blob: b5c25f17db17da8c16f4768805628bbae6b8ea60 [file] [log] [blame]
"name": "Git",
"title": "Git",
"description": "a fast, open-source, distributed VCS",
"legal": "released under the GPLv2 open source license",
"command": "git clone ${repoUrl}",
"productUrl": "",
"icon": "git-black_32x32.png",
"isActive": true
"name": "Barnum",
"title": "Barnum",
"description": "a command-line Git companion for Gitblit Tickets",
"legal": "released under the Apache 2.0 License",
"command": "pt clone ${repoUrl}",
"productUrl": "",
"transports": [ "ssh" ],
"icon": "barnum_32x32.png",
"isActive": false
"name": "SmartGit/Hg",
"title": "syntevo SmartGit/Hg\u2122",
"description": "a Git client for Windows, Mac, & Linux",
"legal": "\u00a9 2013 syntevo GmbH. All rights reserved.",
"cloneUrl": "smartgit://cloneRepo/${repoUrl}",
"productUrl": "",
"platforms": [ "windows", "macintosh", "linux" ],
"icon": "smartgithg_32x32.png",
"isActive": true
"name": "SourceTree",
"title": "Atlassian SourceTree\u2122",
"description": "a free Git client for Windows or Mac",
"legal": "\u00a9 2013 Atlassian. All rights reserved.",
"cloneUrl": "sourcetree://cloneRepo/${repoUrl}",
"productUrl": "",
"platforms": [ "windows", "macintosh" ],
"icon": "sourcetree_32x32.png",
"isActive": true
"name": "Tower",
"title": "fournova Tower\u2122",
"description": "a Git client for Mac",
"legal": "\u00a9 2013 fournova Software GmbH. All rights reserved.",
"cloneUrl": "gittower://openRepo/${repoUrl}",
"productUrl": "",
"platforms": [ "macintosh" ],
"icon": "tower_32x32.png",
"isActive": true
"name": "GitHub",
"title": "GitHub\u2122 for Mac",
"description": "a free Git client for Mac OS X",
"legal": "\u00a9 2013 GitHub. All rights reserved.",
"cloneUrl": "github-mac://openRepo/${repoUrl}",
"productUrl": "",
"transports": [ "http", "https" ],
"platforms": [ "macintosh" ],
"icon": "github_32x32.png",
"isActive": true
"name": "GitHub",
"title": "GitHub\u2122 for Windows",
"description": "a free Git client for Windows",
"legal": "\u00a9 2013 GitHub. All rights reserved.",
"cloneUrl": "github-windows://openRepo/${repoUrl}",
"productUrl": "",
"transports": [ "http", "https" ],
"platforms": [ "windows" ],
"icon": "github_32x32.png",
"isActive": true
"name": "SparkleShare",
"title": "SparkleShare\u2122",
"description": "an open source collaboration and sharing tool",
"legal": "released under the GPLv3 open source license",
"cloneUrl": "sparkleshare://addProject/${baseUrl}/sparkleshare/${username}@${repository}.xml",
"productUrl": "",
"transports": [ "ssh" ],
"platforms": [ "windows", "macintosh", "linux" ],
"icon": "sparkleshare_32x32.png",
"minimumPermission" : "RW+",
"isActive": false
"name": "TortoiseGit",
"title": "TortoiseGit",
"description": "Windows Shell Interface to Git",
"legal": "released under the GPLv2 open source license",
"cloneUrl": "tgit://clone/${repoUrl}",
"productUrl": "",
"platforms": [ "windows" ],
"icon": "tortoise32.png",
"isActive": true