blob: ce0958c367a8a02aee6503a64f4c98a6cb4abdc0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.gitblit.transport.ssh.commands;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.Argument;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.Option;
import ro.fortsoft.pf4j.ExtensionPoint;
import ro.fortsoft.pf4j.PluginDependency;
import ro.fortsoft.pf4j.PluginDescriptor;
import ro.fortsoft.pf4j.PluginState;
import ro.fortsoft.pf4j.PluginWrapper;
import ro.fortsoft.pf4j.Version;
import com.gitblit.manager.IGitblit;
import com.gitblit.models.PluginRegistry.InstallState;
import com.gitblit.models.PluginRegistry.PluginRegistration;
import com.gitblit.models.PluginRegistry.PluginRelease;
import com.gitblit.utils.FlipTable;
import com.gitblit.utils.FlipTable.Borders;
import com.gitblit.utils.StringUtils;
* The plugin dispatcher and commands for runtime plugin management.
* @author James Moger
@CommandMetaData(name = "plugin", description = "Plugin management commands", admin = true)
public class PluginDispatcher extends DispatchCommand {
protected void setup() {
@CommandMetaData(name = "list", aliases = { "ls" }, description = "List plugins")
public static class ListPlugins extends ListCommand<PluginWrapper> {
protected List<PluginWrapper> getItems() throws UnloggedFailure {
IGitblit gitblit = getContext().getGitblit();
List<PluginWrapper> list = gitblit.getPlugins();
return list;
protected void asTable(List<PluginWrapper> list) {
String[] headers;
if (verbose) {
String [] h = { "#", "Id", "Description", "Version", "Requires", "State", "Path" };
headers = h;
} else {
String [] h = { "#", "Id", "Version", "State", "Path"};
headers = h;
Object[][] data = new Object[list.size()][];
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
PluginWrapper p = list.get(i);
PluginDescriptor d = p.getDescriptor();
if (verbose) {
data[i] = new Object[] { "" + (i + 1), d.getPluginId(), d.getPluginDescription(), d.getVersion(), d.getRequires(), p.getPluginState(), p.getPluginPath() };
} else {
data[i] = new Object[] { "" + (i + 1), d.getPluginId(), d.getVersion(), p.getPluginState(), p.getPluginPath() };
stdout.println(FlipTable.of(headers, data, Borders.BODY_HCOLS));
protected void asTabbed(List<PluginWrapper> list) {
for (PluginWrapper pw : list) {
PluginDescriptor d = pw.getDescriptor();
if (verbose) {
outTabbed(d.getPluginId(), d.getPluginDescription(), d.getVersion(), d.getRequires(), pw.getPluginState(), pw.getPluginPath());
} else {
outTabbed(d.getPluginId(), d.getVersion(), pw.getPluginState(), pw.getPluginPath());
static abstract class PluginCommand extends SshCommand {
protected PluginWrapper getPlugin(String id) throws Failure {
IGitblit gitblit = getContext().getGitblit();
PluginWrapper pluginWrapper = null;
try {
int index = Integer.parseInt(id);
List<PluginWrapper> plugins = gitblit.getPlugins();
if (index > plugins.size()) {
throw new UnloggedFailure(1, "Invalid plugin index specified!");
pluginWrapper = plugins.get(index - 1);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
pluginWrapper = gitblit.getPlugin(id);
if (pluginWrapper == null) {
PluginRegistration reg = gitblit.lookupPlugin(id);
if (reg == null) {
throw new UnloggedFailure("Invalid plugin specified!");
pluginWrapper = gitblit.getPlugin(;
return pluginWrapper;
@CommandMetaData(name = "start", description = "Start a plugin")
public static class StartPlugin extends PluginCommand {
@Argument(index = 0, required = true, metaVar = "ALL|<ID>|<INDEX>", usage = "the plugin to start")
protected String id;
public void run() throws Failure {
IGitblit gitblit = getContext().getGitblit();
if (id.equalsIgnoreCase("ALL")) {
stdout.println("All plugins started");
} else {
PluginWrapper pluginWrapper = getPlugin(id);
if (pluginWrapper == null) {
