| - Install the Maven Integration plugins: |
| http://m2eclipse.codehaus.org/ |
| - Import the project using the General -> Maven Projects |
| - Use right click, Maven -> Update Project Configuration |
| to force a compile of the generted ANTLR sources. This |
| fixes the compile errors identified after import. |
| - Right click on the project, Properties |
| - Select Java Code Style -> Formatter |
| - Import... and select GoogleFormat.xml |
| The unit tests assume there is a local PostgreSQL and MySQL server |
| listening on their respective default ports, with the following |
| Run the following commands from the shell (not from inside the psql |
| createuser -S -D -R -E -P gwtorm |
| createdb -E UTF-8 -O gwtorm gwtorm |
| When prompted for the password, enter 'gwtorm'. |
| It may be necessary to run the commands as the postgres user. In this |
| case, prefix the commands with `sudo -u postgres`. |
| Run the following commands: |
| create user 'gwtorm'@'localhost' identified by 'gwtorm'; |
| alter database gwtorm charset=utf8; |
| grant all on gwtorm.* to 'gwtorm'@'localhost'; |