update-manpages: force use of active interp

Since the repo wrapper uses #!/usr/bin/python, use the python3 that
this wrapper is actively using.

Change-Id: I03d1e54418d18a504eec628e549b4cc233621c45
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/c/git-repo/+/345294
Reviewed-by: LaMont Jones <lamontjones@google.com>
Tested-by: Mike Frysinger <vapier@google.com>
diff --git a/release/update-manpages b/release/update-manpages
index ddbce0c..d619cf0 100755
--- a/release/update-manpages
+++ b/release/update-manpages
@@ -59,18 +59,26 @@
   version = RepoSourceVersion()
   cmdlist = [['help2man', '-N', '-n', f'repo {cmd} - manual page for repo {cmd}',
     '-S', f'repo {cmd}', '-m', 'Repo Manual', f'--version-string={version}',
-    '-o', MANDIR.joinpath(f'repo-{cmd}.1.tmp'), TOPDIR.joinpath('repo'),
+    '-o', MANDIR.joinpath(f'repo-{cmd}.1.tmp'), './repo',
     '-h', f'help {cmd}'] for cmd in subcmds.all_commands]
   cmdlist.append(['help2man', '-N', '-n', 'repository management tool built on top of git',
     '-S', 'repo', '-m', 'Repo Manual', f'--version-string={version}',
-    '-o', MANDIR.joinpath('repo.1.tmp'), TOPDIR.joinpath('repo'),
+    '-o', MANDIR.joinpath('repo.1.tmp'), './repo',
     '-h', '--help-all'])
   with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
-    repo_dir = Path(tempdir) / '.repo'
+    tempdir = Path(tempdir)
+    repo_dir = tempdir / '.repo'
     (repo_dir / 'repo').symlink_to(TOPDIR)
+    # Create a repo wrapper using the active Python executable.  We can't pass
+    # this directly to help2man as it's too simple, so insert it via shebang.
+    data = (TOPDIR / 'repo').read_text(encoding='utf-8')
+    tempbin = tempdir / 'repo'
+    tempbin.write_text(f'#!{sys.executable}\n' + data, encoding='utf-8')
+    tempbin.chmod(0o755)
     # Run all cmd in parallel, and wait for them to finish.
     with multiprocessing.Pool() as pool:
       pool.map(partial(worker, cwd=tempdir, check=True), cmdlist)