blob: a93f502591de4779ba8aa1bcfcdb96c505398b06 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2009-2010 Hugo Camboulive <hugo DOT camboulive AT gmail DOT com>
* Licensed under a BSD license */
/* Note about canvas multi text line functions :
* It kinda sucks that the canvas does not provide its own
* functions. This function considers the input data's width
* is evenly distributed around characters. A sentence like
* "AAAAAAAA aaaaaaaa" split in two may pose problem. A rewrite
* will be necessary, but not a priority */
/* This function returns the number one lines we need to use to
* write text over a length < maxwidth. It is only completely
* correct when using a monotype font but should be approximate
* enough for most uses. Use a margin just in case */
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.measureTextLines = function(str, maxwidth) {
var pixlen = this.measureText(str).width;
if (pixlen < maxwidth)
return 1;
return str.splitLine(parseInt(maxwidth * str.length / pixlen))[0];
/* This function draws text in a multiline way over over a
* length < maxwidth. It is only completely correct when
* using a monotype font but should be approximate enough
* for most uses. Use a margin just in case */
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillTextMultiLine = function(str, x, y, maxWidth, lineHeight) {
lineHeight = lineHeight || 12; /* default spacing = 12 */
var pixlen = this.measureText(str).width;
var strings = str.splitLine(parseInt(maxWidth * str.length / pixlen))[1];
var string_ar = strings.split("\n");
for(var i = 0 ; i < string_ar.length ; i++) {
y += lineHeight;
this.fillText(string_ar[i], x, y);
/* Line Splitter Function
* copyright Stephen Chapman, 19th April 2006
* you may copy this code but please keep the copyright notice as well */
String.prototype.splitLine = function(n) {
var b = '';
var s = this;
var linecount = 1;
while (s.length > n) {
var c = s.substring(0,n);
var d = c.lastIndexOf(' ');
var e =c.lastIndexOf('\n');
if (e != -1)
d = e;
if (d == -1)
d = n;
b += c.substring(0,d) + '\n';
linecount += 1;
s = s.substring(d+1);
return [linecount, b+s];
String.prototype.format = function() {
var args = arguments;
return this.replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, function() {
return args[arguments[1]];
/* Constructor for a network canvas, we need to give it
* a canvas ID */
NetworkCanvas = function(canvasid, width, height, names_width, meta, data, commitUrlTemplate, networkUrl, metaUrl, dataUrl) {
this.canvas = $('#'+canvasid).get(0);
this.height = height || 600;
this.width = width || 920;
this.canvas.width = this.width;
this.canvas.height = this.height;
this.commitUrlTemplate = commitUrlTemplate || "{0}/{1}/commit/{2}";
this.networkUrl = networkUrl || "/";
this.metaUrl = metaUrl || "network_meta";
this.dataUrl = dataUrl || "network_data_chunk?nethash=";
this.names_width = names_width || 100;
/* more stuff */
this.xoffset = this.names_width;/* the left column with names is 100 px wide */
this.yoffset = 40; /* the two month/day bars at the top take 40px */
this.dotsMouseOver = []; /* here we store the dots we can hover */
this.avatars = {}; /* we store images loaded from gravatars in there */
this.drawLabels = true;
this.maxx = - this.width + (this.xoffset * 2);
/* the +100 is just a margin in case we need to display HEADS */
this.maxy = - this.height + (this.yoffset * 2) + 100;
this.loading = false;
/* we iterate of those colors when drawing branches... later we'll include more */
this.branchColor = ["black", "red", "blue", "lawngreen", "magenta", "yellow", "orange", "cyan", "hotpink", "peru"];
this.usersBySpace = [];
/* Initialize mouse handler */
this.mouse = new NetworkCanvas.Mouse(this);
/* Initialize keyboard handler */
this.keyboard = new NetworkCanvas.Keyboard(this);
/* Initialize the data loader */
this.dataManager = new NetworkCanvas.DataManager(this);
this.dataManager.init(meta, data);
NetworkCanvas.prototype = {
/* The main draw function, it load the context from the canvas
* and draws everything on it. It's called everytime we have
* to update the graphics. */
draw: function() {
/* if the data is not loaded yet, draw nothing */
if (!this.dataManager.meta)
if (!