throw new UnloggedFailure(String.format("Plugin %s is not installed!", id));
PluginState state = gitblit.startPlugin(pluginWrapper.getPluginId());
if (PluginState.STARTED.equals(state)) {
stdout.println(String.format("Started %s", pluginWrapper.getPluginId()));
} else {
throw new UnloggedFailure(1, String.format("Failed to start %s", pluginWrapper.getPluginId()));
@CommandMetaData(name = "stop", description = "Stop a plugin")
public static class StopPlugin extends PluginCommand {
@Argument(index = 0, required = true, metaVar = "ALL|<ID>|<INDEX>", usage = "the plugin to stop")
protected String id;
public void run() throws Failure {
IGitblit gitblit = getContext().getGitblit();
if (id.equalsIgnoreCase("ALL")) {
stdout.println("All plugins stopped");
} else {
PluginWrapper pluginWrapper = getPlugin(id);
if (pluginWrapper == null) {
throw new UnloggedFailure(String.format("Plugin %s is not installed!", id));
PluginState state = gitblit.stopPlugin(pluginWrapper.getPluginId());
if (PluginState.STOPPED.equals(state)) {
stdout.println(String.format("Stopped %s", pluginWrapper.getPluginId()));
} else {
throw new UnloggedFailure(1, String.format("Failed to stop %s", pluginWrapper.getPluginId()));
@CommandMetaData(name = "enable", description = "Enable a plugin")
public static class EnablePlugin extends PluginCommand {
@Argument(index = 0, required = true, metaVar = "<ID>|<INDEX>", usage = "the plugin to enable")
protected String id;
public void run() throws Failure {
IGitblit gitblit = getContext().getGitblit();
PluginWrapper pluginWrapper = getPlugin(id);
if (pluginWrapper == null) {
throw new UnloggedFailure("Invalid plugin specified!");
if (gitblit.enablePlugin(pluginWrapper.getPluginId())) {
stdout.println(String.format("Enabled %s", pluginWrapper.getPluginId()));
} else {
throw new UnloggedFailure(1, String.format("Failed to enable %s", pluginWrapper.getPluginId()));
@CommandMetaData(name = "disable", description = "Disable a plugin")
public static class DisablePlugin extends PluginCommand {
@Argument(index = 0, required = true, metaVar = "<ID>|<INDEX>", usage = "the plugin to disable")
protected String id;
public void run() throws Failure {
IGitblit gitblit = getContext().getGitblit();
PluginWrapper pluginWrapper = getPlugin(id);
if (pluginWrapper == null) {
throw new UnloggedFailure("Invalid plugin specified!");
if (gitblit.disablePlugin(pluginWrapper.getPluginId())) {
stdout.println(String.format("Disabled %s", pluginWrapper.getPluginId()));
} else {
throw new UnloggedFailure(1, String.format("Failed to disable %s", pluginWrapper.getPluginId()));
@CommandMetaData(name = "show", description = "Show the details of a plugin")
public static class ShowPlugin extends PluginCommand {
@Argument(index = 0, required = true, metaVar = "<ID>|<INDEX>", usage = "the plugin to show")
protected String id;
public void run() throws Failure {
IGitblit gitblit = getContext().getGitblit();
PluginWrapper pw = getPlugin(id);
if (pw == null) {
PluginRegistration registration = gitblit.lookupPlugin(id);
if (registration == null) {
throw new Failure(1, String.format("Unknown plugin %s", id));
} else {
protected String buildFieldTable(PluginWrapper pw, PluginRegistration reg) {
Version system = getContext().getGitblit().getSystemVersion();
PluginRelease current = reg == null ? null : reg.getCurrentRelease(system);
if (current == null) {
current = new PluginRelease();
current.version = "";
current.requires = "";
final String id = pw == null ? : pw.getPluginId();
final String description = reg == null ? pw.getDescriptor().getPluginDescription() : reg.description;
final String version = pw == null ? current.version : pw.getDescriptor().getVersion().toString();
final String requires = pw == null ? current.requires : pw.getDescriptor().getRequires().toString();
