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| <h2 class="section" id='H1'><a href="#H1" class="sectionlink"><i class="icon-share-alt"> </i></a>Using Tickets</h2><p><em>SINCE 1.4.0</em></p> |
| <h3 class="section" id='H2'><a href="#H2" class="sectionlink"><i class="icon-share-alt"> </i></a>Creating Standard Tickets</h3><p>Standard tickets can be created using the web ui. These ticket types include <em>Bug</em>, <em>Enhancement</em>, <em>task</em>, and <em>Question</em>.</p> |
| <h3 class="section" id='H3'><a href="#H3" class="sectionlink"><i class="icon-share-alt"> </i></a>Creating a Proposal Ticket</h3><p>Proposal tickets are created by pushing a <strong>single commit</strong> to the magic ref. They can not be created from the web ui.</p><p><em>Why is there a single commit limitation for creating a Proposal Ticket?</em></p><p>Because the ticket which will be created for your commit will use your commit's message to define the Ticket's <em>title</em> and <em>description</em>. After the ticket is created, you can add as many commits as you want to the ticket's branch.</p><p><em>Why would I create a proposal ticket?</em></p><p>Because you are too lazy to create a ticket in the web ui first. The proposal ticket is a convenience mechanism. It allows you to propose a change using Git, not your browser.</p><p><em>Who can create a proposal ticket?</em></p><p>Any authenticated user who can clone your repository.</p> |
| <pre><code>git clone https://server/r/repo.git |
| cd repo |
| git checkout -b mytopic |
| ...add a single commit... |
| git push origin HEAD:refs/for/new |
| # read ticket id from server output |
| git branch -u origin/ticket/{id} |
| </code></pre> |
| <h3 class="section" id='H4'><a href="#H4" class="sectionlink"><i class="icon-share-alt"> </i></a>Creating the first Patchset for an Existing Ticket</h3><p>If you have an existing ticket that does <strong>not</strong> yet have a proposed patchset you can push using the ticket branch ref.</p><p><em>Who can create the first patchset for an existing ticket?</em></p><p>Any authenticated user who can clone your repository.</p> |
| <pre><code>git clone https://server/r/repo.git |
| cd repo |
| git checkout -b ticket/{id} |
| ...add one or more commits... |
| git push -u origin ticket/{id} |
| </code></pre> |
| <h3 class="section" id='H5'><a href="#H5" class="sectionlink"><i class="icon-share-alt"> </i></a>Safely adding commits to a Patchset for an Existing Ticket</h3><p><em>Who can add commits to an existing patchset?</em></p> |
| <ol> |
| <li>The ticket author</li> |
| <li>The initial patchset author</li> |
| <li>The person set as <em>responsible</em></li> |
| <li>Any user with write (RW) permissions to the repository</li> |
| </ol> |
| <pre><code>git fetch && git checkout ticket/{id} |
| git pull --ff-only |
| ...add one or more commits... |
| git push |
| </code></pre> |
| <h3 class="section" id='H6'><a href="#H6" class="sectionlink"><i class="icon-share-alt"> </i></a>Checking-Out a Named Branch for an Existing Ticket with a Patchset</h3><p>If you prefer to name your local ticket branches rather than using the default integer ids, you can do this with a little more syntax.</p> |
| <pre><code>git checkout -b my_fix --track origin/ticket/{id} |
| </code></pre><p>This will create a local branch named <em>my_fix</em> which tracks the upstream ticket branch.</p> |
| <h3 class="section" id='H7'><a href="#H7" class="sectionlink"><i class="icon-share-alt"> </i></a>Rewriting a Patchset (amend, rebase, squash)</h3><p><em>Who can rewrite a patchset?</em></p><p>See the above rules for who can add commits to a patchset. You do <strong>not</strong> need rewind (RW+) to the repository to push a non-fast-forward patchset. Gitblit will detect the non-fast-forward update and create a new patchset ref. This preserves the previous patchset.</p> |
| <pre><code>git fetch && git checkout ticket/{id} |
| git pull --ff-only |
| ...amend, rebase, squash... |
| git push origin HEAD:refs/for/{id} |
| </code></pre><p>OR if you have RW+ permissions, then you can push using <em>-f</em> flag.</p> |
| <pre><code>git push -f |
| </code></pre> |
| <h3 class="section" id='H8'><a href="#H8" class="sectionlink"><i class="icon-share-alt"> </i></a>Updating your copy of a rewritten Patchset</h3><p>If a patchset has been rewritten you can no longer simply <em>pull</em> to update. Let's assume your checkout <strong>does not</strong> have any unshared commits - i.e. it represents the previous patchset. The simplest way to update your branch to the current patchset is to reset it using the <code>-B</code> checkout flag.</p> |
