blob: 054a1e2e8395ccd2218e5dd2e873f67bd2e02c62 [file] [log] [blame]
A Gerrit replica has been deployed.
The Apache-Git-HTTP-Backend is now ready to receive replication requests from the
primary Gerrit. Please configure the replication plugin of the primary Gerrit to
push the repositories to:
{{ if .Values.istio.enabled -}}
http {{- if .Values.istio.tls.enabled -}} s {{- end -}} :// {{- -}} /git/${name}.git
{{ else if .Values.ingress.enabled -}}
http {{- if .Values.ingress.tls.enabled -}} s {{- end -}} :// {{- -}} /git/${name}.git
{{- else }}
{{ if .Values.gitBackend.service.https.enabled -}}
https://<EXTERNAL-IP>: {{- .Values.gitBackend.service.https.port -}} /git/${name}.git
{{ else }}
http://<EXTERNAL-IP>: {{- .Values.gitBackend.service.http.port -}} /git/${name}.git
{{ end }}
The external IP of the service can be found by running:
kubectl get svc git-backend-service
{{- end }}
Requests to create new repositories have to be directed to the route /new/${name}.git
over HTTP(S). A detailed guide of how to configure Gerrit's replication plugin
can be found here:
The Gerrit replica is starting up.
The initialization process may take some time. Afterwards the git repositories
will be available under:
{{ if .Values.istio.enabled -}}
http {{- if .Values.istio.tls.enabled -}} s {{- end -}} :// {{- -}} /<repository-name>.git
{{- else }}
http {{- if .Values.ingress.tls.enabled -}} s {{- end -}} :// {{- -}} /<repository-name>.git
{{- end }}