/* retreive the canvas */
if (this.canvas.getContext){
var ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.font = "small sans-serif";
/* draw the data points and arrows */
/* draw the names on the left */
/* draw the month bar */
/* draw the day bar */
/* draw the months/days in the two bars */
/* hide the first 100px of the months/days bars */
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(64,64,64)";
if (this.drawDot)
this.drawHint(ctx, this.drawDot);
/* Draw a 'hint' when a dot is mouse-hovered
* It's basically a rectangle with smooth corners
* a gravatar image + name + hash of the commit + comment */
drawHint: function(ctx, hint) {
var x = (this.names_width * 2) + (20 * hint.time) - this.xoffset + 10;
var y = 80 + 20 * - this.yoffset - 10;
/* compute the height of the hint box */
ctx.font = "small sans-serif";
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
var txtlen = ctx.measureTextLines(hint.message, 400 - 15 - 15);
var maxy = 70 + txtlen * 15 + 5;
/* reposition the hint horizontally */
if (x + 10 + 400 > this.width) {
x = this.width - 400 - 10;
} else if (x + 10 < this.names_width) {
x = this.names_width + 10;
} else {
x += 10;
/* reposition the hint vertically */
if (y + 10 + maxy > this.height) {
/* not enough space under the dot */
y = Math.max(40, y - 10 - maxy);
} else if (y < 40) {
y = 40 + 10;
} else {
y += 10;
/* draw the smoothed rectangle */
ctx.strokeStyle = "black";
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
ctx.lineWidth = "2";
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x+5, y);
ctx.lineTo(x + 400 - 5, y);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + 400, y, x + 400, y + 5);
ctx.lineTo(x + 400, y + maxy - 5);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + 400, y + maxy, x + 395, y + maxy);
ctx.lineTo(x + 5, y + maxy);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + maxy, x, y + maxy - 5);
ctx.lineTo(x, y + 5);
/* Preload the avatar if it hasn't already been loaded */
if (!this.avatars[hint.gravatar]) {
this.avatars[hint.gravatar] = new Image();
this.avatars[hint.gravatar].src = ""+hint.gravatar+"?s=32";
var ths = this;
this.avatars[hint.gravatar].onload = function() {
if (hint == ths.drawDot)
ctx.drawImage(ths.avatars[hint.gravatar], x + 15, y + 15);
} else {
ctx.drawImage(this.avatars[hint.gravatar], x + 15, y + 15);
/* Add name */
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.font = "medium sans-serif";
ctx.fillText(, x + 15 + 32 + 15, y + 35);
/* Add commit hash */
ctx.font = "small sans-serif";
ctx.fillStyle = "grey";
ctx.fillText(, x + 15, y + 65);
/* Add commit message */
ctx.font = "small sans-serif";
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.fillTextMultiLine(hint.message, x + 15, y + 70, 400 - 15 - 15);
/* Draw the black month bar at the top of the canvas */
drawMonthBar: function(ctx) {
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
/* Draw the grey day bar just under the month bar */
drawDayBar: function(ctx) {
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(64,64,64)";
/* Draw a name block in the left bar */
drawNameBlock: function(ctx, idx) {
var colors = ["rgb(235,235,255)", "rgb(224,224,255)"];
var val = this.dataManager.meta.blocks[idx];
var ystart = 80 + val.start * 20;
var yend = ystart + val.count * 20;
if ( (ystart - this.yoffset >= 40 && ystart - this.yoffset <= this.height) ||
(yend - this.yoffset >= 40 && yend - this.yoffset <= this.height) ) {
/* draw the background */
if (this.mouse.lastPoint.y > ystart - this.yoffset &&
this.mouse.lastPoint.y <= yend - this.yoffset &&
