blob: 83c28da644177c383169582e22bc1ca7ccebd0c9 [file] [log] [blame]
= Deploy Gerrit Artifacts
== Deploy Configuration settings for Maven Central
Gerrit Extension API Jar and the Gerrit Plugin API artifacts are stored on
Maven Central.
Prerequisites: Set up the Sonatype account (see link:[Sonatype
Maven Repository Usage Guide]) and put Sonatype user and password in
PGP key must be generated and published, see
To Generate PGP Signatures With Maven] for details. PGP passphrase can also be
put in ~/.m2/settings.xml:
It can also be included in the key chain on OS X.
Gerrit Subproject Artifacts are stored on
link:[Google Cloud Storage].
Via the link:[API Console] the
Gerrit maintainers have access to the `Gerrit Code Review` project.
This projects host several buckets for storing Gerrit artifacts:
* `gerrit-api`:
Bucket to store the Gerrit Extension API Jar and the Gerrit Plugin API
* `gerrit-maven`:
Bucket to store Gerrit Subproject Artifacts (e.g. `gwtjsonrpc` etc.).
== Deploy Configuration in Maven `settings.xml`
To upload artifacts to a bucket the user must authenticate with a
username and password. The username and password need to be retrieved
from the link:[API Console]:
* Go to the `Gerrit Code Review` project
* In the menu on the left select `Google Cloud Storage` >
`Interoperable Access`
* Use the `Access Key` as username
* Click under `Secret` on the `Show` button to find the password
To make the username and password known to Maven, they must be
configured in the `~/.m2/settings.xml` file.
<settings xmlns=""
=== Gerrit Subprojects
* You will need to have the following in the `pom.xml` to make it
deployable to the `gerrit-maven` storage bucket:
<name>Gerrit Maven Repository</name>
* Add this to the `pom.xml` to enable the wagon provider:
Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review]