| <pre><code>git fetch && git checkout -B ticket/{id} |
| </code></pre><p>If you <strong>do</strong> have unshared commits then you'll could make a new temporary branch and then cherry-pick your changes onto the rewritten patchset.</p> |
| <pre><code>git branch oldticket ticket/{id} |
| git fetch && git checkout -B ticket/{id} |
| git cherry-pick <commitid1> <commitid2> |
| git branch -D oldticket |
| </code></pre><p>Git is a very flexible tool, there are no doubt several other strategies you could use to resolve this situation. The above solution is just one way.</p> |
| <h3 class="section" id='H9'><a href="#H9" class="sectionlink"><i class="icon-share-alt"> </i></a>Ticket RefSpecs</h3><p>Gitblit supports two primary push ref specs: the magic ref and the patchset ref.</p> |
| <h4 class="section" id='H10'><a href="#H10" class="sectionlink"><i class="icon-share-alt"> </i></a>to create a new proposal ticket</h4> |
| <table> |
| <thead> |
| <tr> |
| <th align="left">ref </th> |
| <th align="left">description </th> |
| </tr> |
| </thead> |
| <tbody> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="left">refs/for/new </td> |
| <td align="left">new proposal for the default branch </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="left">refs/for/default </td> |
| <td align="left">new proposal for the default branch </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="left">refs/for/{branch} </td> |
| <td align="left">new proposal for the specified branch </td> |
| </tr> |
| </tbody> |
| </table> |
| <h4 class="section" id='H11'><a href="#H11" class="sectionlink"><i class="icon-share-alt"> </i></a>to add a proposal patchset (first patchset) to an existing ticket</h4> |
| <table> |
| <thead> |
| <tr> |
| <th align="left">ref </th> |
| <th align="left">description </th> |
| </tr> |
| </thead> |
| <tbody> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="left">refs/for/{id} </td> |
| <td align="left">add new patchset to an existing ticket </td> |
| </tr> |
| </tbody> |
| </table> |
| <h4 class="section" id='H12'><a href="#H12" class="sectionlink"><i class="icon-share-alt"> </i></a>to add commits to an existing patchset</h4> |
| <table> |
| <thead> |
| <tr> |
| <th align="left">ref </th> |
| <th align="left">description </th> |
| </tr> |
| </thead> |
| <tbody> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="left">refs/heads/ticket/{id} </td> |
| <td align="left">fast-forward an existing patchset </td> |
| </tr> |
| </tbody> |
| </table> |
| <h4 class="section" id='H13'><a href="#H13" class="sectionlink"><i class="icon-share-alt"> </i></a>to rewrite a patchset (amend, rebase, squash)</h4> |
| <table> |
| <thead> |
| <tr> |
| <th align="left">magic ref </th> |
| <th align="left">description </th> |
| </tr> |
| </thead> |
| <tbody> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="left">refs/for/{id} </td> |
| <td align="left">to rewrite a patchset </td> |
| </tr> |
| </tbody> |
| </table> |
| <h3 class="section" id='H14'><a href="#H14" class="sectionlink"><i class="icon-share-alt"> </i></a>Ticket RefSpec Tricks</h3><p>Gitblit supports setting some ticket fields from the push refspec.</p> |
| <pre><code>refs/for/master%topic=bug/42,r=james,m=1.4.1,cc=dave,cc=mark |
| </code></pre> |
| <table> |
| <thead> |
| <tr> |
| <th align="left">parameter </th> |
| <th align="left">description </th> |
| </tr> |
| </thead> |
| <tbody> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="left">t </td> |
| <td align="left">assign a <em>topic</em> to the ticket (matched against bugtraq config) </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="left">r </td> |
| <td align="left">set the <em>responsible</em> user </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="left">m </td> |
| <td align="left">set the <em>milestone</em> for patchset integration </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="left">cc </td> |
| <td align="left">add this account to the <em>watch</em> list (multiple ccs allowed) </td> |
| </tr> |
| </tbody> |
| </table> |
