Describe minikube setup for evaluation

The documentation that far assumed that the user has a Kubernetes
cluster in the cloud available. For initial evaluation of the helm
charts, it would be practical to be able to test them on a local
machine. This change provides documentation and sample configuration
files to install a gerrit-master and gerrit-slave setup on a local
machine using Minikube.

Change-Id: I1eeb07401855910cca6c048e936e44c76ca6238a
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+# Running Gerrit on Kubernetes using Minikube
+To test Gerrit on Kubernetes locally, a one-node cluster can be set up using
+Minikube. Minikube provides basic Kubernetes functionality and allows to quickly
+deploy and evaluate a Kubernetes deployment.
+This tutorial will guide through setting up Minikube to deploy the gerrit-
+master and gerrit-slave helm charts to it. Note, that due to limited compute
+resources on a single local machine and the restricted functionality of Minikube,
+the full functionality of the charts might not be usable.
+## Installing Kubectl and Minikube
+To use Minikube, a hypervisor is needed. A good non-commercial solution is HyperKit.
+The Minikube project provides binaries to install the driver:
+curl -LO \
+  && sudo install -o root -g wheel -m 4755 docker-machine-driver-hyperkit /usr/local/bin/
+To manage Kubernetes clusters, the Kubectl CLI tool will be needed. A detailed
+guide how to do that for all supported OSs can be found
+On OSX hombrew can be used for installation:
+brew install kubernetes-cli
+Finally, Minikube can be installed. Download the latest binary
+[here]( To install it on OSX, run:
+curl -Lo minikube && \
+  chmod +x minikube && \
+  sudo cp minikube /usr/local/bin/ && \
+  rm minikube
+## Starting a Minikube cluster
+For a more detailed overview over the features of Minikube refer to the
+[official documentation]( If a
+hypervisor driver other than virtual box (e.g. hyperkit) is used, set the
+`--vm-driver` option accordingly:
+minikube config set vm-driver hyperkit
+The gerrit-master and gerrit-slave charts are configured to work with the default
+resource limits configured for minikube (2 cpus and 2Gi RAM). If more resources
+are desired (e.g. to speed up deployment startup or for more resource intensive
+tests), configure the resource limits using:
+minikube config set memory 4096
+minikube config set cpus 4
+To install a full Gerrit master and Gerrit slave setup with reasonable startup
+times, Minikube will need about 9.5 GB of RAM and 3-4 CPUs! But the more the
+To start a Minikube cluster simply run:
+minikube start
+Starting up the cluster will take a while. The installation should automatically
+configure kubectl to connect to the Minikube cluster. Run the following command
+to test whether the cluster is up:
+kubectl get nodes
+minikube   Ready    master   1h    v1.10.0
+The helm-charts use ingresses, which can be used in Minikube by enabling the
+ingress addon:
+minikube addons enable ingress
+Since for testing there will probably no usable host names configured to point
+to the minikube installation, the traffic to the hostnames configured in the
+Ingress definition needs to be redirected to Minikube by editing the `/etc/hosts`-
+file, adding a line containing the Minikube IP and a whitespace-delimited list
+of all the hostnames:
+echo "$(minikube ip) master.gerrit backend.gerrit slave.gerrit" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
+The host names (e.g. `master.gerrit`) are the defaults, when using the values.yaml
+files provided as and example for minikube. Change them accordingly, if a different
+one is chosen.
+This will only redirect traffic from the computer running Minikube.
+To see whether all cluster components are ready, run:
+kubectl get pos --all-namespaces
+The status of all components should be `Ready`. The kubernetes dashboard giving
+an overview over all cluster components, can be opened by executing:
+minikube dashboard
+## Install helm
+Helm is needed to install and manage the helm charts. To install the helm client
+on your local machine (running OSX), run:
+brew install kubernetes-helm
+A guide for all suported OSs can be found [here](
+For helm being able to install charts on a Kubernetes cluster, it needs Tiller
+installed. To do that, run:
+helm init
+## Start an NFS-server
+The helm-charts need a volume with ReadWriteMany access mode to store
+git-repositories. This guide will use the nfs-server-provisioner chart to provide
+NFS-volumes directly in the cluster. A basic configuration file for the nfs-server-
+provisioner-chart is provided in the supplements-directory. It can be installed
+by running:
+helm install stable/nfs-server-provisioner \
+  --name nfs \
+  -f ./supplements/nfs.minikube.values.yaml
+## Installing the gerrit-master helm chart
+A configuration file to configure the gerrit-master chart is provided at
+`./supplements/gerrit-master.minikube.values.yaml`. To install the gerrit-master
+chart on Minikube, run:
+helm install ./helm-charts/gerrit-master \
+  -f ./supplements/gerrit-master.minikube.values.yaml \
+  --dep-up \
+  -n gerrit-master
+Startup may take some time, especially when allowing only a small amount of
+resources to the containers. Check progress with `kubectl get pods -w` until
+it says that the pod `gerrit-master-gerrit-master-deployment-<id>` is `Running`.
