Add an initialization file to create a replication user

For database replication a dedicated user has to be created in the
master database. So far this had to be done manually in the reviewdb

This change adds a template for an initialization file to the
'values.yaml'-file of the reviewdb-chart that can be used to create this
user during startup of the deployment, removing this manual step.

Change-Id: Ib8b92c18b18faec4df052c70e4d6e1aef9b30cbf
diff --git a/helm-charts/reviewdb/ b/helm-charts/reviewdb/
index d04a6b9..6298c0d 100644
--- a/helm-charts/reviewdb/
+++ b/helm-charts/reviewdb/
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@
 | `mysql.replication`                        | Only used, if `isSlave` is `true`                                                                                                               | `{}`                                                                                           |
 | `mysql.replication.config.masterHost`      | Hostname of the Mysql database master                                                                                                           | ``                                                                            |
 | `mysql.replication.config.masterPort`      | Port of the Mysql database master                                                                                                               | `3306`                                                                                         |
-| `mysql.replication.config.masterUser`      | Username of technical user created for [replication](#Create-technical-user)                                                                    | `repl`                                                                                         |
-| `mysql.replication.config.masterPassword`  | Password of technical user created for [replication](#Create-technical-user)                                                                    | `password`                                                                                     |
+| `mysql.replication.config.masterUser`      | Username of technical user created for replication                                                                                              | `repl`                                                                                         |
+| `mysql.replication.config.masterPassword`  | Password of technical user created for replication                                                                                              | `password`                                                                                     |
 | `mysql.replication.config.masterLogFile`   | Transaction log file at timepoint of dump as retrieved [here](#Create-database-dump-and-note-database-state)                                    | `mysql-bin.000001`                                                                             |
 | `mysql.replication.config.masterLogPos`    | Transaction log position at timepoint of dump as retrieved [here](#Create-database-dump-and-note-database-state)                                | `111`                                                                                          |
 | `mysql.replication.dbDumpAcceptPath`       | Path, where the replication init script will expect the database dump file to appear                                                            | `/var/data/db/master_dump.sql`                                                                 |
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
 |                                            |                                                                                                                                                 | `limits.cpu: 250m`                                                                             |
 |                                            |                                                                                                                                                 | `limits.memory: 1Gi`                                                                           |
 | `mysql.configurationFiles`                 | Add configuration files for MySQL                                                                                                               | `{}` (check the [Configuration files-section](#Configuration-files) for configuration options) |
-| `mysql.initializationFiles`                | Add scripts that are executed, when the database is started the first time                                                                      | `initialize_reviewdb.sql` (Should not be changed)                                              |
+| `mysql.initializationFiles`                | Add scripts that are executed, when the database is started the first time                                                                      | `{}` (check the [Initialization files-section](#Initialization-files) for details)             |
 | `mysql.service.type`                       | Type of the Service used to expose the database                                                                                                 | `NodePort`                                                                                     |
 | `mysql.service.port`                       | The port used to expose the database                                                                                                            | `3306`                                                                                         |
 | `mysql.ssl.enabled`                        | Setup and use SSL for MySQL connections                                                                                                         | `false`                                                                                        |
@@ -177,6 +177,20 @@
 Comment out the contents of the file, that is not needed, depending on installing
 a master or slave database.
+##### Initialization files
+- `initialize_reviewdb.sql`
+Creates a database called 'reviewdb', that can be used by Gerrit for the ReviewDB.
+Leave this file unchanged.
+- `create_repl_user.sql`
+Creates a user, that can be used for database replication. This user is only needed
+on the master database and only, when the data is supposed to be replicated to
+slaves. To use it, uncomment the code and change the username, password and
+certificate subject as needed.
 ## Aditional configuration steps
 ### Create certificates for SSL-encrypted communication
@@ -246,26 +260,6 @@
 necessary steps are detailed in this section. If it is not planned to replicate
 the master database, skip this section.
-#### Create technical user
-Connect to the MySQL database master and create a technical user to handle the
-CREATE USER 'repl' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
-  IDENTIFIED BY 'password'
-  REQUIRE SUBJECT '/C=DE/O=Gerrit/CN=gerrit-db-slave';
-The username and password have to be the same as configured in the database slave's
-`values.yaml` under `mysql.replication.config.masterUser` and
-The subject string has to be the same as the one used for the slave's certificate
-signing request. If SSL is not used, omit the subject requirement.
 #### Create database dump and note database state
 In the next steps the content of the database has to be retrieved and the corresponding
diff --git a/helm-charts/reviewdb/values.yaml b/helm-charts/reviewdb/values.yaml
index c147e80..33658f9 100644
--- a/helm-charts/reviewdb/values.yaml
+++ b/helm-charts/reviewdb/values.yaml
@@ -150,6 +150,17 @@
       GRANT ALL ON reviewdb.* TO 'gerrit';
+    # Uncomment this, if you plan to run this database instance as master and
+    # plan to replicate data to a slave. This will create a user that can be used
+    # for replication. Change username, password and certificate subject as needed.
+    #
+    # create_repl_user.sql: |-
+    #   CREATE USER 'repl' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
+    #     IDENTIFIED BY 'password'
+    #     REQUIRE SUBJECT '/C=DE/O=Gerrit/CN=db-slave-mysql';
     type: NodePort
     port: 3306