| <h4 class="section" id='H15'><a href="#H15" class="sectionlink"><i class="icon-share-alt"> </i></a>examples</h4><p>Create a new patchset for ticket <em>12</em>, add <em>james</em> and <em>mark</em> to the watch list, and set the topic to <em>JIRA-123</em> which will be regex-matched against the repository bugtraq configuration.</p> |
| <pre><code>git push origin HEAD:refs/for/12%cc=james,cc=mark,t=JIRA-123 |
| </code></pre><p>Add some commits (fast-forward) to ticket <em>12</em>. Set the milestone to <em>1.4.1</em>.</p> |
| <pre><code>git push origin HEAD:refs/heads/ticket/12%m=1.4.1 |
| </code></pre> |
| <h3 class="section" id='H16'><a href="#H16" class="sectionlink"><i class="icon-share-alt"> </i></a>Merging Patchsets</h3><p>The Gitblit web ui offers a merge button which will work for clean merges of a patchset to the integration branch.</p><p>There are complicated merge scenarios for which it may be best to merge using your Git client. There are several ways to do this, here is a safe merge strategy which pulls into a new branch and then fast-forwards your integration branch, assuming you were happy with the pull (merge).</p> |
| <pre><code>git pull origin master |
| git checkout -b ticket-{id} master |
| git pull origin ticket/{id} |
| git checkout master |
| git merge ticket-{id} |
| git push origin master |
| git branch -d ticket-{id} |
| </code></pre> |
| <h3 class="section" id='H17'><a href="#H17" class="sectionlink"><i class="icon-share-alt"> </i></a>Closing Tickets on Push with a Completely New Patchset</h3><p>Gitblit will look for patchset references on pushes to normal branches. If it finds a reference (like would be found in the previous merge instructions), the ticket is resolved as merged and everyone is notified.</p><p>If you do not need to create a patchset for review, you can just push a commit to the integration branch that contains <code>fixes #1</code> or <code>closes #1</code> in the commit message. Gitblit will identify the ticket, create a new patchset with that commit as the tip, and resolve the ticket as merged. (And if the integration branch is not specified in the ticket - this is the case for a ticket without any existing patchsets - Gitblit will resolve the ticket as merged to the pushed branch).</p> |
| <h3 class="section" id='H18'><a href="#H18" class="sectionlink"><i class="icon-share-alt"> </i></a>Reopening Tickets with Patchsets</h3><p>Gitblit allows you to reopen a Ticket with a merged patchset. Since Gitblit allows patchset rewrites and versions patchsets, this seems like a logical capability. There is no need to create another ticket for a feature request or bug report if the merged commits did not actually resolve the ticket.</p><p>This allows you to continue the discussion and create a new patchset that hopefully resolves the need.</p><p><strong>NOTE:</strong> There is one caveat to this feature. You can not push patchsets to a closed ticket; Gitblit will reject the push. You must first reopen the ticket through the web ui before you may push your patchset update or new patchset.</p> |
| <h3 class="section" id='H19'><a href="#H19" class="sectionlink"><i class="icon-share-alt"> </i></a>Reviews</h3><p>Gitblit includes a very simple patchset scoring mechanism. Gitblit is not code-review system, but for those who have simple needs, this may suffice.</p> |
| <ul> |
| <li>+2, approved: patchset can be merged</li> |
| <li>+1, looks good: someone else must approve for merge</li> |
| <li>-1, needs improvement: please do not merge</li> |
| <li>-2, vetoed: patchset may not be merged</li> |
| </ul><p>Only users with write (RW) permissions to the repository can give a +2 and -2 score. All other users are allowed to score +/-1. If the repository is configured to <em>require approval</em> then then +2 score has an important meaning. The merge button will only be shown if there is at least one +2 score and no -2 scores. If there is a -2 score, the merge is blocked by the web ui. Users with RW permissions, however, can still manually merge and push the patchset to the integration branch; Gitblit does not enforce vetoed patchsets on push.</p> |
| <h4 class="section" id='H20'><a href="#H20" class="sectionlink"><i class="icon-share-alt"> </i></a>Reviews and Updated or Rewritten Patchsets</h4><p>If the patchset is updated or rewritten, all former review scores are ignored; review scores apply to specific revisions of patchsets - they are not blanket approvals/disapprovals. |
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