Add testimonials to homepage

For the Gerrit community it is important to know who our users are and
how they use Gerrit. Start collecting this information on a new
testimonials page.

Signed-off-by: Edwin Kempin <>
Change-Id: If25dd294084c16a19830a10780c5a86473d6ce97
diff --git a/_data/topnav.yml b/_data/topnav.yml
index 8293a13..d046127 100644
--- a/_data/topnav.yml
+++ b/_data/topnav.yml
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
       url: /news.html
     - title: Issues
       url: /issues.html
+    - title: Testimonials
+      url: /testimonials.html
     - title: Kudos
       url: /kudos.html
 #Topnav dropdowns
diff --git a/pages/site/ b/pages/site/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47efccc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pages/site/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+title: "Testimonials"
+sidebar: gerritdoc_sidebar
+permalink: testimonials.html
+hide_sidebar: true
+hide_navtoggle: true
+toc: false
+## Testimonials
+The Gerrit community has a high interest in the users of the Gerrit Code Review
+project. We want to understand who our users are, why they like Gerrit and how
+Gerrit is integrated with their workflows. If your project or company is using
+Gerrit, we would like to know about your use case, so that we are aware of it
+when we evolve Gerrit further. If you use Gerrit, we kindly ask you to share
+your usage as a testimonial below.
+### How to add a testimonial?
+Upload a change to the
+[homepage]( project
+that adds your testimonial to this page. If you don't know how to do this, just
+send an email to the
+mailing list that has a subject starting with '[testimonial]' and a Gerrit
+maintainer will take care to upload it for you.
+### List of testimonials
+Note: Please add new testimonials at the top of this list.
+TODO: add testimonials here
+### Template
+  ---
+  **[$yyyy-MM-dd] $name ($company, $project)**
+  ```
+    $testimonial-text
+  ```
+  ---