final String provider = pw == null ? reg.provider : pw.getDescriptor().getProvider();
final String registry = reg == null ? "" : reg.registry;
final String path = pw == null ? "" : pw.getPluginPath();
final String projectUrl = reg == null ? "" : reg.projectUrl;
final String state;
if (pw == null) {
// plugin could be installed
state = InstallState.NOT_INSTALLED.toString();
} else if (reg == null) {
// unregistered, installed plugin
state = Joiner.on(", ").join(InstallState.INSTALLED, pw.getPluginState());
} else {
// registered, installed plugin
state = Joiner.on(", ").join(reg.getInstallState(system), pw.getPluginState());
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("ID : ").append(id).append('\n');
sb.append("Version : ").append(version).append('\n');
sb.append("Requires : ").append(requires).append('\n');
sb.append("State : ").append(state).append('\n');
sb.append("Path : ").append(path).append('\n');
sb.append("Description : ").append(description).append('\n');
sb.append("Provider : ").append(provider).append('\n');
sb.append("Project URL : ").append(projectUrl).append('\n');
sb.append("Registry : ").append(registry).append('\n');
return sb.toString();
protected String buildReleaseTable(PluginRegistration reg) {
List<PluginRelease> releases = reg.releases;
String releaseTable;
if (releases.isEmpty()) {
releaseTable = FlipTable.EMPTY;
} else {
String[] headers = { "Version", "Date", "Requires" };
Object[][] data = new Object[releases.size()][];
for (int i = 0; i < releases.size(); i++) {
PluginRelease release = releases.get(i);
data[i] = new Object[] { (release.version.equals(reg.installedRelease) ? ">" : " ") + release.version,, release.requires };
releaseTable = FlipTable.of(headers, data, Borders.COLS);
return releaseTable;
* Show an uninstalled plugin.
* @param reg
protected void show(PluginRegistration reg) {
final String fields = buildFieldTable(null, reg);
final String releases = buildReleaseTable(reg);
String[] headers = { };
Object[][] data = new Object[3][];
data[0] = new Object[] { fields };
data[1] = new Object[] { "RELEASES" };
data[2] = new Object[] { releases };
stdout.println(FlipTable.of(headers, data));
* Show an installed plugin.
* @param pw
protected void show(PluginWrapper pw) {
IGitblit gitblit = getContext().getGitblit();
PluginRegistration reg = gitblit.lookupPlugin(pw.getPluginId());
final String fields = buildFieldTable(pw, reg);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
List<Class<?>> exts = gitblit.getExtensionClasses(pw.getPluginId());
String extensions;
if (exts.isEmpty()) {
extensions = FlipTable.EMPTY;
} else {
StringBuilder description = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < exts.size(); i++) {
Class<?> ext = exts.get(i);
if (ext.isAnnotationPresent(CommandMetaData.class)) {
CommandMetaData meta = ext.getAnnotation(CommandMetaData.class);
if (meta.description().length() > 0) {
description.append(": ").append(meta.description());
description.append(ext.getName()).append("\n â”” ");
extensions = description.toString();
List<PluginDependency> deps = pw.getDescriptor().getDependencies();
String dependencies;
if (deps.isEmpty()) {
dependencies = FlipTable.EMPTY;
} else {
String[] headers = { "Id", "Version" };
Object[][] data = new Object[deps.size()][];
for (int i = 0; i < deps.size(); i++) {
PluginDependency dep = deps.get(i);
data[i] = new Object[] { dep.getPluginId(), dep.getPluginVersion() };
dependencies = FlipTable.of(headers, data, Borders.COLS);
String releases;
if (reg == null) {
releases = FlipTable.EMPTY;
} else {
releases = buildReleaseTable(reg);
String[] headers = { pw.getPluginId() };
Object[][] data = new Object[7][];
data[0] = new Object[] { fields };
data[1] = new Object[] { "EXTENSIONS" };