+Then use `kubectl logs -f gerrit-master-gerrit-master-deployment-<id>` to follow
+the startup process of Gerrit until a line like this shows that Gerrit is ready:
+[2018-11-27 09:58:52,066] [main] INFO : Gerrit Code Review 2.16-18-ge42b76d4ba ready
+The ` start` command may return `FAILED`. Nevertheless, when testing the
+setup, Gerrit started up anyway after some time. This happens, if due to low
+resources Gerrit needs too long to start up and the ``-scripts runs into
+a timeout.
+To open Gerrit's UI, run:
+open http://master.gerrit
+## Installing the gerrit-slave helm chart
+Before installing the gerrit-slave chart, some information and configuration is
+needed from the master's database. First find out the name of the pod running
+the mysql database of the master. It can be looked up by running:
+kubectl get pods
+It should have the format `gerrit-master-mysql-<id>`. Then exec the pod and log
+into the database by executing:
+kubectl exec -it gerrit-master-mysql-<id> bash
+mysql -u root -pbig_secret
+Create a user for the database replication:
+CREATE USER 'repl' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
+  IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
+Get the current position of the transaction logs by executing the following SQL
+  +------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+-------------------+
+  | File             | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB | Executed_Gtid_Set |
+  +------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+-------------------+
+  | mysql-bin.000004 | 4918     |              |                  |                   |
+  +------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+-------------------+
+Further, a dump of the reviewdb is needed. Exit mysql by typing `quit` and run:
+mysqldump -u root -p --databases reviewdb > master_dump.sql
+To get the dump to the host, exit the pod and run:
+kubectl cp gerrit-master-mysql-<id>:/master_dump.sql master_dump.sql
+A custom configuration file to configure the gerrit-slave chart is provided at
+`./supplements/gerrit-slave.minikube.values.yaml`. Change the values of
+`database.replication.mysql.config.masterLogFile` and
+`database.replication.mysql.config.masterLogPos` to the values retrieved beforehand.
+Then, the gerrit-slave chart can be started:
+helm install ./helm-charts/gerrit-slave \
+  -f ./supplements/gerrit-slave.minikube.values.yaml \
+  --dep-up \
+  -n gerrit-slave
+When the `gerrit-slave-mysql-<id>`-pod and the `gerrit-slave-mysql-replication-init-<id>`-
+pod are ready, provide the database dump to the database by executing:
+kubectl cp master_dump.sql gerrit-slave-mysql-replication-init-<id>:/var/data/db/master_dump.sql
+The status of database initialization can be followed by running:
+kubectl logs -f gerrit-slave-mysql-replication-init-<id>
+As soon as the status of the database slave is displayed, the database should be
+As a next step the `All-Projects` and `All-Users` repositories have to be created
+on the slave by running:
+curl -L -u git http://backend.gerrit/new/All-Projects.git
+curl -L -u git http://backend.gerrit/new/All-Users.git
+Afterwards, the slave will start up, which can be followed by running:
+kubectl logs -f gerrit-slave-gerrit-slave-deployment-<id>
+Replication of repositories has to be started on the Gerrit master, e.g. by making
+a change in the respective repositories. Only then previous changes to the
+repositories will be available on the slave.
+## Cleanup
+Shut down minikube:
+minikube stop
+Delete the minikube cluster:
+minikube delete
+Remove the line added to `/etc/hosts`. If Minikube is restarted, the cluster will
+get a new IP and the `/etc/hosts`-entry has to be adjusted.
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 These Helm charts can be used to install a Gerrit cluster consisting of a
 Gerrit master and a Gerrit slave on a Kubernetes cluster.
+To evaluate and test the helm-charts, they can be installed on a local machine
+running Minikube. Follow this [guide](Documentation/ to get a detailed
+description how to set up the Minikube cluster and install the charts.