this.mouse.lastPoint.x <= this.names_width) {
/* hovered */
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(223,223,243)";
ctx.fillRect(0, ystart - this.yoffset, this.names_width, val.count * 20);
} else if (idx%2 == 1) {
/* odd lines */
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(224,224,255)";
ctx.fillRect(0, ystart - this.yoffset, this.names_width, val.count * 20);
/* draw border */
ctx.strokeStyle = "rgb(222,222,222)";
ctx.lineWidth = "1";
ctx.moveTo(this.names_width, ystart - this.yoffset + 0.5);
ctx.lineTo(0.5, ystart - this.yoffset + 0.5);
ctx.lineTo(0.5, yend - this.yoffset + 0.5);
ctx.lineTo(this.names_width, yend - this.yoffset + 0.5);
/* draw text */
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.fillText(, 5, (ystart + yend) / 2 - this.yoffset + 5, this.names_width - 10);
/* Draw the names of each repository owner in the left column */
drawNames: function(ctx) {;
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(235,235,255)";
ctx.fillRect(0, 40, this.names_width, this.height - 40)
for (var i = 0 ; i < this.dataManager.meta.blocks.length ; i++) {
this.drawNameBlock(ctx, i);
/* Draw the to the right of each name in the right column */
drawBlocks: function(ctx) {
var colors = ["rgb(245,245,255)", "rgb(240,240,255)"];
var y = 80;;
ctx.fillStyle = colors[0];
ctx.fillRect(this.names_width, 40, this.width - this.names_width, this.height - 40)
for (var i = 0 ; i < this.dataManager.meta.blocks.length ; i++) {
var val = this.dataManager.meta.blocks[i];
var ydest = y + val.count * 20;
if ( (y - this.yoffset >= 40 && y - this.yoffset <= this.height) ||
(ydest - this.yoffset >= 40 && ydest - this.yoffset <= this.height) ) {
if (i%2 == 1) {
ctx.fillStyle = colors[1];
ctx.fillRect(this.names_width, y - this.yoffset, this.width - this.names_width, val.count * 20);
ctx.lineWidth = "1";
ctx.strokeStyle = "rgb(222,222,222)";
ctx.strokeRect(0.5, y - this.yoffset + 0.5, this.width - 0.5, val.count * 20);
y += val.count * 20;
/* Draw the dates in the two bars at the top of the canvas
* (month in the first bar and day in the second bar */
drawDates: function(ctx) {
/* used to transform a month number to a 3 character string */
var valtomonth = {"01": "Jan", "02": "Feb", "03": "Mar", "04": "Apr", "05": "May", "06": "Jun",
"07": "Jul", "08": "Aug", "09": "Sep", "10": "Oct", "11": "Nov", "12": "Dec"};
var olddate;
var newdate;
var min = parseInt((this.xoffset - this.names_width)/20);
if (min <= 0)
olddate = [1970,1,1];
olddate = this.dataManager.meta.dates[min - 1].split("-");
for (var i = parseInt((this.xoffset - this.names_width)/20) ; i <= parseInt((this.xoffset - this.names_width)/20 + 50) ; i++) {
var val = this.dataManager.meta.dates[i];
if (!val)
newdate = val.split("-");
var x = (2 * this.names_width) + 20 * i - this.xoffset;
/* Check if we need to display a new month */
if (newdate[0] != olddate[0] || newdate[1] != olddate[1]) {
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
ctx.fillText(valtomonth[newdate[1]], x, 15)
/* Check if we need to display a new day */
if (newdate[0] != olddate[0] || newdate[1] != olddate[1] || newdate[2] != olddate[2]) {
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(192,192,192)";
ctx.fillText(newdate[2], x, 35)
olddate = newdate;
/* Draw a little branch head label under a dot */
drawHead: function(ctx, label, x, y) {;
ctx.font = "10px monospace"
var size = ctx.measureText(label).width;
/* draw the shape */
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.8;
ctx.moveTo(x, y);
