Complete Gerrit v3.1.11 Release Notes

Add more content for the release notes of Gerrit v3.1.11
by extracting the information from the commits between
v3.1.10 and v3.1.11.

Change-Id: Ic040bce47e790e418cf8d74097428eb78d369799
diff --git a/pages/site/releases/ b/pages/site/releases/
index 37a45c9..70b5b16 100644
--- a/pages/site/releases/
+++ b/pages/site/releases/
@@ -321,10 +321,30 @@
       elasticsearch versions also became [EOL](
+* Security Fixes
+  * [Issue 12629](
+  Verify hostname when sending emails via SMTP server with SMTPSClient.
+    The SMTP server's certificate and hostname must be verified if
+    encryption is enabled with SSL verification in the host settings
+    (`sendemail.smtpEncryption` and `sendemail.sslVerify`).
+* PolyGerrit Fixes
+  * Add a warning if submitting a change with an open change edit.
 * Bug Fixes
+  * [Issue 13781](
+  Compact the REST-API output JSON unconditionally.
+    The output JSON was initially compacted only when
+    the Accept header was set to `application/json`: the compation is now
+    done unconditionally, unless the `pp=1` query parameter is specified.
   * [Issue 13786](
-  ForRef#check should permit internal users to read all refs
+  ForRef#check should permit internal users to read all refs:
     [Make `PermissionBackend#ForRef` authoritative change](
     introduced a regression where gerrit `internal users` (e.g. plugins) were
@@ -333,6 +353,19 @@
     to the slaves. After the upgrade it is required to trigger a forced replication
     of the `All-Users.git` repository manually.
+* Documentation Updates
+  * Clarify that 'm' push option sets patch set description.
+  * Clarify that disk cache metrics require `cache.enableDiskStatMetrics`.
+* Dependency Updates
+  * Upgrade testcontainers to 1.15.1.
+  * Upgrade Jetty to 9.4.33.v20201020.
 ### 3.1.10
 * Breaking Changes