 ## File System Storage
 Currently this deployment uses NFS, some options:
diff --git a/supplements/gerrit-master.minikube.values.yaml b/supplements/gerrit-master.minikube.values.yaml
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index 0000000..9445eef
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+++ b/supplements/gerrit-master.minikube.values.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+  default:
+    name: standard
+  shared:
+    name: shared-storage
+  schedule: "*/15 * * * *"
+  resources:
+    requests:
+      cpu: 50m
+      memory: 100Mi
+    limits:
+      cpu: 50m
+      memory: 100Mi
+  logging:
+    persistence:
+      enabled: false
+  resources:
+    requests:
+      cpu: 200m
+      memory: 400Mi
+    limits:
+      cpu: 500m
+      memory: 400Mi
+  logging:
+    persistence:
+      enabled: false
+  ingress:
+    host: master.gerrit
+  config:
+    gerrit: |-
+      [gerrit]
+        basePath = git
+        serverId = gerrit-master-1
+        canonicalWebUrl = http://master.gerrit
+      [database]
+        type = mysql
+        hostname = gerrit-master-mysql
+        port = 3306
+        database = reviewdb
+        url = jdbc:mysql://gerrit-master-mysql:3306/reviewdb?nullNamePatternMatchesAll=true&useSSL=false
+      [index]
+        type = LUCENE
+      [auth]
+      [httpd]
+        listenUrl = proxy-http://*:8080/
+      [sshd]
+        listenAddress = off
+      [transfer]
+        timeout = 120 s
+      [user]
+        name = Gerrit Code Review
+        email =
+        anonymousCoward = Unnamed User
+      [cache]
+        directory = cache
+      [container]
+        user = gerrit
+        javaHome = /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
+        javaOptions =
+        javaOptions = -Xms300m
+        javaOptions = -Xmx300m
+    secure: |-
+      [database]
+        username = gerrit
+        password = secret
+      [httpd]
+        sslKeyPassword = gerrit
+      [remote "slave"]
+        username = git
+        password = secret
+    replication: |-
+      [gerrit]
+        autoReload = false
+        replicateOnStartup = true
+        defaultForceUpdate = true
+      [remote "slave"]
+        url = http://gerrit-slave-git-backend-service/git/${name}.git
+        replicationDelay = 0
+        timeout = 30
+  enabled: true
+  image: mysql
+  imageTag: 5.5.61
+  mysqlRootPassword: big_secret
+  mysqlUser: gerrit
+  mysqlPassword: secret
+  persistence:
+    enabled: false
+  resources:
+    requests:
+      cpu: 100m
+      memory: 200Mi
+    limits:
+      cpu: 100m
+      memory: 200Mi
+  service:
+    type: NodePort
+    port: 3306
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/supplements/gerrit-slave.minikube.values.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+  default:
+    name: standard
+  shared:
+    name: shared-storage
+  provider: mysql
+  replication:
+    enabled: true
+    mysql:
+      config:
+        masterHost: gerrit-master-mysql
+        masterPort: 3306
+        masterUser: repl
+        masterPassword: password
+        masterLogFile: mysql-bin.000004
+        masterLogPos: 4918
+      dbDumpAcceptPath: /var/data/db/master_dump.sql
+  resources:
+    requests:
+      cpu: 50m
+      memory: 50Mi
+    limits:
+      cpu: 50m
+      memory: 100Mi
+  logging:
+    persistence:
+      enabled: false
+  service:
+    type: NodePort
+  ingress:
+    enabled: true
+    host: backend.gerrit
+  schedule: "*/15 * * * *"
+  resources:
+    requests:
+      cpu: 50m
+      memory: 100Mi
+    limits:
+      cpu: 50m
+      memory: 100Mi
+  logging:
+    persistence:
+      enabled: false
+  initializeTestSite:
+    enabled: false
+  resources:
+    requests:
+      cpu: 200m
+      memory: 400Mi
+    limits:
+      cpu: 500m
+      memory: 400Mi
+  logging:
+    persistence:
+      enabled: false
+  ingress:
+    host: slave.gerrit
+  config:
+    gerrit: |-
+      [gerrit]
+        basePath = git
+        serverId = gerrit-slave-1
+        canonicalWebUrl = http://slave.gerrit
+      [database]
+        type = mysql
+        hostname = gerrit-slave-mysql
+        port = 33306
+        database = reviewdb
+        url = jdbc:mysql://gerrit-slave-mysql:33306/reviewdb?nullNamePatternMatchesAll=true&useSSL=false
+      [index]
+        type = LUCENE
+      [auth]
+      [httpd]
+        listenUrl = proxy-http://*:8080/
+      [sshd]
+        listenAddress = off
+      [transfer]
+        timeout = 120 s
+      [user]
+        name = Gerrit Code Review
+        email =
+        anonymousCoward = Unnamed User
+      [cache]
+        directory = cache
+      [container]
+        user = gerrit
+        slave = true
+        javaHome = /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
+        javaOptions =
+        javaOptions = -Xms300m
+        javaOptions = -Xmx300m
+    secure: |-
+      [database]
+        username = gerrit
+        password = secret
+      [httpd]
+        sslKeyPassword = gerrit
+  enabled: true
+  mysqlRootPassword: big_secret
+  mysqlUser: gerrit
+  mysqlPassword: secret
+  persistence:
+    enabled: false
+  resources:
+    requests:
+      cpu: 100m
+      memory: 200Mi
+    limits:
+      cpu: 100m
+      memory: 200Mi
+  service:
+    port: 33306
diff --git a/supplements/nfs.minikube.values.yaml b/supplements/nfs.minikube.values.yaml
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+++ b/supplements/nfs.minikube.values.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+replicaCount: 1
+  create: true
+  defaultClass: false
+  # The name of the StorageClass has to be the same as the one defined in the
+  # gerrit-master chart for ``
+  name: shared-storage
+  parameters:
+    # Required!
+    mountOptions: vers=4.1
+  reclaimPolicy: Delete
+  requests:
+    cpu: 100m
+    memory: 256Mi
+  limits:
+    cpu: 100m
+    memory: 256Mi
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