data[2] = new Object[] { extensions };
data[3] = new Object[] { "DEPENDENCIES" };
data[4] = new Object[] { dependencies };
data[5] = new Object[] { "RELEASES" };
data[6] = new Object[] { releases };
stdout.println(FlipTable.of(headers, data));
/* Find the ExtensionPoint */
protected Class<?> getExtensionPoint(Class<?> clazz) {
Class<?> superClass = clazz.getSuperclass();
if (ExtensionPoint.class.isAssignableFrom(superClass)) {
return superClass;
return getExtensionPoint(superClass);
@CommandMetaData(name = "refresh", description = "Refresh the plugin registry data")
public static class RefreshPlugins extends SshCommand {
@Option(name = "--noverify", usage = "Disable checksum verification")
private boolean disableChecksum;
public void run() throws Failure {
IGitblit gitblit = getContext().getGitblit();
@CommandMetaData(name = "available", description = "List the available plugins")
public static class AvailablePlugins extends ListFilterCommand<PluginRegistration> {
@Option(name = "--refresh", aliases = { "-r" }, usage = "refresh the plugin registry")
protected boolean refresh;
@Option(name = "--updates", aliases = { "-u" }, usage = "show available updates")
protected boolean updates;
@Option(name = "--noverify", usage = "Disable checksum verification")
private boolean disableChecksum;
protected List<PluginRegistration> getItems() throws UnloggedFailure {
IGitblit gitblit = getContext().getGitblit();
if (refresh) {
List<PluginRegistration> list;
if (updates) {
list = gitblit.getRegisteredPlugins(InstallState.UPDATE_AVAILABLE);
} else {
list = gitblit.getRegisteredPlugins();
return list;
protected boolean matches(String filter, PluginRegistration t) {
return || (t.description != null && t.description.matches(filter));
protected void asTable(List<PluginRegistration> list) {
String[] headers;
if (verbose) {
String [] h = { "Id", "Description", "Installed", "Current", "Requires", "State", "Registry" };
headers = h;
} else {
String [] h = { "Id", "Installed", "Current", "Requires", "State" };
headers = h;
Version system = getContext().getGitblit().getSystemVersion();
Object[][] data = new Object[list.size()][];
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
PluginRegistration p = list.get(i);
PluginRelease curr = p.getCurrentRelease(system);
if (curr == null) {
curr = new PluginRelease();
if (verbose) {
data[i] = new Object[] {, p.description, p.installedRelease, curr.version, curr.requires, p.getInstallState(system), p.registry};
} else {
data[i] = new Object[] {, p.installedRelease, curr.version, curr.requires, p.getInstallState(system)};
stdout.println(FlipTable.of(headers, data, Borders.BODY_HCOLS));
protected void asTabbed(List<PluginRegistration> list) {
Version system = getContext().getGitblit().getSystemVersion();
for (PluginRegistration p : list) {
PluginRelease curr = p.getCurrentRelease(system);
if (curr == null) {
curr = new PluginRelease();
if (verbose) {
outTabbed(, p.description, p.installedRelease, curr.version, curr.requires, p.getInstallState(system), p.provider, p.registry);
} else {
outTabbed(, p.installedRelease, curr.version, curr.requires, p.getInstallState(system));
@CommandMetaData(name = "install", description = "Download and installs a plugin")
public static class InstallPlugin extends SshCommand {
@Argument(index = 0, required = true, metaVar = "<URL>|<ID>", usage = "the id or the url of the plugin to download and install")
protected String urlOrId;
@Option(name = "--version", usage = "The specific version to install")
private String version;
@Option(name = "--noverify", usage = "Disable checksum verification")
private boolean disableChecksum;
public void run() throws Failure {
IGitblit gitblit = getContext().getGitblit();
try {
String ulc = urlOrId.toLowerCase();
