* displayName= */ null);
+    codeOwnerConfigOperations
+        .newCodeOwnerConfig()
+        .project(project)
+        .branch("master")
+        .folderPath("/foo/")
+        .addCodeOwnerEmail(
+        .create();
+    Path path = Paths.get("/foo/bar.baz");
+    String changeId =
+        createChange("Change Adding A File", JgitPath.of(path).get(), "file content").getChangeId();
+    // Add a Code-Review+1 (= code owner approval) from the code owner.
+    requestScopeOperations.setApiUser(;
+    recommend(changeId);
+    // Verify that the file would not be approved by the user.
+    Stream<FileCodeOwnerStatus> fileCodeOwnerStatuses =
+        codeOwnerApprovalCheck.getFileStatusesForAccount(getChangeNotes(changeId),;
+    FileCodeOwnerStatusSubject fileCodeOwnerStatusSubject =
+        assertThatStream(fileCodeOwnerStatuses).onlyElement();
+    fileCodeOwnerStatusSubject.hasNewPathStatus().value().hasPathThat().isEqualTo(path);
+    fileCodeOwnerStatusSubject
+        .hasNewPathStatus()
+        .value()
+        .hasStatusThat()
+        .isEqualTo(CodeOwnerStatus.INSUFFICIENT_REVIEWERS);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void approvedByUser() throws Exception {
+    codeOwnerConfigOperations
+        .newCodeOwnerConfig()
+        .project(project)
+        .branch("master")
+        .folderPath("/foo/")
+        .addCodeOwnerEmail(
+        .create();
+    Path path = Paths.get("/foo/bar.baz");
+    String changeId =
+        createChange("Change Adding A File", JgitPath.of(path).get(), "file content").getChangeId();
+    // Verify that the file would be approved by the user.
+    Stream<FileCodeOwnerStatus> fileCodeOwnerStatuses =
+        codeOwnerApprovalCheck.getFileStatusesForAccount(getChangeNotes(changeId),;
+    FileCodeOwnerStatusSubject fileCodeOwnerStatusSubject =
+        assertThatStream(fileCodeOwnerStatuses).onlyElement();
+    fileCodeOwnerStatusSubject.hasNewPathStatus().value().hasPathThat().isEqualTo(path);
+    fileCodeOwnerStatusSubject
+        .hasNewPathStatus()
+        .value()
+        .hasStatusThat()
+        .isEqualTo(CodeOwnerStatus.APPROVED);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void notApprovedByUser_bootstrapping() throws Exception {
+    // since no code owner config exists we are entering the bootstrapping code path in
+    // CodeOwnerApprovalCheck
+    Path path = Paths.get("/foo/bar.baz");
+    String changeId =
+        createChange("Change Adding A File", JgitPath.of(path).get(), "file content").getChangeId();
+    // Verify that the file would not be approved by the user since the user is not a project owner.
+    Stream<FileCodeOwnerStatus> fileCodeOwnerStatuses =
+        codeOwnerApprovalCheck.getFileStatusesForAccount(getChangeNotes(changeId),;
+    FileCodeOwnerStatusSubject fileCodeOwnerStatusSubject =
+        assertThatStream(fileCodeOwnerStatuses).onlyElement();
+    fileCodeOwnerStatusSubject.hasNewPathStatus().value().hasPathThat().isEqualTo(path);
+    fileCodeOwnerStatusSubject
+        .hasNewPathStatus()
+        .value()
+        .hasStatusThat()
+        .isEqualTo(CodeOwnerStatus.INSUFFICIENT_REVIEWERS);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void approvedByProjectOwner_bootstrapping() throws Exception {
+    // since no code owner config exists we are entering the bootstrapping code path in
+    // CodeOwnerApprovalCheck
+    Path path = Paths.get("/foo/bar.baz");
+    String changeId =
+        createChange("Change Adding A File", JgitPath.of(path).get(), "file content").getChangeId();
+    // Verify that the file would be approved by the 'admin' user since the 'admin' user is a
+    // project owner.
+    Stream<FileCodeOwnerStatus> fileCodeOwnerStatuses =
+        codeOwnerApprovalCheck.getFileStatusesForAccount(getChangeNotes(changeId),;
+    FileCodeOwnerStatusSubject fileCodeOwnerStatusSubject =
+        assertThatStream(fileCodeOwnerStatuses).onlyElement();
+    fileCodeOwnerStatusSubject.hasNewPathStatus().value().hasPathThat().isEqualTo(path);
+    fileCodeOwnerStatusSubject
+        .hasNewPathStatus()
+        .value()
+        .hasStatusThat()
+        .isEqualTo(CodeOwnerStatus.APPROVED);
+  }
+  @GerritConfig(name = "plugin.code-owners.fallbackCodeOwners", value = "ALL_USERS")
+  @Test
+  public void approvedByFallbackCodeOwner() throws Exception {
+    // create arbitrary code owner config to avoid entering the bootstrapping code path in
+    // CodeOwnerApprovalCheck
+    createArbitraryCodeOwnerConfigFile();
+    Path path = Paths.get("/foo/bar.baz");
+    String changeId =
+        createChange("Change Adding A File", JgitPath.of(path).get(), "file content").getChangeId();
+    // Verify that the file would be approved by the user since the user is a fallback code owner.
