| To test DialectMaxDB a SAP MaxDB JDBC driver "sapdbc.jar" is needed. It is |
| not available in a public maven repository. However, the driver can be found |
| in your MaxDB installation at the following location: |
| - on Windows 64bit at "C:\Program Files\sdb\MaxDB\runtime\jar\sapdbc.jar" |
| - on Linux at "/opt/sdb/MaxDB/runtime/jar/sapdbc.jar" |
| To execute tests on MaxDB, you firstly need to create a test user with an |
| associated empty schema in your database. Then you can execute the tests |
| using maven with the profile "maxdb". The following properties need to be set: |
| maxdb.driver.jar=<path to maxdb jdbc driver> |
| maxdb.url=<url of test database> |
| maxdb.password=<password of test user> |
| So the complete command would be: |
| -Dmaxdb.driver.jar=<path to maxdb jdbc driver> |
| -Dmaxdb.url=<url of test database> |
| -Dmaxdb.password=<password of test user> |