if (ulc.startsWith("http://") || ulc.startsWith("https://")) {
if (gitblit.installPlugin(urlOrId, !disableChecksum)) {
stdout.println(String.format("Installed %s", urlOrId));
} else {
throw new UnloggedFailure(1, String.format("Failed to install %s", urlOrId));
} else {
PluginRelease pr = gitblit.lookupRelease(urlOrId, version);
if (pr == null) {
throw new UnloggedFailure(1, String.format("Plugin \"%s\" is not in the registry!", urlOrId));
// enforce minimum system requirement
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(pr.requires)) {
Version requires = Version.createVersion(pr.requires);
Version system = gitblit.getSystemVersion();
boolean isValid = system.isZero() || system.atLeast(requires);
if (!isValid) {
String msg = String.format("Plugin \"%s:%s\" requires Gitblit %s",
urlOrId, pr.version, pr.requires);
throw new UnloggedFailure(1, msg);
if (gitblit.installPlugin(pr.url, !disableChecksum)) {
stdout.println(String.format("Installed %s", urlOrId));
} else {
throw new UnloggedFailure(1, String.format("Failed to install %s", urlOrId));
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Failed to install " + urlOrId, e);
throw new UnloggedFailure(1, String.format("Failed to install %s", urlOrId), e);
@CommandMetaData(name = "upgrade", description = "Upgrade a plugin")
public static class UpgradePlugin extends PluginCommand {
@Argument(index = 0, required = true, metaVar = "<ID>|<INDEX>", usage = "the plugin to upgrade")
protected String id;
@Option(name = "--version", usage = "The specific version to install")
private String version;
@Option(name = "--noverify", usage = "Disable checksum verification")
private boolean disableChecksum;
public void run() throws Failure {
IGitblit gitblit = getContext().getGitblit();
PluginWrapper pluginWrapper = getPlugin(id);
if (pluginWrapper == null) {
throw new UnloggedFailure("Invalid plugin specified!");
PluginRelease pr = gitblit.lookupRelease(pluginWrapper.getPluginId(), version);
if (pr == null) {
throw new UnloggedFailure(1, String.format("Plugin \"%s\" is not in the registry!", pluginWrapper.getPluginId()));
// enforce minimum system requirement
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(pr.requires)) {
Version requires = Version.createVersion(pr.requires);
Version system = gitblit.getSystemVersion();
boolean isValid = system.isZero() || system.atLeast(requires);
if (!isValid) {
throw new Failure(1, String.format("Plugin \"%s:%s\" requires Gitblit %s",
pluginWrapper.getPluginId(), pr.version, pr.requires));
try {
if (gitblit.upgradePlugin(pluginWrapper.getPluginId(), pr.url, !disableChecksum)) {
stdout.println(String.format("Upgraded %s", pluginWrapper.getPluginId()));
} else {
throw new UnloggedFailure(1, String.format("Failed to upgrade %s", pluginWrapper.getPluginId()));
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Failed to upgrade " + pluginWrapper.getPluginId(), e);
throw new UnloggedFailure(1, String.format("Failed to upgrade %s", pluginWrapper.getPluginId()), e);
@CommandMetaData(name = "uninstall", aliases = { "rm", "del" }, description = "Uninstall a plugin")
public static class UninstallPlugin extends PluginCommand {
@Argument(index = 0, required = true, metaVar = "<ID>|<INDEX>", usage = "the plugin to uninstall")
protected String id;
public void run() throws Failure {
IGitblit gitblit = getContext().getGitblit();
PluginWrapper pluginWrapper = getPlugin(id);
if (pluginWrapper == null) {
throw new UnloggedFailure(String.format("Plugin %s is not installed!", id));
if (gitblit.uninstallPlugin(pluginWrapper.getPluginId())) {
stdout.println(String.format("Uninstalled %s", pluginWrapper.getPluginId()));
} else {
throw new UnloggedFailure(1, String.format("Failed to uninstall %s", pluginWrapper.getPluginId()));