blob: 1041682eee381e916ac8b2435528e58fc8383b47 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2008-2013, Google Inc. and others
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package org.eclipse.jgit.diff;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.jgit.attributes.Attribute;
import org.eclipse.jgit.internal.JGitText;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AbbreviatedObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AnyObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.FileMode;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.MutableObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.TreeWalk;
import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.filter.TreeFilter;
import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.filter.TreeFilterMarker;
* A value class representing a change to a file
public class DiffEntry {
/** Magical SHA1 used for file adds or deletes */
static final AbbreviatedObjectId A_ZERO = AbbreviatedObjectId
/** Magical file name used for file adds or deletes. */
public static final String DEV_NULL = "/dev/null"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** General type of change a single file-level patch describes. */
public static enum ChangeType {
/** Add a new file to the project */
/** Modify an existing file in the project (content and/or mode) */
/** Delete an existing file from the project */
/** Rename an existing file to a new location */
/** Copy an existing file to a new location, keeping the original */
/** Specify the old or new side for more generalized access. */
public static enum Side {
/** The old side of a DiffEntry. */
/** The new side of a DiffEntry. */
* Create an empty DiffEntry
protected DiffEntry(){
// reduce the visibility of the default constructor
* Convert the TreeWalk into DiffEntry headers.
* @param walk
* the TreeWalk to walk through. Must have exactly two trees.
* @return headers describing the changed files.
* @throws
* the repository cannot be accessed.
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
* When given TreeWalk doesn't have exactly two trees.
public static List<DiffEntry> scan(TreeWalk walk) throws IOException {
return scan(walk, false);
* Convert the TreeWalk into DiffEntry headers, depending on
* {@code includeTrees} it will add tree objects into result or not.
* @param walk
* the TreeWalk to walk through. Must have exactly two trees and
* when {@code includeTrees} parameter is {@code true} it can't
* be recursive.
* @param includeTrees
* include tree objects.
* @return headers describing the changed files.
* @throws
* the repository cannot be accessed.
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
* when {@code includeTrees} is true and given TreeWalk is
* recursive. Or when given TreeWalk doesn't have exactly two
* trees
public static List<DiffEntry> scan(TreeWalk walk, boolean includeTrees)
throws IOException {
return scan(walk, includeTrees, null);
* Convert the TreeWalk into DiffEntry headers, depending on
* {@code includeTrees} it will add tree objects into result or not.
* @param walk
* the TreeWalk to walk through. Must have exactly two trees and
* when {@code includeTrees} parameter is {@code true} it can't
* be recursive.
* @param includeTrees
* include tree objects.
* @param markTreeFilters
* array of tree filters which will be tested for each entry. If
* an entry matches, the entry will later return true when
* queried through {{@link #isMarked(int)} (with the index from
* this passed array).
* @return headers describing the changed files.
* @throws
* the repository cannot be accessed.
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
* when {@code includeTrees} is true and given TreeWalk is
* recursive. Or when given TreeWalk doesn't have exactly two
* trees
* @since 2.3
public static List<DiffEntry> scan(TreeWalk walk, boolean includeTrees,
TreeFilter[] markTreeFilters)
throws IOException {
if (walk.getTreeCount() != 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
if (includeTrees && walk.isRecursive())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
TreeFilterMarker treeFilterMarker;
if (markTreeFilters != null && markTreeFilters.length > 0)
treeFilterMarker = new TreeFilterMarker(markTreeFilters);
treeFilterMarker = null;
