Show waiting bar modal when loading dashboard

When docker-compose up command is issued via 'analytics-wizard~server'
endpoint, the page keeps polling 'analytics-wizard~status' endpoint
to check the status of the import.

The polling continues until 202 is received (job is still in progress).
When 204 is received the user is redirected to the kibana dashboard.
Any other polling result is shown as error message.

Additionally, the analytics-wizard~server has been modified in order
to run the docker-compose in detached mode, to avoid the http request
hanging forever.

Feature: Issue 9870
Change-Id: I4116db8ae454e489522d97452f5eeb06f6c9cc6b
5 files changed
tree: 9ab48753de34a7d2aa6438d2382250fea7241a83
  1. project/
  2. src/
  3. .gitignore
  4. .scalafmt.conf
  5. build.sbt


Wizard to provision a new GerritAnalytics stack


this plugin is being developed against gerrit master (2.16), thus it relies on gerrit-plugin-api-2.16-SNAPSHOT

In order to make gerrit-plugin-api-2.16-SNAPSHOT available locally you can run the following from a gerrit checkout dir:

./tools/maven/ install