REST/SSH API to extract project contributors

Initial implementation of the project contributors list extracting
via REST and SSH.

Differently from the standard Gerrit API, list of entries is returned
as multi-line JSON instead of a unique collection in a single line.
The rationale is on the potential size of the data and the underlying
processing system which is based on splitting, shuffling and sorting.

Change-Id: I96b846d732f81cc35afb6520b4c3130f5cb8b9bd
10 files changed
tree: 2fbdefde49505ff747cbad2cb1ebc79b2c745746
  1. src/
  2. BUCK

Analytics extraction plugin

Extract commit and review data from Gerrit projects and expose aggregated metrics over REST and SSH API.

How to build

Clone the analytics plugin into an existing Gerrit source tree under /plugins/analytics and then execute buck build.


   $ git clone
   $ git clone gerrit/plugins/analytics
   $ cd gerrit
   $ buck build plugins/analytics

How to install

Copy the analytics.jar generated under /buck-out/gen/plugins/analytics/analytics.jar onto Gerrit's /plugins directory.

How to configure

Nothing to configure, it just works.

How to use

Adds new REST API and SSH commands to allow the extraction of repository statistics from Gerrit repositories and changes.


All the API share the same syntax and behaviour. Differently from the standard Gerrit REST API, the JSON collections are returned as individual lines and streamed over the socket I/O. The choice is driven by the fact that the typical consumer of these API is a BigData batch process, typically external to Gerrit and hosted on a separate computing cluster.

A large volume of data can be potentially generated: splitting the output file into separate lines helps the BigData processing in the splitting, shuffling and sorting phase.


Extract a unordered list of project contributors statistics, including the commits data relevant for statistics purposes, such as timestamp and merge flag.




analytics contributors {project-name}

REST Example:

   $ curl

   {"name":"John Doe","email":"","num_commits":1,"commits":[{"sha1":"6a1f73738071e299f600017d99f7252d41b96b4b","date":"Apr 28, 2011 5:13:14 AM","merge":false}]}
   {"name":"Matt Smith","email":"","num_commits":1,"commits":[{"sha1":"54527e7e3086758a23e3b069f183db6415aca304","date":"Sep 8, 2015 3:11:23 AM","merge":true}]}

SSH Example:

   $ ssh -p 29418 analytics contributors

   {"name":"John Doe","email":"","num_commits":1,"commits":[{"sha1":"6a1f73738071e299f600017d99f7252d41b96b4b","date":"Apr 28, 2011 5:13:14 AM","merge":false}]}
   {"name":"Matt Smith","email":"","num_commits":1,"commits":[{"sha1":"54527e7e3086758a23e3b069f183db6415aca304","date":"Sep 8, 2015 3:11:23 AM","merge":true}]}