| load( |
| "@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:default_java_toolchain.bzl", |
| "JDK9_JVM_OPTS", |
| "default_java_toolchain", |
| ) |
| load("@rules_java//java:defs.bzl", "java_package_configuration") |
| |
| exports_files(["nongoogle.bzl"]) |
| |
| default_java_toolchain( |
| name = "error_prone_warnings_toolchain", |
| bootclasspath = ["@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:platformclasspath.jar"], |
| jvm_opts = JDK9_JVM_OPTS, |
| package_configuration = [ |
| ":error_prone", |
| ], |
| visibility = ["//visibility:public"], |
| ) |
| |
| # Error Prone errors enabled by default; see ../.bazelrc for how this is |
| # enabled. This warnings list is originally based on: |
| # https://github.com/bazelbuild/BUILD_file_generator/blob/master/tools/bazel_defs/java.bzl |
| # However, feel free to add any additional errors. Thus far they have all been pretty useful. |
| # TODO(davido): Enable ImmutableAnnotationChecker again when these issues are fixed: |
| # https://github.com/google/error-prone/issues/1348 |
| # https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/9378 |
| java_package_configuration( |
| name = "error_prone", |
| javacopts = [ |
| "-XepDisableWarningsInGeneratedCode", |
| "-Xep:AmbiguousMethodReference:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:AutoValueFinalMethods:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:BadAnnotationImplementation:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:BadComparable:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:BoxedPrimitiveConstructor:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:CannotMockFinalClass:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:ClassCanBeStatic:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:ClassNewInstance:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:DateFormatConstant:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:DefaultCharset:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:DoubleCheckedLocking:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:ElementsCountedInLoop:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:EqualsHashCode:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:EqualsIncompatibleType:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:ExpectedExceptionChecker:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:Finally:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:FloatingPointLiteralPrecision:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:FragmentInjection:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:FragmentNotInstantiable:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:FunctionalInterfaceClash:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:FutureReturnValueIgnored:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:GetClassOnEnum:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:ImmutableAnnotationChecker:OFF", |
| "-Xep:ImmutableEnumChecker:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:IncompatibleModifiers:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:InjectOnConstructorOfAbstractClass:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:InputStreamSlowMultibyteRead:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:IterableAndIterator:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:JUnit3FloatingPointComparisonWithoutDelta:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:JUnitAmbiguousTestClass:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:LiteralClassName:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:MissingCasesInEnumSwitch:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:MissingFail:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:MissingOverride:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:MutableConstantField:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:NarrowingCompoundAssignment:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:NonAtomicVolatileUpdate:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:NonOverridingEquals:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:NullableConstructor:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:NullablePrimitive:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:NullableVoid:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:OperatorPrecedence:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:OverridesGuiceInjectableMethod:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:PreconditionsInvalidPlaceholder:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:ProtoFieldPreconditionsCheckNotNull:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:ProtocolBufferOrdinal:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:ReferenceEquality:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:RequiredModifiers:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:ShortCircuitBoolean:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:SimpleDateFormatConstant:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:StaticGuardedByInstance:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:StringEquality:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:SynchronizeOnNonFinalField:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:TruthConstantAsserts:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:TypeParameterShadowing:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:TypeParameterUnusedInFormals:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:URLEqualsHashCode:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:UnusedException:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:UnsynchronizedOverridesSynchronized:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:WaitNotInLoop:ERROR", |
| "-Xep:WildcardImport:ERROR", |
| ], |
| packages = ["error_prone_packages"], |
| ) |
| |
| package_group( |
| name = "error_prone_packages", |
| packages = [ |
| "//java/...", |
| "//javatests/...", |
| "//plugins/codemirror-editor/...", |
| "//plugins/commit-message-length-validator/...", |
| "//plugins/delete-project/...", |
| "//plugins/download-commands/...", |
| "//plugins/gitiles/...", |
| "//plugins/hooks/...", |
| "//plugins/plugin-manager/...", |
| "//plugins/replication/...", |
| "//plugins/reviewnotes/...", |
| "//plugins/singleusergroup/...", |
| "//plugins/webhooks/...", |
| ], |
| ) |