ctx.lineTo(x - 4, y + 10);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x - 8, y + 10, x - 8, y + 15);
ctx.lineTo(x - 8, y + 15 + size);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x - 8, y + 15 + size + 5, x - 4, y + 15 + size + 5);
ctx.lineTo(x + 4, y + 15 + size + 5);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + 8, y + 15 + size + 5, x + 8, y + 15 + size);
ctx.lineTo(x + 8, y + 15);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + 8, y + 10, x + 4, y + 10);
ctx.lineTo(x, y);
/* print the text */
ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0;
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
ctx.rotate(Math.PI / 2);
ctx.fillText(label, y + 15 , - x);
ctx.rotate(- Math.PI / 2);
return size + 5 + 15; /* 5 = bottom border, 15 = top border */
drawDataDots: function(ctx) {
this.dotsMouseOver = [];
/* Draw all the dots */
for (var i = parseInt((this.xoffset - this.names_width)/20) ; i <= parseInt((this.xoffset - this.names_width + this.width)/20) ; i++) {
var val = this.dataManager.getCommit(i);
if (!val)
var x = (this.names_width * 2) + (20 * val.time) - this.xoffset + 10;
var y = 80 + 20 * - this.yoffset - 10;
/* draw the dot */
if (x > this.names_width - 20 && x < this.width + 20 && y > 20 && y < this.height + 20) {
if (val == this.drawDot) {
/* we are hovering a dot, draw it bigger
* and add a hint */
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
ctx.arc(x, y, 6, 0, (Math.PI * 2), false);
ctx.fillStyle = this.branchColor[(];
ctx.arc(x, y, 5, 0, (Math.PI * 2), false);
} else {
/* only draw a small dot */
ctx.fillStyle = this.branchColor[(];
ctx.arc(x, y, 3, 0, (Math.PI * 2), false);
/* add the data to the array of dotsmouseover */
this.dotsMouseOver.push({"x":x, "y": y, "val": val});
drawDataHeads: function(ctx) {
/* Draw all the HEADS */
for (var i = parseInt((this.xoffset - this.names_width)/20) ; i <= parseInt((this.xoffset - this.names_width + this.width)/20) ; i++) {
var val = this.dataManager.getCommit(i);
if (!val)
var x = (this.names_width * 2) + (20 * val.time) - this.xoffset + 10;
var y = 80 + 20 * - this.yoffset - 10;
var yhead = y + 5;
var user = this.usersBySpace[0];
var userName =;
if (this.dataManager.heads[userName] && this.dataManager.heads[userName][]) {
for (var j = 0 ; j < this.dataManager.heads[userName][].length ; j++) {
var label = this.dataManager.heads[userName][][j];
yhead += this.drawHead(ctx, label, x, yhead) + 5;
drawDataLinks: function(ctx) {
/* draw points */
var displaycount = 0;
for (var i = this.dataManager.meta.dates.length - 1; i >= parseInt((this.xoffset - this.names_width)/20) ; i--) {
var val = this.dataManager.getCommit(i);
if (!val)
var x = (this.names_width * 2) + (20 * val.time) - this.xoffset + 10;
var y = 80 + 20 * - this.yoffset - 10;
ctx.strokeStyle = this.branchColor[(];
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
var middle_used = false;
for (var j = 0 ; j < val.parents.length ; j++) {
var parnt = val.parents[j];
if (parnt[2] == {
middle_used = true;
/* for each dot, we ~may~ have to draw the line/arrow
* to its parent. */
for (var j = 0 ; j < val.parents.length ; j++) {
var parnt = val.parents[j];
var xdest = (this.names_width * 2) + (20 * parnt[1]) - this.xoffset + 10;
var ydest = 80 + 20 * parnt[2] - this.yoffset - 10;
/* Check if the line can be seen */
if (!this.needToDrawLine(x, y, xdest, ydest))
/* here we can draw different type of lines/arrows */
if (parnt[2] == {
/* the dots are on the same line,
* we only draw a line */
ctx.strokeStyle = this.branchColor[(];
ctx.moveTo(x - 5, y);
ctx.lineTo(xdest + 5, y);
