Add meeting minutes of the ESC of Jan 12

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+title: "Gerrit ESC Meeting Minutes"
+tags: esc
+keywords: esc minutes
+permalink: 2021-01-15-esc-minutes.html
+summary: "Minutes from the ESC meeting held on January 12th"
+hide_sidebar: true
+hide_navtoggle: true
+toc: true
+## Engineering Steering Committee Meeting, January 12, 2021
+### Attendees
+Ben Rohlfs, Han-Wen Nienhuys, Patrick Hiesel, Luca Milanesio, Saša Zivkov
+### Place/Date/Duration
+Online, January 12, 11:00 - 11:45 CET
+### Next meeting
+The next meeting will be held on February 2, 11:00 CEST.
+## Minutes
+### Gerrit long-term stable releases (LTS)
+Should the Gerrit project start keeping long-term support branches for one or
+more releases of Gerrit? The current [EOL policy](
+defines an 18 months (3 releases) lifetime. Gerrit v2.16, released back in
+November 2018, represents an exception and will be kept for longer to allow
+existing pre-2.16 installations to migrate to Gerrit v3.x and beyond.
+The proposal to an extended support cycle for some elected LTS releases has been
+unanimously rejected for the following reasons:
+- The LTS branch would need strong governance on what can and cannot be added. The code-base
+  could diverge from the mainstream development and eventually become a _de-facto_ fork of Gerrit.
+- Web-browsers may not have an LTS support policy aligned with Gerrit, causing compatibility
+  issues and additional hurdles to support browser upgrades. E.g. Firefox Enterprise Edition support
+  is limited to 1 year.
+- The Gerrit Community focuses on helping to migrate to more recent and modern releases, such as v3.3
+  with attention-set. Having an LTS release for 5-10 years would give further incentive
+  for companies to shelf current upgrade plans.
+ - Older versions of Gerrit have more issues with rough edges on the user experience, which people see
+   and use to judge the product. Having more obsolete LTS versions of
+   Gerrit around would bring even more bad PR to the product itself.
+### Zuul for gerrit itself
+The Gerrit Code Review project has started adopting [Zuul]( from 2019/2020 and
+it is now used for the build of a large number of plugins on the [Gerrit Zuul CI instance](
+Han-Wen proposed to extend the adoption of Zuul to the CI of Gerrit itself.
+There is consensus to proceed, assuming that Zuul has bridged the gap for supporting Docker-based
+build agents, instead of GCloud VMs. Luca will follow up with James (Zuul maintainer) to check
+the status and plan the next steps.
+### Status of dropping Java 8 support for Gerrit
+Google is planning to move to Java 11 in H2/2021, allowing to drop the support for Java 8 build
+validation on Gerrit master. The target release for dropping Java 8 is therefore Gerrit v3.5, while
+Gerrit v3.4 will continue to support Java 8 compilation.
+### What's cooking in GerritForge for 2021
+Luca shared the [GerritForge’s shopping list for 2021](
+which contains:
+- The support for cloud-native events-brokers: Google's GCloud Pub/Sub and AWS Kinesis streams
+- Proto-buffers for representing events for Gerrit v3.4
+- Further improvements in the pull-replication plugin
+- Integration of Jenkins with the new CI reboot in Gerrit v3.4
+### Policies for PolyGerrit dependencies up-to-date
+Gerrit Code Review code-base is mirrored on the [GerritCodeReview project in GitHub](
+which automates the [Dependabots's security checks and warnings](
+Ben will be also added to the list of GitHub project's owners so that the PolyGerrit Team can
+receive and assess all the feedback provided by Dependabot.
+### Top #3 PolyGerrit-related show-stoppers vs. GWT UI
+GerritForge has performed a survey with its clients to identify the top #3 problems
+that companies have indicated as show-stoppers for migrating to PolyGerrit in Gerrit v2.16
+and beyond.
+1. [Issue 12617]( Horizontal spacing usage
+2. [Issue 13836]( Lack of CSS customisation
+3. [Issue 13904]( Gap in browsers support
+There is positive attitude for discussing those issues with Ben and the PolyGerrit Team and
+find possible solutions. GerritForge has offered its development Team to cooperate with the
+development and fix of the above issues, with the agreement of the rest of the community.
+### Eclipse moving away from Gerrit
+The Eclipse system administrator has announced the intention to move away from Gerrit.
+Matthias described the current situation for at least JGit/EGit projects and the intention
+to keep Gerrit as code-review system for the projects.
+The discussion inside the Eclipse foundation continues, there are no actions for the ESC
+at this point in time.