+    Stream<FileCodeOwnerStatus> fileCodeOwnerStatuses =
+        codeOwnerApprovalCheck.getFileStatusesForAccount(getChangeNotes(changeId),;
+    FileCodeOwnerStatusSubject fileCodeOwnerStatusSubject =
+        assertThatStream(fileCodeOwnerStatuses).onlyElement();
+    fileCodeOwnerStatusSubject.hasNewPathStatus().value().hasPathThat().isEqualTo(path);
+    fileCodeOwnerStatusSubject
+        .hasNewPathStatus()
+        .value()
+        .hasStatusThat()
+        .isEqualTo(CodeOwnerStatus.APPROVED);
+  }
+  @GerritConfig(name = "plugin.code-owners.fallbackCodeOwners", value = "ALL_USERS")
+  @Test
+  public void notApprovedByFallbackCodeOwnerIfCodeOwerIsDefined() throws Exception {
+    TestAccount codeOwner =
+        accountCreator.create(
+            "codeOwner", "", "CodeOwner", /* displayName= */ null);
+    codeOwnerConfigOperations
+        .newCodeOwnerConfig()
+        .project(project)
+        .branch("master")
+        .folderPath("/foo/")
+        .addCodeOwnerEmail(
+        .create();
+    Path path = Paths.get("/foo/bar.baz");
+    String changeId =
+        createChange("Change Adding A File", JgitPath.of(path).get(), "file content").getChangeId();
+    // Verify that the file would not be approved by the user since fallback code owners do not
+    // apply.
+    Stream<FileCodeOwnerStatus> fileCodeOwnerStatuses =
+        codeOwnerApprovalCheck.getFileStatusesForAccount(getChangeNotes(changeId),;
+    FileCodeOwnerStatusSubject fileCodeOwnerStatusSubject =
+        assertThatStream(fileCodeOwnerStatuses).onlyElement();
+    fileCodeOwnerStatusSubject.hasNewPathStatus().value().hasPathThat().isEqualTo(path);
+    fileCodeOwnerStatusSubject
+        .hasNewPathStatus()
+        .value()
+        .hasStatusThat()
+        .isEqualTo(CodeOwnerStatus.INSUFFICIENT_REVIEWERS);
+  }
+  @GerritConfig(name = "plugin.code-owners.fallbackCodeOwners", value = "ALL_USERS")
+  @Test
+  public void approvedByFallbackCodeOwner_bootstrappingMode() throws Exception {
+    // since no code owner config exists we are entering the bootstrapping code path in
+    // CodeOwnerApprovalCheck
+    Path path = Paths.get("/foo/bar.baz");
+    String changeId =
+        createChange("Change Adding A File", JgitPath.of(path).get(), "file content").getChangeId();
+    // Verify that the file would be approved by the user since the user is a fallback code owner.
+    Stream<FileCodeOwnerStatus> fileCodeOwnerStatuses =
+        codeOwnerApprovalCheck.getFileStatusesForAccount(getChangeNotes(changeId),;
+    FileCodeOwnerStatusSubject fileCodeOwnerStatusSubject =
+        assertThatStream(fileCodeOwnerStatuses).onlyElement();
+    fileCodeOwnerStatusSubject.hasNewPathStatus().value().hasPathThat().isEqualTo(path);
+    fileCodeOwnerStatusSubject
+        .hasNewPathStatus()
+        .value()
+        .hasStatusThat()
+        .isEqualTo(CodeOwnerStatus.APPROVED);
+  }
+  private ChangeNotes getChangeNotes(String changeId) throws Exception {
+    return changeNotesFactory.create(project,;
+  }
diff --git a/javatests/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/ b/javatests/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/
index 6386a15..f9e79ed 100644
--- a/javatests/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/
+++ b/javatests/com/google/gerrit/plugins/codeowners/backend/
@@ -52,8 +52,13 @@
 import org.junit.Test;
- * Tests for {@link CodeOwnerApprovalCheck}. Further tests with fallback code owners are implemented
- * in {@link CodeOwnerApprovalCheckWithAllUsersAsFallbackCodeOwnersTest}}.
+ * Tests for {@link CodeOwnerApprovalCheck}.
+ *
+ * <p>Further tests with fallback code owners are implemented in {@link
+ * CodeOwnerApprovalCheckWithAllUsersAsFallbackCodeOwnersTest} and the functionality of {@link
+ * CodeOwnerApprovalCheck#getFileStatusesForAccount(ChangeNotes,
+ *} is covered by {@link
+ * CodeOwnerApprovalCheckForAccountTest}.
 public class CodeOwnerApprovalCheckTest extends AbstractCodeOwnersTest {
   @Inject private ChangeNotes.Factory changeNotesFactory;