} else if (parnt[2] > {
/* the parent is > than the current
* this will be a merge arrow */
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
ctx.strokeStyle = this.branchColor[(parnt[2]-1)%this.branchColor.length];
ctx.fillStyle = this.branchColor[(parnt[2]-1)%this.branchColor.length];
ctx.moveTo(xdest + 5, ydest);
ctx.lineTo(x - 11, ydest);
ctx.lineTo(x - 11, y + 13);
ctx.lineTo(x - 9, y + 9);
/* draw arrowhead */
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.moveTo(x - 5, y + 5);
ctx.lineTo(x - 13, y + 8);
ctx.lineTo(x - 7, y + 14);
ctx.lineTo(x - 5, y + 5);
} else {
/* the parent is < the current, this
* will be a fork arrow */
if (middle_used == false) {
ctx.strokeStyle = this.branchColor[(];
ctx.fillStyle = this.branchColor[(];
/* draw arrowhead */
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.moveTo(x - 5, y);
ctx.lineTo(x - 5 - 9, y - 3.5);
ctx.lineTo(x - 5 - 9, y + 3.5);
ctx.lineTo(x - 5, y);
/* draw lines */
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
ctx.moveTo(x - 5 - 8, y);
ctx.lineTo(xdest, y);
ctx.lineTo(xdest, ydest + 5);
} else {
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
ctx.strokeStyle = this.branchColor[(];
ctx.fillStyle = this.branchColor[(];
ctx.moveTo(xdest, ydest + 5);
ctx.lineTo(xdest, y - 12);
ctx.lineTo(x - 12, y - 12);
ctx.lineTo(x - 9, y - 9);
/* draw arrowhead */
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.moveTo(x - 5, y - 5);
ctx.lineTo(x - 13, y - 8);
ctx.lineTo(x - 7, y - 14);
ctx.lineTo(x - 5, y - 5);
/* Draw the dots and arrows / links in the canvas.
* We may also draw a hint if a dot is hovered */
drawData: function(ctx) {
if (this.drawLabels)
/* Calculate if we will need to draw an arrow (two segments)
* in this canvas (the whole data is bigger than the canvas, so
* we can't afford to draw everything, especially on big graphs) */
needToDrawLine: function(xorig, yorig, xdest, ydest) {
/* both dots are higher than the canvas, no need to draw */
if (xorig < this.names_width && xdest < this.names_width)
return false;
/* both dots are lower than the canvas, no need to draw */
if (xorig > this.width && xdest > this.width)
return false;
/* both dots are lefter than the canvas, no need to draw */
if (yorig < 40 && ydest < 40)
return false;
/* both dots are righter than the canvas, no need to draw */
if (yorig > this.height && ydest > this.height)
return false;
/* those two are a bit trickier, but work */
/*if ( (xorig < xmin || xorig > xmax) && (ydest < ymin || ydest > ymax) )
return false;
if ( (xdest < xmin || xdest > xmax) && (yorig < ymin || yorig > ymax) )
return false;*/
/* if we are here, we have to draw */
return true;
/******* Here starts the data loading mechanics *******/
NetworkCanvas.DataManager = function(c) {
this.canvas = c;
this.meta; /* the metadata loaded from 'network_meta' file */ = []; /* the data loaded from 'network_data?nethash=<hash>&start=<s>&end=<e> */
this.heads = {};
this.loading = [];
NetworkCanvas.DataManager.prototype = {
init: function(meta, data) {
var ths = this;
if (meta != null && data != null) {
this.meta = meta;
this.canvas.xoffset = ths.canvas.names_width + ths.meta.focus * 20;
} else {
$.getJSON(ths.canvas.metaUrl, function(metadata) {
ths.meta = metadata;
ths.canvas.xoffset = ths.canvas.names_width + ths.meta.focus * 20;
/* Compute the max width and height of the data inside the
* canvas so we can block scrolling when going too far
* We also put the HEADS in an associative array */
parseMeta: function() {
/* each user can take 20px * X in height */
