blob: 56da8576ae283e80c70479e2bdb1a7275165e093 [file] [log] [blame]
A Gerrit slave has been deployed.
The Apache-Git-HTTP-Backend is now ready to receive replication requests from the
Gerrit master. Please configure the replication plugin of the Gerrit-master to
push the repositories to:
{{ if .Values.gitBackend.ingress.enabled -}}
http {{- if .Values.gitBackend.ingress.tls.enabled -}} s {{- end -}} :// {{- -}} /git/${name}.git
{{- else }}
{{ if .Values.gitBackend.service.https.enabled -}}
https://<EXTERNAL-IP>: {{- .Values.gitBackend.service.https.port -}} /git/${name}.git
{{ else }}
http://<EXTERNAL-IP>: {{- .Values.gitBackend.service.http.port -}} /git/${name}.git
{{ end }}
The external IP of the service can be found by running:
kubectl get svc git-backend-service
{{- end }}
Requests to create new repositories have to be directed to the route /new/${name}.git
over HTTP(S). A detailed guide of how to configure Gerrit's replication plugin
can be found here:
{{ if .Values.mysql.enabled -}}
A mysql database has been deployed and configured to work with the Gerrit slave.
Note, that the database is not yet initialized with the scheme expected by Gerrit.
Either use database replication or run the Gerrit-slave in test-mode to create
the expected schemas.
{{- end }}
{{ if .Values.database.replication.enabled -}}
The components to initialize database replication have been deployed. To start
initialization the Job needs a database dump containing the master's data. Use
the following command to make the database dump available to the job:
JOB_POD=$(kubectl get pod -l app=replication-init -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
kubectl cp <PATH_TO_DUMP> ${JOB_POD}:{{ .Values.database.replication.mysql.dbDumpAcceptPath }}
Depending on the size of the database the initialization will take a while. When
finished the job will shut down.
{{- end }}
The Gerrit slave is starting up.
{{ if .Values.gerritSlave.initializeTestSite.enabled -}}
Since the test-mode was activated, a Gerrit site will be initialized after the
database connection could be established.
{{- else }}
The deployment will wait for the replication of repositories and the databse scheme.
The repository replication is checked by testing for the presence of the 'All-Projects.git'-
and 'All-Users.git'-repository. The database-scheme is tested by testing for the
presence of a database with the configured name, containing the tables 'accounts',
'changes' and 'patch_sets'.
{{- end }}
The initialization process may take some time. Afterwards the git repositories
will be available under:
http {{- if .Values.gerritSlave.ingress.tls.enabled -}} s {{- end -}} :// {{- -}} /<repository-name>.git