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<li><a href=''>Gitblit GO (Linux/OSX)</a></li>
<li><a href=''>Gitblit WAR</a></li>
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<li><a href=''>Gitblit GO (Docker)</a></li>
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<li><a href=''>Gitblit Manager</a></li>
<li><a href=''>Federation Client</a></li>
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<li><a href=''>API Library</a></li>
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<li><a href=''>Bintray (1.4.0+)</a></li>
<li><a href=''>GoogleCode (pre-1.4.0)</a></li>
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<li><a href=''>Gitblit Tickets screencast</a></li>
<li><a href=''>Gitblit SSH and Plugin Management asciicast</a></li>
<li><a href=''>GitMinutes #29: James Moger on Gitblit</a></li>
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<b>Current Release 1.8.0 (2016-06-22)</b><br/><a href="releasenotes.html">release notes</a>
<div style="padding:5px;"><a style="width:175px;text-decoration:none;" class="btn btn-success" href="">Download Gitblit GO (Windows)</a></div>
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<div style="padding:5px;"><a style="width:175px;text-decoration:none;" class="btn btn-danger" href="">Download Gitblit WAR</a></div>
<div style="padding:5px;"><a style="width:175px;text-decoration:none;" class="btn btn-primary" href="">Download Gitblit Manager</a></div>
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<tr><th>License</th><td><a href="">Apache License 2.0</a></td></tr>
<tr><th>Sources</th><td><a href="">GitHub</a></td></tr>
<tr><th>Issues</th><td><a href="">GitHub</a></td></tr>
<tr><th>Discussion</th><td><a href="">Gitblit Group</a></td></tr>
<tr><th>Ohloh</th><td><a target="_top" href=""><img border="0" width="100" height="16" src="" alt="Ohloh project report for Gitblit" /></a></td></tr>
<h2 id='H1'>What is Gitblit?</h2><p>Gitblit is an open-source, pure Java stack for managing, viewing, and serving <a href="" title="Official Git Site">Git</a> repositories.<br/>It's designed primarily as a tool for small workgroups who want to host centralized repositories.</p>
<h3 id='H2'>GO: Single-Stack Solution</h3><p><em>Gitblit GO</em> is an integrated, single-stack solution based on Jetty.</p><p>You do not need Apache httpd, Perl, Git, or Gitweb. Should you want to use some or all of those, you still can; Gitblit plays nice with the other kids on the block.</p><p>This is what you should download if you want to go from zero to Git in less than 5 mins.</p>
<h3 id='H3'>WAR: For Your Servlet Container</h3><p><em>Gitblit WAR</em> is what you should download if you already have a servlet container available that you wish to use. Jetty 6/7/8 and Tomcat 6/7 are known to work. Generally, any Servlet 2.5 or Servlet 3.0 container should work.</p>
<h3 id='H4'>You decide how to use Gitblit</h3><p>Gitblit can be used as a dumb repository viewer with no administrative controls or user accounts.<br/>Gitblit can be used as a complete Git stack for cloning, pushing, and repository access control.<br/>Gitblit can be used without any other Git tooling (including actual Git) or it can cooperate with your established tools.</p>
<h3 id='H5'>All Transports</h3><p>The SSH, HTTP, &amp; GIT protocols are supported and ready-to-go out of the box.</p>
<h3 id='H6'>Issue tracking with branch-based pull requests</h3><p>Gitblit blends elements of GitHub, BitBucket, and Gerrit to provide a streamlined collaboration workflow based on branches within the primary repository.</p>
<h3 id='H7'>Easy Remote Management</h3><p>Administrators can create and manage all repositories, user accounts, and teams from the <em>Web UI</em>.<br/>Administrators can create and manage all repositories, user accounts, and teams from the <em>JSON RPC interface</em> using the <a href="">Gitblit Manager</a> or your own custom tooling.<br/>Administrators can create and manage all repositories, user accounts, and teams from the <em>command-line</em> using SSH &amp; the <a href="">Powertools plugin</a>.</p>
<h3 id='H8'>Integration with Your Infrastructure</h3>
<li>Extendable by plugins</li>
<li>Groovy push hook scripts</li>
<li>Pluggable user service mechanism
<li>LDAP authentication with optional LDAP-controlled Team memberships</li>
<li>Redmine authentication</li>
<li> authentication</li>
<li>Windows authentication</li>
<li>PAM authentication</li>
<li>Custom authentication, authorization, and user management</li>
<li>Rich RSS feeds</li>
<li>JSON-based RPC mechanism</li>
<li>Java Client RSS/JSON API library for custom integration</li>
<h3 id='H9'>Backup Strategy</h3><p>Gitblit includes a backup mechanism (*federation*) which can be used to backup repositories and, optionally, user accounts, team definitions, server settings, &amp; Groovy push hook scripts from your Gitblit instance to another Gitblit instance or to a <a href="">Gitblit Federation Client</a>. Similarly, you can use the federation mechanism to aggregate individual workspace Gitblit instances to a common, centralized server.</p>
<h3 id='H10'>Java Runtime Requirement</h3><p>Gitblit requires a Java 7 Runtime Environment (JRE) or a Java 7 Development Kit (JDK).
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<footer class="footer"><p class="pull-right">generated 2016-06-22</p>
<p>The content of this page is licensed under the <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License</a>.</p>
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