for (var i = 0 ; i < this.meta.blocks.length ; i++) {
this.canvas.maxy += 20 * this.meta.blocks[i].count;
for (var j = 0 ; j < this.meta.blocks[i].count ; j++) {
this.canvas.usersBySpace[this.meta.blocks[i].start + j] = this.meta.users[i];
/* each column takes 20px */
this.canvas.maxx = 100 + (this.meta.dates.length * 20);
/* parse the heads */
for (var i = 0 ; i < this.meta.users.length ; i++) {
var val = this.meta.users[i];
this.heads[] = {};
for (var j = 0 ; j < val.heads.length ; j++) {
var head = val.heads[j];
if (!this.heads[][])
this.heads[][] = [];
parseDataChunk: function(chunk) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < chunk.commits.length ; i++) {
var commit = chunk.commits[i];[commit.time] = commit;
loadStartData: function(data) {
var ths = this;
if (data) {
} else {
$.getJSON(ths.canvas.dataUrl+ths.meta.nethash+"&start="+ths.meta.focus, function(chunk) {
getCommit: function(i) {
var ths = this;
/* if there is no existing data loaded */
if (![i] && i < this.meta.dates.length && i >= 0 && (!this.loading[i] || this.loading[i] == false)) {
var start;
if (i >= 1 &&[i - 1]) {
/* there is something on the left */
start = i;
} else {
start = Math.max(i - 100, 0);
var end = Math.min(start + 100, this.meta.dates.length - 1);
for (var j = start ; j <= end ; j++) {
this.loading[j] = true;
if (!this.canvas.loading) {
loadData: function() {
var ths = this;
var len = 0;
this.canvas.loading = true;
for (var i = 0 ; i < this.loading.length ; i++)
if (this.loading[i] && ![i])
var prevLen = 0;
while(len > 0 && len != prevLen) {
prevLen = len;
var end = this.loading.length - 1;
while (!this.loading[end] ||[end]) {
var start = end;
while (start > 0 && this.loading[start] && end - start < 100 && ![start])
async: false,
dataType: "json",
url: ths.canvas.dataUrl+this.meta.nethash+"&start="+start+'&end='+end,
success: function(d) {
for (var i = end; i >= start ; i--)
this.loading[i] = false;
len = 0;
for (var i = 0 ; i < this.loading.length ; i++)
if (this.loading[i] && ![i])
this.canvas.loading = false;
/******* Here starts the mouse management mechanics *******/
NetworkCanvas.Mouse = function(c) {
this.dragging = false; /* is the mouse button pressed right now? */
this.lastPoint = {"x":0, "y":0}; /* last coords of the mouse */
this.drawDot = false; /* the dot that we are hovering */
this.canvas = c;
/* once the onmouse* are bound to the canvas, the parent is the canvas
* so we can't access this.*, we have to use a variable local to the
* constructor that references itself. Funny stuff */
var parnt = this;
/* When the mouse button is pressed, we start dragging */
this.down = function(e) {
parnt.lastPoint.x = e.pageX -;
parnt.lastPoint.y = e.pageY -;
/* if we clicked on a dot, open commit in new window */
if (parnt.canvas.drawDot) {
var user = parnt.canvas.usersBySpace[ - 1];, user.repo,;
/* if we clicked on a name, go to network for this person */
if (parnt.lastPoint.x < parnt.canvas.names_width && parnt.lastPoint.y > 40) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < parnt.canvas.dataManager.meta.blocks.length ; i++) {
var val = parnt.canvas.dataManager.meta.blocks[i];
var ystart = 80 + val.start * 20;
var yend = ystart + val.count * 20;
if ((ystart - parnt.canvas.yoffset <= parnt.lastPoint.y && yend - parnt.canvas.yoffset >= parnt.lastPoint.y)) {
var user = parnt.canvas.dataManager.meta.users[i];;
parnt.dragging = true;
/* When the mouse button is released, we stop the dragging */
this.up = function(e) {
parnt.dragging = false;
/* When the mouse goes out of the canvas, we stop dragging */
