Add integration tests for gerrit-slave container

This change adds test, that test whether the container slave correctly
starts up. Most tests are implemented in a scenario using a H2-database,
in which it is tested, whether...

- Gerrit starts successfully
- externally supplied configuration is available in the correct location
- the All-Projects and All-Users repositories are created
- cloning works using a configured port
- the UI is not available

In a second scenario, it is tested, whether the MySQL driver is downloaded,
if MySQL is configured to be used as a database.

Change-Id: Ic3992115482625635532e154c80717def576a1e4
diff --git a/tests/container-images/gerrit-slave/ b/tests/container-images/gerrit-slave/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..972205e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/container-images/gerrit-slave/
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+# pylint: disable=W0613
+# Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from glob import glob
+import os
+import os.path
+import re
+import time
+import git
+import pytest
+import requests
+CONFIG_FILES = ["gerrit.config", "secure.config"]
+class GerritSlaveTestSetup():
+  def __init__(self, docker_client, docker_network, tmp_dir, image,
+               gerrit_config, port):
+    self.docker_client = docker_client
+    self.docker_network = docker_network
+    self.tmp_dir = tmp_dir
+    self.image = image
+    self.gerrit_config = gerrit_config
+    self.port = port
+    self.gerrit_container = None
+    self._start_gerrit_container()
+  def _create_config_files(self):
+    tmp_config_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, "configs")
+    if not os.path.isdir(tmp_config_dir):
+      os.mkdir(tmp_config_dir)
+    configs = {}
+    for config in CONFIG_FILES:
+      gerrit_config_file = os.path.join(tmp_config_dir, config)
+      with open(gerrit_config_file, "w") as config_file:
+        config_file.write(self.gerrit_config)
+      configs[config] = gerrit_config_file
+    return configs
+  def _define_volume_mounts(self):
+    volumes = {v: {
+      "bind": "/var/config/%s" % k,
+      "mode": "rw"
+    } for (k, v) in self._create_config_files().items()}
+    volumes[os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, "lib")] = {
+      "bind": "/var/gerrit/lib",
+      "mode": "rw"
+    }
+    return volumes
+  def _start_gerrit_container(self):
+    self.gerrit_container =
+      user="gerrit",
+      volumes=self._define_volume_mounts(),
+      ports={
+        str(self.port): str(self.port)
+      },
+      detach=True,
+      auto_remove=True
+    )
+  def stop_gerrit_container(self):
+    self.gerrit_container.stop(timeout=1)
+def tmp_dir(tmp_path_factory):
+  return tmp_path_factory.mktemp("gerrit-slave-test")
+def container_run_h2(request, docker_client, docker_network, tmp_dir,
+                     gerrit_slave_image):
+  config = """
+    [gerrit]
+      basePath = git
+    [database]
+      type = H2
+    [httpd]
+      listenUrl = http://*:8081
+    [container]
+      slave = true
+    [test]
+      success = True
+    """
+  test_setup = GerritSlaveTestSetup(
+    docker_client, docker_network, tmp_dir, gerrit_slave_image, config, 8081)
+  request.addfinalizer(test_setup.stop_gerrit_container)
+  return test_setup.gerrit_container
+def container_run_mysql(request, docker_client, docker_network, tmp_dir,
+                        gerrit_slave_image):
+  config = """
+    [gerrit]
+      basePath = git
+    [database]
+      type = MySQL
+    [httpd]
+      listenUrl = http://*:8082
+    [container]
+      slave = true
+    """
+  test_setup = GerritSlaveTestSetup(
+    docker_client, docker_network, tmp_dir, gerrit_slave_image, config, 8082)
+  request.addfinalizer(test_setup.stop_gerrit_container)
+  return test_setup.gerrit_container
+class TestGerritSlaveH2(object):
+  @pytest.fixture(params=CONFIG_FILES)
+  def config_file_to_test(self, request):
+    return request.param
+  @pytest.fixture(params=["All-Users.git", "All-Projects.git"])
+  def expected_repository(self, request):
+    return request.param
+  def test_gerrit_slave_gerrit_starts_up(self, container_run_h2):
+    timeout = time.time() + 60
+    while time.time() < timeout:
+      last_log_line = container_run_h2.logs().decode("utf-8")
+      if"Gerrit Code Review .+ ready", last_log_line):
+        break
+      time.sleep(2)
+    assert timeout > time.time()
+  def test_gerrit_slave_custom_gerrit_config_available(
+      self, container_run_h2, config_file_to_test):
+    exit_code, output = container_run_h2.exec_run(
+      "git config --file=/var/gerrit/etc/%s --get test.success" % config_file_to_test)
+    output = output.decode("utf-8").strip()
+    assert exit_code == 0
+    assert output == "True"
+  def test_gerrit_slave_repository_exists(self, container_run_h2, expected_repository):
+    exit_code, _ = container_run_h2.exec_run(
+      "test -d /var/gerrit/git/%s" % expected_repository)
+    assert exit_code == 0
+  def test_gerrit_slave_clone_repo_works(self, container_run_h2, tmp_path_factory):
+    container_run_h2.exec_run("git init --bare /var/gerrit/git/test.git")
+    clone_dest = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("gerrit_slave_clone_test")
+    repo = git.Repo.clone_from("http://localhost:8081/test.git", clone_dest)
+    assert repo.git_dir == os.path.join(clone_dest, ".git")
+  def test_gerrit_slave_webui_not_accessible(self, container_run_h2):
+    response = requests.get("http://localhost:8081")
+    assert response.status_code == 404
+    assert response.text == "Not Found"
+def test_gerrit_slave_downloads_mysql_driver(container_run_mysql, tmp_dir):
+  timeout = time.time() + 20
+  while time.time() < timeout:
+    _, output = container_run_mysql.exec_run(
+      "find /var/gerrit/lib -name 'mysql-connector-java-*.jar'")
+    output = output.decode("utf-8").strip()
+    if re.match(r"/var/gerrit/lib/mysql-connector-java-.*\.jar", output):
+      break
+  assert timeout > time.time()
+  driver_path_pattern = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "lib", "mysql-connector-java-*.jar")
+  lib_files = [f for f in glob(driver_path_pattern) if os.path.isfile(f)]
+  assert lib_files