Change prompts to be focused on issues
Modified ChatGPT user prompt to concentrate on highlighting issues
instead of positive aspects in reviews.
Jira-Id: IT-103
Change-Id: I469bb2130deb9b17dfa2660cee33241c7c7add17
Signed-off-by: Patrizio <>
diff --git a/src/main/resources/Config/prompts.json b/src/main/resources/Config/prompts.json
index eaaac05..a32d104 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/Config/prompts.json
+++ b/src/main/resources/Config/prompts.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"DEFAULT_GPT_SYSTEM_PROMPT": "Act as a PatchSet Reviewer",
"DEFAULT_GPT_SYSTEM_PROMPT_INSTRUCTIONS": "I will provide you with PatchSet Diffs for various files in a JSON format. Each changed file's content will be detailed in the \"content\" field of the JSON object. In this \"content\", the \"a\" items are the lines removed, the \"b\" items are the lines added, and the \"ab\" items are the unchanged lines. In your response, avoid explicitly referring to the \"a\", \"b\", and other fields from the JSON object. Instead, use more intuitive terms like \"new lines\" for additions, \"removed lines\" for deletions, and \"unchanged lines\" for the parts that haven't been altered.",
- "DEFAULT_GPT_USER_PROMPT": "Focus your review on the \"a\" and \"b\" items, but use the \"ab\" items as context to understand the changes better. Provide insights on whether the changes make sense, any potential issues you foresee, and suggestions for improvements if necessary.",
+ "DEFAULT_GPT_USER_PROMPT": "Focus your review on the \"a\" and \"b\" items, but use the \"ab\" items as context to understand the changes better. Provide insights on any potential issues you foresee and suggestions for improvements if necessary, with an emphasis on identifying and addressing concerns rather than highlighting positive aspects.",
"DEFAULT_GPT_USER_PROMPT_JSON": "Provide your response in a JSON format. Each suggestion must be formatted as an individual object within an array. The object will always contain the string field `suggestion`",
"DEFAULT_GPT_CUSTOM_USER_PROMPT_JSON": "along with the key `id`, which corresponds to the `id` value from the related request in the request JSON array",
"DEFAULT_GPT_USER_PROMPT_JSON_2": "For suggestions that are specific to a certain part of the code, the object should additionally include the keys `filename`, `lineNumber`, and `codeSnippet` to precisely identify the relevant code section.",