this.out = function(e) {
parnt.dragging = false;
/* When the mouse cursor is moved, we either :
* - move the data displayed in the canvas left/up/down/right
* if the button is pressed (dragging)
* - check if we are hovering a dot so we can display a hint */
this.move = function(e) {
var needRedraw = false;
var end = 0;
var x = e.pageX -;
var y = e.pageY -;
/* Movement while the mouse button is pressed = scrolling */
if (parnt.dragging) {
var dx = x - parnt.lastPoint.x;
var dy = y - parnt.lastPoint.y;
/* limit left <-> right scrolling */
parnt.canvas.xoffset -= dx;
if (parnt.canvas.xoffset < parnt.canvas.names_width)
parnt.canvas.xoffset = parnt.canvas.names_width;
if (parnt.canvas.xoffset > parnt.canvas.maxx)
parnt.canvas.xoffset = parnt.canvas.maxx;
/* limit up <-> down scrolling */
parnt.canvas.yoffset -= dy;
if (parnt.canvas.yoffset > parnt.canvas.maxy)
parnt.canvas.yoffset = parnt.canvas.maxy;
if (parnt.canvas.yoffset < 40)
parnt.canvas.yoffset = 40;
needRedraw = true;
} else {
/* if we're not scrolling, check for mouseovers */
/* check names (left column) mouseovers */
if (x <= parnt.canvas.names_width && y > 40) {
parnt.cursorOnNames = true; = 'pointer';
needRedraw = true;
} else if (parnt.cursorOnNames == true) {
parnt.cursorOnNames = false;
needRedraw = true; = 'default';
/* check dots mouseovers */
var found = false;
for (var i = 0 ; i < parnt.canvas.dotsMouseOver.length ; i++) {
var val = parnt.canvas.dotsMouseOver[i];
if (found == false) {
if (Math.abs((x - - val.x) <= 5) {
if (Math.abs((y - - val.y) <= 5) {
found = val.val;
if (parnt.canvas.drawDot != found) {
/* Change the mouse so that we know we are on a link */
if (found == false) { ='default';
} else { ='pointer';
parnt.canvas.drawDot = found;
needRedraw = true;
if (needRedraw) {
parnt.lastPoint.x = x;
parnt.lastPoint.y = y;
NetworkCanvas.Mouse.prototype = {
init: function() {
this.canvas.canvas.onmouseup = this.up;
this.canvas.canvas.onmousedown = this.down;
this.canvas.canvas.onmousemove = this.move;
this.canvas.canvas.onmouseout = this.out;
/******* Here starts the keyboard management mechanics *******/
NetworkCanvas.Keyboard = function(c) {
this.canvas = c;
var parnt = this;
this.down = function(e) {
var needRedraw = false;
if (e.shiftKey) {
switch(e.which) {
case 72: /* H */
case 37: /* <- */
parnt.canvas.xoffset = 0;
needRedraw = true;
case 75: /* K */
case 38: /* UP */
parnt.canvas.yoffset = 0;
needRedraw = true;
case 76: /* L */
case 39: /* -> */
parnt.canvas.xoffset = parnt.canvas.maxx - (parnt.canvas.width - parnt.canvas.names_width);
needRedraw = true;
case 74: /* J */
case 40: /* DOWN */
parnt.canvas.yoffset = parnt.canvas.maxy;
needRedraw = true;
} else {
switch(e.which) {
case 72: /* H */
case 37: /* <- */
parnt.canvas.xoffset -= 100;
needRedraw = true;
case 75: /* K */
case 38: /* UP */
parnt.canvas.yoffset -= 20;
needRedraw = true;
case 76: /* L */
case 39: /* -> */
parnt.canvas.xoffset += 100;
needRedraw = true;
case 74: /* J */
case 40: /* DOWN */
parnt.canvas.yoffset += 20;
needRedraw = true;
case 84: /* T */
parnt.canvas.drawLabels = !parnt.canvas.drawLabels;
needRedraw = true;
if (parnt.canvas.xoffset < parnt.canvas.names_width)
parnt.canvas.xoffset = parnt.canvas.names_width;
if (parnt.canvas.xoffset > parnt.canvas.maxx)
parnt.canvas.xoffset = parnt.canvas.maxx;
/* limit up <-> down scrolling */
if (parnt.canvas.yoffset > parnt.canvas.maxy)
parnt.canvas.yoffset = parnt.canvas.maxy;
if (parnt.canvas.yoffset < 40)
parnt.canvas.yoffset = 40;
if (needRedraw) {
NetworkCanvas.Keyboard.prototype = {
init: function() {