blob: 77ca2cd0a4dbc0bcdc494805b567fb78b455637f [file] [log] [blame]
corrupt25519Key=Ed25519/Curve25519 public key has wrong length: {0}
cryptCipherError=Cannot create cipher to decrypt: {0}
cryptWrongDecryptedLength=Decrypted key has wrong length; expected {0} bytes, got only {1} bytes
gpgFailedToParseSecretKey=Failed to parse secret key file {0}. Is the entered passphrase correct?
gpgNoCredentialsProvider=missing credentials provider
gpgNoKeygrip=Cannot find key {0}: cannot determine key grip
gpgNoKeyring=neither pubring.kbx nor secring.gpg files found
gpgNoKeyInLegacySecring=no matching secret key found in legacy secring.gpg for key or user id: {0}
gpgNoPublicKeyFound=Unable to find a public-key with key or user id: {0}
gpgNoSecretKeyForPublicKey=unable to find associated secret key for public key: {0}
gpgNoSuchAlgorithm=Cannot decrypt encrypted secret key: encryption algorithm {0} is not available
gpgNotASigningKey=Secret key ({0}) is not suitable for signing
gpgKeyInfo=GPG Key (fingerprint {0})
gpgSigningCancelled=Signing was cancelled
logWarnGnuPGHome=Cannot access GPG home directory given by environment variable GNUPGHOME={}
logWarnGpgHomeProperty=Cannot access GPG home directory given by Java system property jgit.gpg.home={}
nonSignatureError=Signature does not decode into a signature object
secretKeyTooShort=Secret key file corrupt; only {0} bytes read
sexprHexNotClosed=Hex number in s-expression not closed
sexprHexOdd=Hex number in s-expression has an odd number of digits
sexprStringInvalidEscape=Invalid escape {0} in s-expression
sexprStringInvalidEscapeAtEnd=Invalid s-expression: quoted string ends with escape character
sexprStringInvalidHexEscape=Invalid hex escape in s-expression
sexprStringInvalidOctalEscape=Invalid octal escape in s-expression
sexprStringNotClosed=String in s-expression not closed
sexprUnhandled=Unhandled token {0} in s-expression
signatureInconsistent=Inconsistent signature; key ID {0} does not match issuer fingerprint {1}
signatureKeyLookupError=Error occurred while looking for public key
signatureNoKeyInfo=No way to determine a public key from the signature
signatureNoPublicKey=No public key found to verify the signature
signatureNoSigningKey=No signing key found for key fingerprint {0}
signatureParseError=Signature cannot be parsed
signatureVerificationError=Signature verification failed
unableToSignCommitNoSecretKey=Unable to sign commit. Signing key not available.
uncompressed25519Key=Cannot handle ed25519 public key with uncompressed data: {0}
unknownCurve=Unknown curve {0}
unknownCurveParameters=Curve {0} does not have a prime field
unknownKeyType=Unknown key type {0}