blob: 2665b439b4a3005fce5831bdde989c989bf6b928 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.gitblit.manager;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import com.gitblit.models.TeamModel;
import com.gitblit.models.UserModel;
import com.gitblit.transport.ssh.SshKey;
public interface IAuthenticationManager extends IManager {
* Authenticate a user based on HTTP request parameters.
* Authentication by X509Certificate is tried first and then by cookie.
* @param httpRequest
* @return a user object or null
* @since 1.4.0
UserModel authenticate(HttpServletRequest httpRequest);
* Authenticate a user based on a ssh public key.
* @param username
* @param key
* @return a user object or null
* * @since 1.5.0
UserModel authenticate(String username, SshKey key);
* Authenticate a user based on HTTP request parameters.
* Authentication by X509Certificate, servlet container principal, cookie,
* and BASIC header.
* @param httpRequest
* @param requiresCertificate
* @return a user object or null
* @since 1.4.0
UserModel authenticate(HttpServletRequest httpRequest, boolean requiresCertificate);
* Authenticate a user based on a username and password.
* @see IUserService.authenticate(String, char[])
* @param username
* @param password
* @return a user object or null
* @since 1.4.0
UserModel authenticate(String username, char[] password);
* Returns the Gitlbit cookie in the request.
* @param request
* @return the Gitblit cookie for the request or null if not found
* @since 1.4.0
String getCookie(HttpServletRequest request);
* Sets a cookie for the specified user.
* @param response
* @param user
* @since 1.4.0
void setCookie(HttpServletResponse response, UserModel user);
* Logout a user.
* @param user
* @since 1.4.0
void logout(HttpServletResponse response, UserModel user);
* Does the user service support changes to credentials?
* @return true or false
* @since 1.4.0
boolean supportsCredentialChanges(UserModel user);
* Returns true if the user's display name can be changed.
* @param user
* @return true if the user service supports display name changes
* @since 1.4.0
boolean supportsDisplayNameChanges(UserModel user);
* Returns true if the user's email address can be changed.
* @param user
* @return true if the user service supports email address changes
* @since 1.4.0
boolean supportsEmailAddressChanges(UserModel user);
* Returns true if the user's team memberships can be changed.
* @param user
* @return true if the user service supports team membership changes
* @since 1.4.0
boolean supportsTeamMembershipChanges(UserModel user);
* Returns true if the team memberships can be changed.
* @param user
* @return true if the team memberships can be changed
* @since 1.4.0
boolean supportsTeamMembershipChanges(TeamModel team);