List<DiffEntry> r = new ArrayList<>();
MutableObjectId idBuf = new MutableObjectId();
while ( {
DiffEntry entry = new DiffEntry();
walk.getObjectId(idBuf, 0);
entry.oldId = AbbreviatedObjectId.fromObjectId(idBuf);
walk.getObjectId(idBuf, 1);
entry.newId = AbbreviatedObjectId.fromObjectId(idBuf);
entry.oldMode = walk.getFileMode(0);
entry.newMode = walk.getFileMode(1);
entry.newPath = entry.oldPath = walk.getPathString();
if (walk.getAttributesNodeProvider() != null) {
entry.diffAttribute = walk.getAttributes()
if (treeFilterMarker != null)
entry.treeFilterMarks = treeFilterMarker.getMarks(walk);
if (entry.oldMode == FileMode.MISSING) {
entry.oldPath = DiffEntry.DEV_NULL;
entry.changeType = ChangeType.ADD;
} else if (entry.newMode == FileMode.MISSING) {
entry.newPath = DiffEntry.DEV_NULL;
entry.changeType = ChangeType.DELETE;
} else if (!entry.oldId.equals(entry.newId)) {
entry.changeType = ChangeType.MODIFY;
if (RenameDetector.sameType(entry.oldMode, entry.newMode))
} else if (entry.oldMode != entry.newMode) {
entry.changeType = ChangeType.MODIFY;
if (includeTrees && walk.isSubtree())
return r;
static DiffEntry add(String path, AnyObjectId id) {
DiffEntry e = new DiffEntry();
e.oldId = A_ZERO;
e.oldMode = FileMode.MISSING;
e.oldPath = DEV_NULL;
e.newId = AbbreviatedObjectId.fromObjectId(id);
e.newMode = FileMode.REGULAR_FILE;
e.newPath = path;
e.changeType = ChangeType.ADD;
return e;
static DiffEntry delete(String path, AnyObjectId id) {
DiffEntry e = new DiffEntry();
e.oldId = AbbreviatedObjectId.fromObjectId(id);
e.oldMode = FileMode.REGULAR_FILE;
e.oldPath = path;
e.newId = A_ZERO;
e.newMode = FileMode.MISSING;
e.newPath = DEV_NULL;
e.changeType = ChangeType.DELETE;
return e;
static DiffEntry modify(String path) {
DiffEntry e = new DiffEntry();
e.oldMode = FileMode.REGULAR_FILE;
e.oldPath = path;
e.newMode = FileMode.REGULAR_FILE;
e.newPath = path;
e.changeType = ChangeType.MODIFY;
return e;
* Breaks apart a DiffEntry into two entries, one DELETE and one ADD.
* @param entry
* the DiffEntry to break apart.
* @return a list containing two entries. Calling {@link #getChangeType()}
* on the first entry will return ChangeType.DELETE. Calling it on
* the second entry will return ChangeType.ADD.
static List<DiffEntry> breakModify(DiffEntry entry) {
DiffEntry del = new DiffEntry();
del.oldId = entry.getOldId();
del.oldMode = entry.getOldMode();
del.oldPath = entry.getOldPath();
del.newId = A_ZERO;
del.newMode = FileMode.MISSING;
del.newPath = DiffEntry.DEV_NULL;
del.changeType = ChangeType.DELETE;
del.diffAttribute = entry.diffAttribute;
DiffEntry add = new DiffEntry();
add.oldId = A_ZERO;
add.oldMode = FileMode.MISSING;
add.oldPath = DiffEntry.DEV_NULL;
add.newId = entry.getNewId();
add.newMode = entry.getNewMode();
add.newPath = entry.getNewPath();
add.changeType = ChangeType.ADD;
add.diffAttribute = entry.diffAttribute;
return Arrays.asList(del, add);
static DiffEntry pair(ChangeType changeType, DiffEntry src, DiffEntry dst,
int score) {
DiffEntry r = new DiffEntry();
r.oldId = src.oldId;
r.oldMode = src.oldMode;
r.oldPath = src.oldPath;
r.newId = dst.newId;
r.newMode = dst.newMode;
r.newPath = dst.newPath;
r.diffAttribute = dst.diffAttribute;
r.changeType = changeType;
r.score = score;
r.treeFilterMarks = src.treeFilterMarks | dst.treeFilterMarks;
return r;
/** File name of the old (pre-image). */
protected String oldPath;
/** File name of the new (post-image). */
protected String newPath;
* diff filter attribute
* @since 4.11
protected Attribute diffAttribute;
/** Old mode of the file, if described by the patch, else null. */
protected FileMode oldMode;
/** New mode of the file, if described by the patch, else null. */
protected FileMode newMode;
/** General type of change indicated by the patch. */
protected ChangeType changeType;
/** Similarity score if {@link #changeType} is a copy or rename. */
protected int score;
/** ObjectId listed on the index line for the old (pre-image) */
protected AbbreviatedObjectId oldId;
/** ObjectId listed on the index line for the new (post-image) */
protected AbbreviatedObjectId newId;
* Bitset for marked flags of tree filters passed to
* {@link #scan(TreeWalk, boolean, TreeFilter...)}
private int treeFilterMarks = 0;
* Get the old name associated with this file.
