blob: a3963f502c4e6e3cfc2944a258a8b721f73a41f4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.gitblit.utils;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.gitblit.models.RefModel;
import com.gitblit.models.RepositoryCommit;
* Caches repository commits for re-use in the dashboard and activity pages.
* @author James Moger
public class CommitCache {
private static final CommitCache instance;
protected final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
protected final Map<String, ObjectCache<List<RepositoryCommit>>> cache;
protected int cacheDays = -1;
public static CommitCache instance() {
return instance;
static {
instance = new CommitCache();
protected CommitCache() {
cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ObjectCache<List<RepositoryCommit>>>();
* Returns the cutoff date for the cache. Commits after this date are cached.
* Commits before this date are not cached.
* @return
public Date getCutoffDate() {
final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
cal.add(Calendar.DATE, -1*cacheDays);
return cal.getTime();
* Sets the number of days to cache.
* @param days
public synchronized void setCacheDays(int days) {
this.cacheDays = days;
* Clears the entire commit cache.
public void clear() {
* Clears the commit cache for a specific repository.
* @param repositoryName
public void clear(String repositoryName) {
String repoKey = repositoryName.toLowerCase();
ObjectCache<List<RepositoryCommit>> repoCache = cache.remove(repoKey);
if (repoCache != null) {"{0} commit cache cleared", repositoryName));
* Clears the commit cache for a specific branch of a specific repository.
* @param repositoryName
* @param branch
public void clear(String repositoryName, String branch) {
String repoKey = repositoryName.toLowerCase();
ObjectCache<List<RepositoryCommit>> repoCache = cache.get(repoKey);
if (repoCache != null) {
List<RepositoryCommit> commits = repoCache.remove(branch.toLowerCase());
if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(commits)) {"{0}:{1} commit cache cleared", repositoryName, branch));
* Get all commits for the specified repository:branch that are in the cache.
* @param repositoryName
* @param repository
* @param branch
* @return a list of commits
public List<RepositoryCommit> getCommits(String repositoryName, Repository repository, String branch) {
return getCommits(repositoryName, repository, branch, getCutoffDate());
* Get all commits for the specified repository:branch since a specific date.
* These commits may be retrieved from the cache if the sinceDate is after
* the cacheCutoffDate.
* @param repositoryName
* @param repository
* @param branch
* @param sinceDate
* @return a list of commits
public List<RepositoryCommit> getCommits(String repositoryName, Repository repository, String branch, Date sinceDate) {
long start = System.nanoTime();
Date cacheCutoffDate = getCutoffDate();
List<RepositoryCommit> list;
if (cacheDays > 0 && (sinceDate.getTime() >= cacheCutoffDate.getTime())) {
// request fits within the cache window
String repoKey = repositoryName.toLowerCase();
if (!cache.containsKey(repoKey)) {
cache.put(repoKey, new ObjectCache<List<RepositoryCommit>>());
ObjectCache<List<RepositoryCommit>> repoCache = cache.get(repoKey);
String branchKey = branch.toLowerCase();
RevCommit tip = JGitUtils.getCommit(repository, branch);
Date tipDate = JGitUtils.getCommitDate(tip);
List<RepositoryCommit> commits;
if (!repoCache.hasCurrent(branchKey, tipDate)) {
commits = repoCache.getObject(branchKey);
if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(commits)) {
// we don't have any cached commits for this branch, reload
commits = get(repositoryName, repository, branch, cacheCutoffDate);
repoCache.updateObject(branchKey, tipDate, commits);
logger.debug(MessageFormat.format("parsed {0} commits from {1}:{2} since {3,date,yyyy-MM-dd} in {4} msecs",
commits.size(), repositoryName, branch, cacheCutoffDate, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - start)));
} else {
// incrementally update cache since the last cached commit
ObjectId sinceCommit = commits.get(0).getId();
List<RepositoryCommit> incremental = get(repositoryName, repository, branch, sinceCommit);"incrementally added {0} commits to cache for {1}:{2} in {3} msecs",
incremental.size(), repositoryName, branch, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - start)));
repoCache.updateObject(branchKey, tipDate, incremental);
commits = incremental;
} else {
// cache is current
commits = repoCache.getObject(branchKey);
// evict older commits outside the cache window
commits = reduce(commits, cacheCutoffDate);
// update cache
repoCache.updateObject(branchKey, tipDate, commits);
if (sinceDate.equals(cacheCutoffDate)) {
list = commits;
} else {
// reduce the commits to those since the specified date
list = reduce(commits, sinceDate);
logger.debug(MessageFormat.format("retrieved {0} commits from cache of {1}:{2} since {3,date,yyyy-MM-dd} in {4} msecs",
list.size(), repositoryName, branch, sinceDate, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - start)));
} else {
// not caching or request outside cache window
list = get(repositoryName, repository, branch, sinceDate);
logger.debug(MessageFormat.format("parsed {0} commits from {1}:{2} since {3,date,yyyy-MM-dd} in {4} msecs",
list.size(), repositoryName, branch, sinceDate, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - start)));
return list;
* Returns a list of commits for the specified repository branch.
* @param repositoryName
* @param repository
* @param branch
* @param sinceDate
* @return a list of commits
protected List<RepositoryCommit> get(String repositoryName, Repository repository, String branch, Date sinceDate) {
Map<ObjectId, List<RefModel>> allRefs = JGitUtils.getAllRefs(repository, false);
List<RepositoryCommit> commits = new ArrayList<RepositoryCommit>();
for (RevCommit commit : JGitUtils.getRevLog(repository, branch, sinceDate)) {
RepositoryCommit commitModel = new RepositoryCommit(repositoryName, branch, commit);
List<RefModel> commitRefs = allRefs.get(commitModel.getId());
return commits;
* Returns a list of commits for the specified repository branch since the specified commit.
* @param repositoryName
* @param repository
* @param branch
* @param sinceCommit
* @return a list of commits
protected List<RepositoryCommit> get(String repositoryName, Repository repository, String branch, ObjectId sinceCommit) {
Map<ObjectId, List<RefModel>> allRefs = JGitUtils.getAllRefs(repository, false);
List<RepositoryCommit> commits = new ArrayList<RepositoryCommit>();
for (RevCommit commit : JGitUtils.getRevLog(repository, sinceCommit.getName(), branch)) {
RepositoryCommit commitModel = new RepositoryCommit(repositoryName, branch, commit);
List<RefModel> commitRefs = allRefs.get(commitModel.getId());
return commits;
* Reduces the list of commits to those since the specified date.
* @param commits
* @param sinceDate
* @return a list of commits
protected List<RepositoryCommit> reduce(List<RepositoryCommit> commits, Date sinceDate) {
List<RepositoryCommit> filtered = new ArrayList<RepositoryCommit>();
for (RepositoryCommit commit : commits) {
if (commit.getCommitDate().compareTo(sinceDate) >= 0) {
return filtered;