* <p>
* The meaning of the old name can differ depending on the semantic meaning
* of this patch:
* <ul>
* <li><i>file add</i>: always <code>/dev/null</code></li>
* <li><i>file modify</i>: always {@link #getNewPath()}</li>
* <li><i>file delete</i>: always the file being deleted</li>
* <li><i>file copy</i>: source file the copy originates from</li>
* <li><i>file rename</i>: source file the rename originates from</li>
* </ul>
* @return old name for this file.
public String getOldPath() {
return oldPath;
* Get the new name associated with this file.
* <p>
* The meaning of the new name can differ depending on the semantic meaning
* of this patch:
* <ul>
* <li><i>file add</i>: always the file being created</li>
* <li><i>file modify</i>: always {@link #getOldPath()}</li>
* <li><i>file delete</i>: always <code>/dev/null</code></li>
* <li><i>file copy</i>: destination file the copy ends up at</li>
* <li><i>file rename</i>: destination file the rename ends up at</li>
* </ul>
* @return new name for this file.
public String getNewPath() {
return newPath;
* Get the path associated with this file.
* @param side
* which path to obtain.
* @return name for this file.
public String getPath(Side side) {
return side == Side.OLD ? getOldPath() : getNewPath();
* @return the {@link Attribute} determining filters to be applied.
* @since 4.11
public Attribute getDiffAttribute() {
return diffAttribute;
* Get the old file mode
* @return the old file mode, if described in the patch
public FileMode getOldMode() {
return oldMode;
* Get the new file mode
* @return the new file mode, if described in the patch
public FileMode getNewMode() {
return newMode;
* Get the mode associated with this file.
* @param side
* which mode to obtain.
* @return the mode.
public FileMode getMode(Side side) {
return side == Side.OLD ? getOldMode() : getNewMode();
* Get the change type
* @return the type of change this patch makes on {@link #getNewPath()}
public ChangeType getChangeType() {
return changeType;
* Get similarity score
* @return similarity score between {@link #getOldPath()} and
* {@link #getNewPath()} if {@link #getChangeType()} is
* {@link org.eclipse.jgit.diff.DiffEntry.ChangeType#COPY} or
* {@link org.eclipse.jgit.diff.DiffEntry.ChangeType#RENAME}.
public int getScore() {
return score;
* Get the old object id from the <code>index</code>.
* @return the object id; null if there is no index line
public AbbreviatedObjectId getOldId() {
return oldId;
* Get the new object id from the <code>index</code>.
* @return the object id; null if there is no index line
public AbbreviatedObjectId getNewId() {
return newId;
* Whether the mark tree filter with the specified index matched during scan
* or not, see {@link #scan(TreeWalk, boolean, TreeFilter...)}. Example:
* <p>
* <pre>
* TreeFilter filterA = ...;
* TreeFilter filterB = ...;
* List&lt;DiffEntry&gt; entries = DiffEntry.scan(walk, false, filterA, filterB);
* DiffEntry entry = entries.get(0);
* boolean filterAMatched = entry.isMarked(0);
* boolean filterBMatched = entry.isMarked(1);
* </pre>
* <p>
* Note that 0 corresponds to filterA because it was the first filter that
* was passed to scan.
* <p>
* To query more than one flag at once, see {@link #getTreeFilterMarks()}.
* @param index
* the index of the tree filter to check for (must be between 0
* and {@link java.lang.Integer#SIZE}).
* @since 2.3
* @return a boolean.
public boolean isMarked(int index) {
return (treeFilterMarks & (1L << index)) != 0;
* Get the raw tree filter marks, as set during
* {@link #scan(TreeWalk, boolean, TreeFilter...)}. See
* {@link #isMarked(int)} to query each mark individually.
* @return the bitset of tree filter marks
* @since 2.3
public int getTreeFilterMarks() {
return treeFilterMarks;
* Get the object id.
* @param side
* the side of the id to get.
* @return the object id; null if there is no index line
public AbbreviatedObjectId getId(Side side) {
return side == Side.OLD ? getOldId() : getNewId();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String toString() {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
buf.append(" ");
switch (changeType) {
case ADD:
case COPY:
buf.append(oldPath + "->" + newPath);
case DELETE:
case MODIFY:
case RENAME:
buf.append(oldPath + "->" + newPath);
return buf.toString();